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Broader sky life


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In the server we all drive cars and boats, but where is the planes and helicopters?? I think the city should add a feature where you can buy a cargo-bob or the Velum plane and use it similarly to trucking where you carry loads from place to place obviously you can’t pick up a shipping container with the plane but sort of like in gta where you have to deliver to different locations you should be able to do that and the concept is just like trucking. I feel this would add more RP and give the air units on the LSPD/BCSO more to do (in the case someone is flying too low they get a ticket or license suspension). 

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I dont know if its possible but Id love to see Cayo as a perminent fixture. It would be an incentive for people to actually buy aircraft. As is stands right now, fixed wing aircraft dont have a real use. Helicopters can be useful, but airplanes not so much. Id love to see cases of drug smugglers via aircraft. You could even have a Federal DEA, Boarder Patrol, ICE or something like that to chase them and protect the boarders. Now, LEO's might already be too short on staff to enable another branch of law enforcement, but it would still be cool none the less. Obvious hurdle would be changing the civ rights, aircraft guidelines and in city laws, but it could be done. The major question would be server stability and would cayo cause problems long term. That is something the devs would need to comment on.

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