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Family Water


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Alright so I'm here and idk why I never did this before, but here I am telling about the Family of my first ever charachter "Luke Water".


Alright so,
Family Water was orriginally from Germany and was orrignally called "Wasser", but because of WWII the family moved to the USA.
Frank Wasser had his own water cleaning factory in New York and his wife Maria Wasser Auto was a local cleaner for the older people in town.
The bussiness became big and got sold for $1,000,000,000 and family Wasser now became the #3 richest family in the world. With this money Frank Wasser started a crystal clear water factory that made water bottles filled with the cleanest water back then. It was the first water bottle factory in the world and had many visitors and made alot of money, with this Frank Wasser desided to change his last name to Water.
In 1984 Luke Water was born he was a healthy child, but always had some strange things. Between his baby time and the age of 5 the little Luke Water always talked about how he killed his man that served for him in Egypt and how he used to have a Pyramid, but it got destroyed by un-natural activities. His parents didnt know what to do with the story's and just moved on with it.
In 1990 something horrible happened, Luke's parents were both working in the factory when a bomb was activated and later exploded. Everyone working in the factory that day died including Luke Water's parents.
Luke didnt know what happened and never knew till the day of today. He got addopted by the Mafia and was later dropped on the street at the age of 16 and moved to Los Santos...


Luke Water

Luke Water was a normal guy that dropped out of the mafia and was always trying his best to get up in the world. His main goal was to find his parents as he didnt know who they were and why they let him go.
Luke Water is an akward person that likes girls and has a magnet for atracting cops.. Every time he saw a girl he liked he tried fixing her, but failed and got chased by many guys.
However he also had a weak side and always tried to help people and he always tried to have the best cars. One day he got arrested for (Attempted murder on a LEO, Grand Theft Auto, Possesion of an illegal fire arm, Helping out in crime, Disobating an officer, Felony avaition and murder) all after trying to help someone out, the person later turned his back and robbed him...
Back on streets without money he started doing druggs and you can guess it.. He got arrested.. Again... He also had alot of "dates" and spent his last money on windows for his car. Walking on the streets trying to find food he found a family called the Triggers. Family Trigger became friends with him. He had many more fun in months in the city..
As of 22/1/2019 he died in a car accident. However he happened to someone have a 21 year old son, more of this to follow....

Jacob Water

Jacob Water is the son of Luke Water and loves street race cars and spending money to help people however he hates cops. As of today (23/1/2019) he doesnt know about the death of his father, but he knows one thing. He has a mission. He woke up and suddenly had tattoos on his arm. He's here and got told to goto Ms. Trigger to get story more of this to come...


I will keep updating this post, but the story happens in RP before i post it here (this way it cant be meta gamed). I hope you guys enjoy reading about the family.

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