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General Hunting Adjustments, additions, general thoughts


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I just wanted to share some general ideas that iv had regarding hunting.

I think bird hunting would be a great addition to Badlands RP. Shotgun bird hunting would add another element to being a hunter and would make for a viable hunter character. Bird hunting would also give players incentive to want to buy a boat as many birds are found on the water. 

Just a thought i figured I'd share from my time thus far on the server ?

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Hey! I totally +1 this, I actually made a suggestion in Feedback & Suggestions about laws and regulations for hunting if you'd like to take a look and if you have any suggestions for hunting or fishing maybe you can post them there as well! I would love to see more animals for people to hunt and having more things going on in the water would be great, maybe even some rarer species that act in similar ways to the mountain lion / coyote where you can get in trouble for hunting them but they're worth a lot more.


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I'm new but ~ Sharks and Sea Turtles? Whale hunting >.> Needing a tugboat for that. Illegal net fishing.

Also, I saw in the updates that food degenerates now. Was thinking of doing a hunting/fishing character. Maybe the fridge/freezer in the apartment (also in houses / businesses) could preserve food for a little longer? With limited space, of course.


Also: Maybe an overfishing thing like overhunting had?

Edited by smellslikebaka
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