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Fight for your right to fight!!

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I will start this off by saying I have no clue how to code, if this is possible. Or how to do it. But I suggest something simple with all these fights we have going on. 

A location/fighting arena to hold such fight nights legally. Inside this area, the fighters do what they do, and when someone gets to a certain percentage  they will then automatically put their hands up and go into the "hostage" stance. When this happens the fight should auto stop. And the health percentage should be enough so that the attacker can get at least 1 to 2 more hits for that in the heat of the moment extras. This is to prevent the downing of individuals in the event that we can't always have ems there to revive in between rounds. I feel this could open up for under ground fights, possibly a. Usiness idea for someone to own the ring and rent it out to the companies willing to use it. Or perhaps places like galaxy to have one inside their estaishment. Just a random idea I had. Look forward to hearing what everyone thinks!


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Sounds good, I was thinking about this before and maybe instead of being downed your just knocked unconcious. Getting back up after 60 seconds with low health. I think thats what they do in no pixel. Like you im unsure on how they implement it, but could be something to think about.

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Since this is a topic on fights and I haven't been to many foght nights. But are all the fight nights pretty much a tournament style fight? What if the promoters had specific fights between foyers thst would possibly promote an actual fight circuit? This could encourage the fact of ppl being professional fighters and have champions and such? Random thought I had while watching the movie warrior earlier lol. I feel thst could also add to the rp of anyone and bragging rights or even promote ppl to train at the gym!

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5 hours ago, George Doors said:

Yeah multiple rounds would be sick, rounds that lasted longer then 5-6 punches


This is just me spitballing more ideas, but with the current system, what if it was determined by rounds, and dice rolls? For instance, 3 total knock-downs. Then the round ends, you have judges for them as well thst have a score card they go off. When the player gets knocked down they do a diceroll to see if they got kod, the ref watches and if it's a ko. They call the fight, if not, they go to their corners, where medics treat them, or they smoke a joint or use ba dates, once at full health, they go back and repeat. After the rounds are over, the scores are read.

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We’ve been holding fights at the Galaxy night club, and are going to start promoting a title fight this weekend for “champion of the Galaxy”. I think a way to make fights last longer would be nice. Maybe something like the way we set up races? Use M menu for fight, invite people to fight. People invited to the fight session could receive less damage from punches, put a limit on the amount of punches thrown in the spam of 5 seconds to prevent spamming, and also disable jumping. I do think maybe a way to set up and take down a ring would be cool. Kind of like furniture, or maybe a business might get a ring installed somewhere? 

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