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Different body types (FAT)


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So I don't know if I am the only one, but I think we've all seen the new ripped body types. Now with that in mind I was wondering whether or not it'd be possible to get a fat one? Idk if there are any mods or anything like that but I know some people play as "big boys" and I think they'd love something like this. A character of my own has recently gained a lot of weight and a body type like that would do wonders in the RP.

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Well about a year ago 305 did a fat suit robbery and were known as 3005 (combined weight of the heist crew). The fact that people did a fat suit robbery , when everyone was pretty cookie cutter, was funny and stood out. Honestly anything that can help people RP whatever they want is a plus for me. Thick, thin, do whatever you want. Power to the players! Just as long as it doesnt have preformace issues. Serpico was saying that some scripts tend to not be that optimized when we were going through the hair issues. So as long as its easy for the dev team to pop in and doesnt cause mass issues, Im all for it.


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