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FXserver Transition Bug List

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As you may all be aware of from recent announcements on discord and here on the forums: We have switched to the FXserver. FiveM forced the switch so now we must roll with the bugs and problems of this BETA product for the time being. We are working to address the major problems to make this transition as smooth as possible and appreciate your patience during this period.


These are just the bugs we are currently tracking down and fixing prior to starting up our regular patch cycle again. Please use this thread and post a description of the problem you are experiencing and any steps to reproduce the problem. Details really help bugs get resolved faster so take the extra minute to write out the steps for reproduction.

  • DeSync - This is mostly the result of being forced to move to FiveMs FXserver which is in BETA stage. We are essentially beta testing for them so hopefully in the next few patches FiveM will be able to resolve this. We will make concentrated efforts where ever we can to help reduce the Desync.
  • Connecting without steam.
  • Character/progression/money being lost.
  • Having weapons in your inventory that you should not have.
  • Player Menu "M" being ordered alphabetically.
  • "Player join" messages in the top left.
  • Unable to toggle engine or locks from "vehicle menu"

When posting a bug please use the proper bug report format to keep things clean and streamlined for us.


Description of the Bug:

Your userid:

Can you reproduce the bug?

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it?

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received:

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question:

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On 8/12/2017 at 11:24 AM, yNzx_ said:

Description of the Bug: You can see "admin" section in menu but there is nothing inside, same with "police" section.

Can you reproduce the bug?  Yes.

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it? Open the menu again.

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received: 8/12/2017 11:00 a.m.

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question: - 




Description of the Bug: You can't turn on/off your engine from the menu nor lock/unlock your car from the menu. (Hitting L is working.)

Can you reproduce the bug? Yes.

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it? M-> Vehicle -> on/off | lock/unlock

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received: 8/12/2017 11:00 a.m.

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question: -




Description of the Bug: While mining gold/gathering marijuana you can see every time pop up info of "received marijuana 1." etc. Same when Selling or processing or whatever. As a mechanic when you go to repair something you get pop up saying "Given Repair kit 1."

Can you reproduce the bug? Yes.

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it? Every time you use some item/mine gold/gather merijuana or process it to weed.

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received: 8/12/2017 11:00 a.m.

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question: - 




Description of the Bug: When driving with motorcycle to the wind turbine repairing spot, doesn't make repairing animation -> after bike flies to the air.

Can you reproduce the bug? I don't know.

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it? - 

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received: 8/12/2017 11:00 a.m.

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question: https://my.mixtape.moe/cqczpf.mp4


  • Thanks 1
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Description of the Bug: Every time I join I get a identification error

Your userid:2066

Can you reproduce the bug?: Yup

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it?: I join the server

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received: 17:23, 15 Aug

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question:Image here

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4 hours ago, Big Manny said:

Description of the Bug: Every time I join I get a identification error

Your userid:2066

Can you reproduce the bug?: Yup

If yes, what steps do you take to reproduce it?: I join the server

Time/Date (convert to EST) of the bug and please include any error message you received: 17:23, 15 Aug

Screenshot or Video of the bug in question:Image here

This should be resolved, report back to let me know!

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