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Dirty Money System


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I’ve seen this talked about before, but not in depth far as I know.

What about instead of the current system where if you do something illegal you instantly get the money and can spend it, whenever you do something illegal and get money from it, the money you get is “Dirty Money”. This dirty money can be seized by the cops always and it cannot be spent on anything until you clean it, to clean it you will have to go to a certain locations and something, like maybe dropping the money off somewhere in a van to clean a small out of it at a time. So say if you sell drugs or rob a bank for like 150k or something, the money is dirty, and can’t be stored or used to buy stuff until you clean it, and it can always be stolen from you or seized by cops and having a large amount can be illegal and you can be arrested if they find it on you. Would make it so the gain from stuf like drugs and all that can go up, but you would have to work for longer to get the money and it would have a higher risk. Also whenever you rob someone they money you get from them is dirty money aswell. (Probably will need to add a way to actually rob all the cash off someone aswell instead of them just giving it to you)

Also maybe later down the road it could be made so the Blackmarket only accepts dirty money

TL;DR: Add dirty money that you get from doing illegal stuff that you have to clean before storing it or using it to buy stuff



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Been implemented before in other servers, it works well, and is in general a good idea, but its up to the developers of the server. We already have alot of things in the works that are being released Soon™, so it most likely will not be implemented. It's really not a bad idea like i said, it works for other servers, and is proven to be a good idea, but our server developers are already busy with Drugs 2.0, and businesses coming out soon. 

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