Howdy Ya'll! It's Cleatus!! You figured I wasn't comin' 'round these parts much, but tha's where you be wrong! Cleatus is alive and well! Workin' and Schoolin' has really tried bendin' me o'er. I know now some of ya'll are gonna say, "Well Cleatus, I just seent you the other day! You been stickin' round like a starved mangy kit'en 'round some freshly laid out cream." Well, you's right! I still makin' my 'pperences 'ere and there, but not's much as I had in'ended. I figure' I'd just get somethin' in writin' for everyone, sayin' yeah, Cleatus is live and well! I ain't that big of a lovey dovey kinda mush ball, but I sure do 'ppreciate everyone who takes the time to says howdy! Much love ya'll! -Cleatus Woodridge    Â