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Small Trucking Improvements


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I'm literally fuming right now and not having any fun. The trucking job needs to be removed and changed to Self Contractor. As a self contractor you're required to maintain loads and transport them to wherever the need to go but, hear me out. Instead of it just being all 'Press E to obtain load.' You arrive to somewhere like the docks, hook up to a trailer and with the new items you have to actually manage and do stuff that normal truckers have to do. Also to mention, the whole idea of this is to take a simple job like trucking and add a whole heap of complications to the point where it's no longer fun and is literally comparable to real life or doing a lot of bath salts.

New Items:
CDL ($10,000 USD, has endorsements which can be earned.)
Log Book (Issued by Company.)
Cargo Manifest (Issued by Company upon obtaining cargo.)

Anyways, the biggest new item is the Log Book. To obtain a Log Book one would need to take a CDL test and then obtain their CDL for $10,000 USD at the Licensing Center. Upon receiving their license, a driver would need to head to the RS Haul Distribution Center. The RS Haul Distribution Center would be completely NPC run, they would have to go and get a log book at the driver intake. Upon receiving the Log Book, a driver will have to go to the front desk and obtain a cargo manifest. The Cargo Manifest is pretty much a piece of paper that states where the cargo came from, where it is going, and what is inside, keep in mind that police has PC to just stop trucks and search them regardless if a crime was committed or not. The driver will then go to the yard and obtain the trailer. Within the Log Book, all of the trailers information must be logged. (Copied from Cargo Manifest.) After information is logged, all stops must be logged into the log book. So pretty much there would be four options to log the 'log book line' on. 'Off duty.' This is time where the driver is transiting to work or leaving from work without cargo. The whole 24 hours of the day must be logged.
'On duty - Driving.' This is time where the commercial vehicle is actually in motion and driving down roads.
'Sleeper.' Time where the driver is sleeping or AFK, IDK.
'On duty - Not Driving.' This is time where the driver is taking a break, fueling, or stopped for whatever reason.

A basic way to explain is that you just plot your day as you go. If a driver doesn't plot properly through the day and gets pulled over, they are punished by the police or their company if they just don't log at all. (Prevents grinding.)

New Company/Buildings:
RS Haul Distribution Center

CDL Requirements for San Andreas:
Minimum age of 18.
Have valid drivers license.

CDL Disqualifications for San Andreas:
Any vehicle + alcohol related crimes. - Lifetime
Hit and run. - Lifetime
Three serious traffic offenses. - 120 days (Reckless driving, speeding, etc.)
Railroad related charges. - 120 days
Using vehicle in commission of a felony. - Lifetime (Any felony involving a vehicle.)

So that's the log book. That's also a basic explanation to how a day would go as a driver. Whenever you bob a truck you are not getting paid or anything so it's important to actually work and not just use your truck off-duty since some new mechanics are planned. Whenever you repair a semi-truck or other commercial vehicle, it will be extremely expensive. $5000 to fully repair a semi-truck. To add onto this, fines are also going to be extremely high whenever operating commercial vehicles. Any charge within a commercial vehicle that is above an infraction has the chance for the drivers license to be revoked. (Revoked licenses are permanently revoked.) Anyone who has a revoked license cannot operate a commercial vehicle. That leads us to the charges police wise. A new certification COULD be implemented, a Commercial Enforcement Unit. These units will get badass pickups with special liveries and extra lights or whatever. IDK it's pretty much a useless certification like park ranger, it aims to provide roleplay rather than 'show me your ID.' Aside from that tangent, the charges will be really harsh thus encouraging drivers to drive really good and realistic. It should also be noted that these are not all of the charges, there will be a lot more but, as stated below, something like reckless driving can literally put a driver in the hole for a very long time.

Old charges for police:
I.e. "Reckless Driving - Commercial" "Fine: 25000 Jail: 20 Months License: Revoked. Vehicle: Three Month Impound." LICENSE MUST BE REVOKED.

New charges for police:
Operating a Commercial Vehicle without CDL. (CDL MUST BE PRESENT WITH DRIVER NO EXCEPTIONS.)
Operating a Commercial Vehicle with load without using Log Book
Falsifying Log Book information. (I.e. not logging proper hours into log book, drivers would only be allowed to drive for 11 hours, anything over is illegal UNLESS cattle are being hauled.)
Operating a Commercial Vehicle past 11 hour mark.
Altered Log Book (Used pencil on a log book)
Incorrect Gross Weight (Vehicle being overweight.)
Hauling cargo without proper endorsement. (Hauling hazmat/tankers without endorsements.)
Operating with dyed diesel.

Now for the best part, the PAY! Back in my early time Badlands time, a drive from the Jetsam Terminal to the Paleto Bay Clucking Bell Factory would net you about $9000 - $10,000 USD. Now, it nets you $4000 - $6000. With my changes, a similar drive would net you about $18,000 - $25,000. Some would still say that is unfair BUT, a GTA 5 day is 48 minutes long, so let's just say that 22 minutes is about 11 hours in real life. It takes ROUGLY 10 minutes to drive from the Jetsam Terminal to the Paleto Bay Clucking Bell Factory. A driver could do two drivers and make almost $40,000 USD. This would most likely become the best job because you could earn $40,000 USD in just 22 minutes. Judging by the climate of Badlands, a Sheriff Sergeant gets around $3500 USD per 22 minutes, a Burgershot employee gets like... two nickles and some fries or sumn per 22 minutes, a criminal can get $100,000 USD from a bank per 22 minutes. (Anything longer than 22 minutes for a criminal probably means they are not a good criminal.) What I'm trying to say is that it'd fit the climate in this shithole.

Alright so that's pretty much what I got right now, if you guys have anything you think you could add to this please reply and let me know what you think. I've got a lot of other ideas for it but, I don't want to put all of it here just yet.

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+1 to more depth and additional licensing, +1 to permanent seizure of license(if appealable through a lawyer, -1 if not), +1 to temporary seizure of license, -1 to 120 day(+1 to 24hr, 3 day, 1 week depending on severity of crime), +1 to higher commercial fines with higher pay, -1 to being searchable anytime(+1 to being searchable during any legal and legitimate traffic stop) 

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A lot of great Ideas. I feel like your idea of pay is a bit skewed though. Criminals are making 100k for 22 minutes of work because chain robbing is highly frowned upon they can't or shouldn't be continuously robbing banks or what have you. There is also the risk when robbing things of going to jail. The biggest thing to remember is this is an RP server and interaction should be rewarded. This is usually why criminal activities pay more because it creates roleplay and interactions. Unfortunately there is almost no interaction to trucking currently and I'm not sure how one could add interaction without a new police department. Creating a commercial enforcement unit which would basically be a new police department with how spread thin the cops seem to be would probably not work out well.

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9 hours ago, darncomputer said:

A lot of great Ideas. I feel like your idea of pay is a bit skewed though. Criminals are making 100k for 22 minutes of work because chain robbing is highly frowned upon they can't or shouldn't be continuously robbing banks or what have you. There is also the risk when robbing things of going to jail. The biggest thing to remember is this is an RP server and interaction should be rewarded. This is usually why criminal activities pay more because it creates roleplay and interactions. Unfortunately there is almost no interaction to trucking currently and I'm not sure how one could add interaction without a new police department. Creating a commercial enforcement unit which would basically be a new police department with how spread thin the cops seem to be would probably not work out well.

thats the entire point smartass... this makes trucking more realistic therefore makes people who actually care about doing the job do it. if you make things more complex you attract better roleplayers. right now if you go talk to any truck driver they are some of the most boring people to roleplay with, same for corn farmers or would have you. criminals are also not creating roleplay and interactions 24/6. (no roleplay on gods day) if you notice, criminals lower their RP standards to the point that when you catch them they usually just go "Awh man, I have to spend 30 minutes in jail now." honestly if we want to attract better roleplayers we need to make shit more harder. also IDK wtf ur talking about new department, commerical enforecement wouldnt even be a proper cert, it'd literally just be people who specifically want to roleplay a commercial enforcement police, these police would be nothing but reskinned cops. they would still ride in 4 seater cars so they would be useful, all they would be able to do is pull over semi trucks, search/check log books and manifests at will.

this fosters good rp because the entire POINT is to be interaction, imagine if people made a trucking company that actually delivered things to say, burgershot or that hot dog stand with the criminals. this also makes truck driver not "Press 'E' to begin load." as i have already said, when you simplify things you get primates that dont understand the concept of roleplay. 'roleplay' is to act out / perform a character, this is literally that.

in a perfect world i would imagine seeing 'truck driver' characters, old bitter men who couldnt go through college because they are lazy and fat. this creates a lot of interesting interaction because it'd be like that one hit movie convoy where the trucks attack the police and terrorize the general public. anyways i think im just rambling, my entire point is that you're wrong, shut up, L + RATIO and please let me know if you think there is anything else that i should add or fix cause i think you're just completely delusional and living in this twilight zone where you play yourself in a 10 year old car stealing game.

thx 4 reply xoxo

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On 12/11/2022 at 4:07 PM, Jon Heron said:

I have my CDL (Canadian version) IRL (although I've never worked as a trucker) and the OPs OG idea is relatively accurate to OOG - seems well thought out as far as the details, etc.  I'm too new to RP to have an opinion beyond that.

loosely based it off my IRL experience. truck driving is miserable

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I would love to see trucking become more fleshed out. I do feel it is important to remember it's also a game... where people come to have fun. I feel some of your points here could be simplified to where it doesn't make it so annoying it's not worth dealing with while also serving it's purpose of making things more involved and less less point A to B running.

As far as the log book idea. Never in my life would I want to do all that for a video game. Especially as someone who is known to run trucks for 7-8 hours a day, sometimes multiple days a week. If there was a log book, I would want it to be filled in automatically at the very least when you pick up and drop off a load.

When it comes to the breakdown of the truckers day. I feel like something could be implemented here as well. What if we had a way to clock in and out from inside our trucks. We can't pick up loads unless we are clocked in. While clocked in we have a time clock that counts down from 1 hour to 0 while the truck in turned on. After the truck hits 0 you have to stop and rest for 15 minutes in order to reset the timer. If you don't rest and are clocked in, the timer will count up from 0. If a cop pulls you over and you are working over your time limit then you can be punished for that. There can also be truck stop locations you can rest at to reduce the amount of time you need to rest. This could also be automatically logged in the books as well if a log book were added.

I like the idea about the CLD licenses. Having them be able to be suspended etc. I just wouldn't want to see them be taken away permanently unless it were for something super serious and can be appealed to get them back.

Being able to be stopped and searched anytime is a no from me. Being able to be stopped and have your time & equipment (truck & trailer) checked would be fine if it doesn't take too long and I don't get stopped constantly. I also feel like any normal police officer should be able to do this and not a special division, given how few cops there seems to be.

I like the current pay structure of $1k - $4k per load. I don't think there should be any major increase to pay. Though, I don't like where the $4k cap is currently at because some trips that are double where the cap distance is, still pays the same, so it makes those long trips not feel worth it. I would like to see those 8 mile trips be more worth it.

I also don't like the idea of repairs being super expensive. I have to get repairs multiple times a day without hitting anything just from wear on the engine. At that point I'd rather just decrease the pay than I would increase my costs to operate. 

Something else I will add is maybe instead of a circle drop off point you just have to be near. What if there was a rectangular box you actually had to line the trailer up in? This way you have to actually place a trailer in a spot using some time and skill. Though I don't want them to be super difficult to line up either.

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I really like the idea of a CDL. Trucking used to be an investment. You would spend alot of cash, up to $250,000 on a truck, spend about 6-9 hours making your money back and then the rest was profit. However once truck renting became a thing, that upset the whole econmics of trucking and made it far easier for people to just grind cash and alot of people did nothing but trucking for cash. Its not uncommon to talk to someone who has only done trucking as a job and never applied for any business on the server. Bringing trucking to a carreer field would be something cool to see. Those that want to RP as a trucker, and there are a few about, could really refine their RP stories, while those that are looking to make a quick buck could still do it, but hopefully get more RP out of it, rather than the odd plowing into people and saying sorry because they were doing 100 mph down a crowded street. CDLs need to have laws created that would allow infractions, misdemeanors, and even felonies during commercial driving. Even having a points sysetem against the license would be nice to have in order to seize it.

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On 12/9/2022 at 5:28 AM, cowey48 said:

I'm literally fuming right now and not having any fun. The trucking job needs to be removed and changed to Self Contractor. As a self contractor you're required to maintain loads and transport them to wherever the need to go but, hear me out. Instead of it just being all 'Press E to obtain load.' You arrive to somewhere like the docks, hook up to a trailer and with the new items you have to actually manage and do stuff that normal truckers have to do. Also to mention, the whole idea of this is to take a simple job like trucking and add a whole heap of complications to the point where it's no longer fun and is literally comparable to real life or doing a lot of bath salts.

New Items:
CDL ($10,000 USD, has endorsements which can be earned.)
Log Book (Issued by Company.)
Cargo Manifest (Issued by Company upon obtaining cargo.)

Anyways, the biggest new item is the Log Book. To obtain a Log Book one would need to take a CDL test and then obtain their CDL for $10,000 USD at the Licensing Center. Upon receiving their license, a driver would need to head to the RS Haul Distribution Center. The RS Haul Distribution Center would be completely NPC run, they would have to go and get a log book at the driver intake. Upon receiving the Log Book, a driver will have to go to the front desk and obtain a cargo manifest. The Cargo Manifest is pretty much a piece of paper that states where the cargo came from, where it is going, and what is inside, keep in mind that police has PC to just stop trucks and search them regardless if a crime was committed or not. The driver will then go to the yard and obtain the trailer. Within the Log Book, all of the trailers information must be logged. (Copied from Cargo Manifest.) After information is logged, all stops must be logged into the log book. So pretty much there would be four options to log the 'log book line' on. 'Off duty.' This is time where the driver is transiting to work or leaving from work without cargo. The whole 24 hours of the day must be logged.
'On duty - Driving.' This is time where the commercial vehicle is actually in motion and driving down roads.
'Sleeper.' Time where the driver is sleeping or AFK, IDK.
'On duty - Not Driving.' This is time where the driver is taking a break, fueling, or stopped for whatever reason.

A basic way to explain is that you just plot your day as you go. If a driver doesn't plot properly through the day and gets pulled over, they are punished by the police or their company if they just don't log at all. (Prevents grinding.)

New Company/Buildings:
RS Haul Distribution Center

CDL Requirements for San Andreas:
Minimum age of 18.
Have valid drivers license.

CDL Disqualifications for San Andreas:
Any vehicle + alcohol related crimes. - Lifetime
Hit and run. - Lifetime
Three serious traffic offenses. - 120 days (Reckless driving, speeding, etc.)
Railroad related charges. - 120 days
Using vehicle in commission of a felony. - Lifetime (Any felony involving a vehicle.)

So that's the log book. That's also a basic explanation to how a day would go as a driver. Whenever you bob a truck you are not getting paid or anything so it's important to actually work and not just use your truck off-duty since some new mechanics are planned. Whenever you repair a semi-truck or other commercial vehicle, it will be extremely expensive. $5000 to fully repair a semi-truck. To add onto this, fines are also going to be extremely high whenever operating commercial vehicles. Any charge within a commercial vehicle that is above an infraction has the chance for the drivers license to be revoked. (Revoked licenses are permanently revoked.) Anyone who has a revoked license cannot operate a commercial vehicle. That leads us to the charges police wise. A new certification COULD be implemented, a Commercial Enforcement Unit. These units will get badass pickups with special liveries and extra lights or whatever. IDK it's pretty much a useless certification like park ranger, it aims to provide roleplay rather than 'show me your ID.' Aside from that tangent, the charges will be really harsh thus encouraging drivers to drive really good and realistic. It should also be noted that these are not all of the charges, there will be a lot more but, as stated below, something like reckless driving can literally put a driver in the hole for a very long time.

Old charges for police:
I.e. "Reckless Driving - Commercial" "Fine: 25000 Jail: 20 Months License: Revoked. Vehicle: Three Month Impound." LICENSE MUST BE REVOKED.

New charges for police:
Operating a Commercial Vehicle without CDL. (CDL MUST BE PRESENT WITH DRIVER NO EXCEPTIONS.)
Operating a Commercial Vehicle with load without using Log Book
Falsifying Log Book information. (I.e. not logging proper hours into log book, drivers would only be allowed to drive for 11 hours, anything over is illegal UNLESS cattle are being hauled.)
Operating a Commercial Vehicle past 11 hour mark.
Altered Log Book (Used pencil on a log book)
Incorrect Gross Weight (Vehicle being overweight.)
Hauling cargo without proper endorsement. (Hauling hazmat/tankers without endorsements.)
Operating with dyed diesel.

Now for the best part, the PAY! Back in my early time Badlands time, a drive from the Jetsam Terminal to the Paleto Bay Clucking Bell Factory would net you about $9000 - $10,000 USD. Now, it nets you $4000 - $6000. With my changes, a similar drive would net you about $18,000 - $25,000. Some would still say that is unfair BUT, a GTA 5 day is 48 minutes long, so let's just say that 22 minutes is about 11 hours in real life. It takes ROUGLY 10 minutes to drive from the Jetsam Terminal to the Paleto Bay Clucking Bell Factory. A driver could do two drivers and make almost $40,000 USD. This would most likely become the best job because you could earn $40,000 USD in just 22 minutes. Judging by the climate of Badlands, a Sheriff Sergeant gets around $3500 USD per 22 minutes, a Burgershot employee gets like... two nickles and some fries or sumn per 22 minutes, a criminal can get $100,000 USD from a bank per 22 minutes. (Anything longer than 22 minutes for a criminal probably means they are not a good criminal.) What I'm trying to say is that it'd fit the climate in this shithole.

Alright so that's pretty much what I got right now, if you guys have anything you think you could add to this please reply and let me know what you think. I've got a lot of other ideas for it but, I don't want to put all of it here just yet.

While I do like the amount of detail and everything you put into this idea I just think it’s a lil bit much. Yes it is RP but it’s also a game at the end of the day. Now one thing that could be changed is the work itself. You should be able to clock in as a trucker and you go from checkpoint to check point to pick up loads and drop them off and just like irl when you get 1 load and drop it off you go from point A to B then to C then back to A to go to D and so on. And the pay should increase as well considering there’s not much going on while driving. At least a minimum of 3k and max of 7k would be nice enough to influence more truck drivers. 

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On 12/15/2022 at 10:42 AM, Zethnos said:

I would love to see trucking become more fleshed out. I do feel it is important to remember it's also a game... where people come to have fun. I feel some of your points here could be simplified to where it doesn't make it so annoying it's not worth dealing with while also serving it's purpose of making things more involved and less less point A to B running.

As far as the log book idea. Never in my life would I want to do all that for a video game. Especially as someone who is known to run trucks for 7-8 hours a day, sometimes multiple days a week. If there was a log book, I would want it to be filled in automatically at the very least when you pick up and drop off a load.

When it comes to the breakdown of the truckers day. I feel like something could be implemented here as well. What if we had a way to clock in and out from inside our trucks. We can't pick up loads unless we are clocked in. While clocked in we have a time clock that counts down from 1 hour to 0 while the truck in turned on. After the truck hits 0 you have to stop and rest for 15 minutes in order to reset the timer. If you don't rest and are clocked in, the timer will count up from 0. If a cop pulls you over and you are working over your time limit then you can be punished for that. There can also be truck stop locations you can rest at to reduce the amount of time you need to rest. This could also be automatically logged in the books as well if a log book were added.

I like the idea about the CLD licenses. Having them be able to be suspended etc. I just wouldn't want to see them be taken away permanently unless it were for something super serious and can be appealed to get them back.

Being able to be stopped and searched anytime is a no from me. Being able to be stopped and have your time & equipment (truck & trailer) checked would be fine if it doesn't take too long and I don't get stopped constantly. I also feel like any normal police officer should be able to do this and not a special division, given how few cops there seems to be.

I like the current pay structure of $1k - $4k per load. I don't think there should be any major increase to pay. Though, I don't like where the $4k cap is currently at because some trips that are double where the cap distance is, still pays the same, so it makes those long trips not feel worth it. I would like to see those 8 mile trips be more worth it.

I also don't like the idea of repairs being super expensive. I have to get repairs multiple times a day without hitting anything just from wear on the engine. At that point I'd rather just decrease the pay than I would increase my costs to operate. 

Something else I will add is maybe instead of a circle drop off point you just have to be near. What if there was a rectangular box you actually had to line the trailer up in? This way you have to actually place a trailer in a spot using some time and skill. Though I don't want them to be super difficult to line up either.

Listen here buckaroo, I know exactly where you are coming from but, this is roleplay not just some simple 'video game' where you're meant to come on and blow some steam off. If you're not miserable then are you really having any fun at all? Personally I like to think that having 7-8 hours a day, devoted specifically to nothing but videogame trucking... is a good way to spend my day.

The whole idea behind the log book is to be MISERABLE. Trucking isn't a fun job, this ain't the 70s anymore. Truckers are not idolized outlaws. We need to grow up and face the harsh reality of 2013 GTA. The log book being automatically filled wouldn't make any sense since... GTA Lore is BEHIND electronic log books. I don't understand what'd be so hard about plotting the time you are working, resting, not working, and taking breaks.

There is no 'clock in' or 'clock out' for truck drivers. Your log book states your work hours so that's basically your clock in and out. I do like that you agree with the time system. If you're running on your 11th IC hour and a cop pulls you over and gets you past that IC hour. You're fucked bud! You're sleepin' on the side of the road.

CDLs are held to a very high standard in the United States. That's why truck drivers are called 'Professional Drivers.' If you think you can come by and have 'FUN' on this server. You're wrong. The entire thing behind the CDL is to be something that is very easy to earn but very difficult to keep. Also, no appeals. Kind of like how real life is, unless if Badlands is around for another 10ish years.

So IRL trucks can be searched at anytime. Normal cops can do this as well. I dunno the law, I'm not a lawyer but, from what I do know, the best way to avoid getting searched is by taking back roads or having good cargo manifests... there could be a third eye item placed on the trailer "Red tag." A tag which cannot be broken as it is sealed at the place of origin. Stealing red tags would be a thing so people could haul stuff illegally. Gun running doesn't really exist but, it's a concept.

If you think 4k for a 10 minute drive is good money... you clearly don't understand the economy.

Repairs being expensive is just a quality of life improvement. Everything is expensive on a semi-truck. Cabin air filter? $20,000 USD. New light bulb for rear left bottom taillight? $72,083 USD. The point I have is that increasing the price of repairs will make people drive normally. No one is going to barrel down Buccaneer Way at 110 MPH when they crash into a Regina, killing a family of four... and severely wounding their bank account.

Also, no boxes... no markers, no nothing. You literally just have to read the cargo manifest and hope that you found the right spot since money wouldn't be transferred right away. Oh also, better hope your dumbass isn't late and the cargo drop off isn't closed. Cause when that cargo drop off is closed... your ass is waiting.

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On 12/16/2022 at 6:07 PM, NewportReb said:

I really like the idea of a CDL. Trucking used to be an investment. You would spend alot of cash, up to $250,000 on a truck, spend about 6-9 hours making your money back and then the rest was profit. However once truck renting became a thing, that upset the whole econmics of trucking and made it far easier for people to just grind cash and alot of people did nothing but trucking for cash. Its not uncommon to talk to someone who has only done trucking as a job and never applied for any business on the server. Bringing trucking to a carreer field would be something cool to see. Those that want to RP as a trucker, and there are a few about, could really refine their RP stories, while those that are looking to make a quick buck could still do it, but hopefully get more RP out of it, rather than the odd plowing into people and saying sorry because they were doing 100 mph down a crowded street. CDLs need to have laws created that would allow infractions, misdemeanors, and even felonies during commercial driving. Even having a points sysetem against the license would be nice to have in order to seize it.

EXACTLY. YOU GET IT!!!!! This would make people actually have trucker characters. I would love to call out on the CB and hear some goofy ah dude name Chili Dog respond to me. Just imagine all of the cool CB Handles people would come up with! 

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On 12/16/2022 at 8:12 PM, Sumweirdguy said:

While I do like the amount of detail and everything you put into this idea I just think it’s a lil bit much. Yes it is RP but it’s also a game at the end of the day. Now one thing that could be changed is the work itself. You should be able to clock in as a trucker and you go from checkpoint to check point to pick up loads and drop them off and just like irl when you get 1 load and drop it off you go from point A to B then to C then back to A to go to D and so on. And the pay should increase as well considering there’s not much going on while driving. At least a minimum of 3k and max of 7k would be nice enough to influence more truck drivers. 

I get your idea and concerns. I'll explain why you're wrong and I'm right. Not every load is going to be a partial load that you go to checkpoints or whatever. My whole concept is about the drop n' hook. So you still have that arcade feel but, it's realistic. Now maybe we can have that whole amazon driver shit where you actually do that mess but, ain't no motherfucker ever said 'I wanna be a tier 1 and make $15 USD an hour.' Basically yeah I get you.

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