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Ban Appeal


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If you have a ban appeal in, check on that, the staff member handling it will respond there.

If you need to put one in:

1. Proceed to this link: https://badlandsrp.com/support/create

2. Select Ban Appeals from the dropdown

3. Fill out the appeal

4. Title: Your ID# Ban Appeal - (For ex: 12345 Ban Appeal)

Where's my ID?

Upon logging into the server, you'll see your ban message - your ID will be at the beginning of the message 12345 RDM Must Appeal (Terri)

5. Select the banning admin

The name at the end of your appeal - 12345 RDM Must Appeal (Terri)

6. Ban Message

Will be located after your ID#'s (RDM, VDM, CL, CB, etc) - 12345 RDM Must Appeal (Terri)

If you have anything to add, feel free to add it in the space provided

7. Submit

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