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The backstory of Harry Cornfoot, AKA: Mr. Cornfoot.


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Harry Cornfoot was born on the 12th of december in 1978, Harry grew up in Toronto, Canada. As a young boy Harry had difficulties learning at school and was bullied by the other children a lot. Harry grew up with his sister Catherine, brother Daniello and his parents Mary and Joseph. 

Harry his papa took him out fishing one day of course using corn as bait, Harry did not understand the sport fishing as he jumped into the water to try and catch fish using his hands as his father was standing on the side nodding his head in dissapointment. Harry did not manage to catch any fish using his hands instead he nearly drowned. 

After the fishing expedition with his papa his father decided it would be better for Harry to go out and work for an old farmer called Jeremiah Dunn, the papa of Jeery Dunn. Little Harry was feeding the cows one day where the old farmer told Harry he was fired because Harry did not understand the term to "feed" the cows, instead Harry was eating the hay. 

Since Harry was fired he then went to the mall to go and buy himself a big juicy hamburger with the money he had earned while working for Jeremiah Dunn. Harry managed to eat the burger and eat the scraps of others. Harry was escorted out of the mall by the security guard, Harry did not want to leave the mall and tried to tackle the security guard where he then got tazed. Harry then got banned from the mall.

After the incident from the mall Harry was so astonished by the power of the tazer that he started to study the arts of the policing himself. Harry dropped out of school and became a mall cop himself, Harry had grown up at this point turning 21 and getting a tazer of his own. Harry's training was 3 days in the mall after the supervisor quit his job to go into retirement. 

Now Harry was the supervisor with little knowledge of how to keep the mall safe and secure, Harry watched a lot of police movies and managed to do pretty well. Harry never caught anyone but there was not too much going on anyways. 

Harry hated his job so he quit after three months where he then drank in his room while living with his parents. Harry was kicked out and became homeless. 

After a little while living out on the street munching cardboard he then managed to save some money by begging in front of numerous businesses and went to college. Harry still wanted to become an LEO and finished his degree. 

Harry is now actively looking for a job. 


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