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Applications are Currently OPEN for the San Andreas Department of Justice.

The Entry level rank for the Department of Justice is Licensed Paralegal & you may apply for a District Attorney's Office OR Attorney Office position. 

Ensure your character does not have any felonies on record before applying. Police officers and DOC guard characters are not eligible for a bar license.

Put effort into your application answers and be truthful, be sure to copy the below format and fill in ALL sections properly and also please wait until you've been on the server playing for at least 2 weeks before applying. Failure to follow either may result in a waiting period of up to a month before reapplying.

There is a waiting period after submitting your application so we can observe your interactions with other players on the server. Not everyone will be accepted into the DOJ but do not get discouraged. In the future, we will have other opportunities for players with the DOJ itch!

Please be patient, and do not contact staff regarding the status of your application. Failure to follow this request may result in the denial of your application.

Failure to follow ALL instruction as they are laid out will result in denial of your application


Thread Title: (Character Name) - DOJ - (UserID)


Out of character Questions

Discord username (Example Bob#0001):



How much RP experience do you have?:

How many active characters will you play, including your Lawyer?:

Estimated time per week you expect to spend on DOJ RP and schedule of availability in EST time:

Describe the character you would play as in this role:

Server Rule and RP-Based Questions: 

Your responses should be 1 paragraph per question max. Where appropriate, you may respond using a combination of IC and OOC. Any OOC actions should be typed in italics to clearly distinguish them from your IC responses.

1. You are leaving the legal office after a long day of work. On your way to the car, a masked person approaches you and holds a gun up to you and demands that you put your hands up and hand over the keys to your car. How do you respond?

2. You are called to the cells to represent clients that robbed a Digiden and unsuccessfully fled. Upon arrival, they are being extremely toxic, yelling at officers and you, attempting to hit people through the bars and using language like "that cop vdm'd me". How do you respond?


In character Questions

These questions should be answered from the perspective of the character who will play your attorney.


Phone Number:

Have you previously applied for a position with the DOJ? If yes, then link your previous application(s):

Estimated time you expect to spend clocked in as a member of the DOJ per week and schedule of availability in EST time:

What Department are you applying for? (District Attorney's Office or Lawyer):

Why do you want to be a part of the Department of Justice?:

In your own words describe what you can bring to this role, and what makes you qualified to be a Lawyer:

Additional comments:

Edited by Nervecoil
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