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Jobs Payout Depend on Crew-size


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I've been working running garbage collection with a friend and have been splitting our payout at the end, usually ending up with ~$5,500 each. I tried the postal job and noticed I got $12k in about the same amount of time. I also noticed the single-person nature with the tow-truck and mining jobs. Doing jobs alone is boring and doesn't feel like roleplaying at all. When I am running garbage collection with a crew, each with our own jobs, it's exciting and feels good however that excitement is put down quickly with the payout. I think the amount of money you make should depend on your crew size, especially as a garbage collector given it shouldn't be a single-person job. Maybe some sort of group system when you take on a job then have the payout depend on that. I am sure more thought can be put into it but the general idea is a job payout should depend on the crew size. 

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thats just the reality of working as a crew. its not something that needs to increase just cause youre doing it with a crew, for one if they did, it can be easily abused by everyone in the crew just piling their money towards one person.

youre getting paid to do the job. the pay split between your crew is up to you. its why you dont bring 10 people to do a job thats only paying a little bit for example. you get the job done faster, but youre all splitting a smaller cut.

for example, irl i used to work construction. if we did a $30,000 job, that sounds like a lot, but then you have to account how much youre spending in materials and paying each crew member. we dont all take $30,000 home lol

the trick is knowing how to maximize your time and earnings. thats not something that needs to be adjusted, thats something you need to learn to do

Edited by Aquiles Delmar
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