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Idea for batch drug sales

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I've seen a few discussions regarding drugs and the way the job is dealt with in various manners, specifically that selling drugs is too easy as you can rather easily avoid the cops.

An idea I got would be to add batch sales of drugs.
How it would work is essentially allowing you to sell a larger amount/all of your personal and/or vehicle inventory at once. The client then would not be single individuals, but rather a gang or alike.
Should you succeed, you will sell all of your stock for maximum profit (perhaps even a bit higher), but there is of course a catch.

There a few ways the deal can go down.

1. It's a smooth transaction. This is the most positive outcome where the player sells all of their inventory and gets paid in full without repercussions. (No police alert)

2. The gang decides to keep the drugs AND the money for themselves and simply waste the player. This will create a gun fight in which the gang (5-10 AI) will start to attack the player. Should the player(s) manage to take down the gang members, they can steal the money from the gang HQ AND keep their inventory. The police will of course be alerted about the ensuing gun fire though, so the player(s) better be quick about it or risk getting taken caught. (30 second timer until police is alerted from that the gun fire ensues.)

3. Sting operation. It was a setup and now the cops have taken your inventory and there is no money. In this scenario the player(s) can choose to either comply with the officers or fight their way out by gunning down the undercover police AI and attempt to steal back their inventory which has now been impounded. (Police is silently alerted as soon as the players arrive and as such have 1.5 to 2.5 minutes to respond to the scene)

All scenarios have a 1-2 minute waiting time where the player must remain in the area until the transaction is complete and a random scenario is chosen. Should be police be in the area and for example see the vehicle they may of course search it as well as the property, making this transaction compared to selling to individuals slightly riskier but with a guaranteed maximum payout as well as one swoop transaction instead of running around in broad daylight.


The statistics of each encounter happening I'll leave to someone better at balancing.


The idea is essentially to allow for more group oriented game play so that player gangs/groups of criminals can do something together rather than always playing lone wolf.



Let me know what you think and if there's something I haven't thought about!

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We appreciate the suggestion, that said, we are not looking to change the process for selling drugs. Implementing what you suggested would be going backwards in our efforts and further reduce risk. Once you've gotten a chance to play here for some time you will have a better understanding.

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21 hours ago, Serpico said:

We appreciate the suggestion, that said, we are not looking to change the process for selling drugs. Implementing what you suggested would be going backwards in our efforts and further reduce risk. Once you've gotten a chance to play here for some time you will have a better understanding.

I see, I just figured it would be an interesting idea :)

However, I don't agree that it would/should reduce the risk.
In fact my idea was that it would increase the risk, seeing as the police would have more time to actually respond instead of the suspect simply running away in seconds after getting the rejected message. Having a requirement for the larger amount would also stop people from only riding on bikes and instead have to transport a larger vehicle such as the Mule, putting them in a stickier situation.

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