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Business CEO and CFO


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I have read other suggestions on the forums about allowing more than one person to access the business funds and I wanted to put in my experience and 2 cents. My friend and I just purchased our first business in the city, and we are on different time zones with varying schedules of work. We also have different "crew" who work that correspond with the different time zones.  While I understand the value of not letting every member of the organization deposit money, I do think the system could still function reasonably with a CEO (who can deposit/withdraw/check transactions) and a CFO (who can deposit/check transactions only). The reason behind this is twofold.


From an RP perspective:

  • In a real organization, the CEO is more concerned with the business operationally. They want to expand and increase revenue. The CEO may spend more time finding new hires for the business or otherwise increasing profits through business deals. A CFO is more concerned with the money in and out of the business. They need to make sure the bills are paid, and there is a constant inflow of cash in so the company doesn't go bankrupt.


From a quality of life perspective:

  • Businesses aren't cheap, and I'm sure many people at least split it with a friend. If both friends are in the same timezone, I can understand it not being a major hindrance, but for people in different time zones with varying schedules of work, the management of the funds can become a bit hard to manage. Allowing a CEO and CFO enables people some flexibility in coverage in the organization. 


As it works now, I have several people that work with me on PST time in the city. After a hard nights work with my crew, I have a lot of money I need to give to the CEO on EST time. In theory, that process works on paper and adds RP value, but in practice, it can be challenging to align the schedules correctly so that the business doesn't lose funding. Say, for example, there is 500k in the business and myself and my night crew use a majority of that funding. I may have 1.5mil or more from my crew on me that I am unable to deposit. In turn, when the CEO comes into the city, there are meager funds. Now the CEO's RP is hindered, and they must grind money for the business, even though in reality, the business has made a ton of money. I think allowing two people to manage the funds effectively provides for a more "constant" business RP, almost like a night/day shift. I also believe it helps edge cases where the CEO might have to take a vacation from the city or be otherwise unavailable. In the real world, single points of failure are always mitigated to the best of the businesses ability.

Any feedback is welcome.

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