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Merr Khan

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Idk if this vehicle patch is to stop the Fail RP, and Vdm driving through spawn all day bullshit. But can you please remove the latest vehicle patch. It has rendered bikes useless. At 5 mph it takes a 45 foot circle to turn??? Cant make any corner with out coming to a complete stop turning and then going 1-2 MPH??? On the highway too... This is fucking ridiculous. Idk if you ride or not IRL, but you do not have to stop completely to turn. Bikes become more stable at speed of 30 mph or more with Gyroscopic force. and you give more throttle to turn harder. This version is un-playable right now. 

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As stated on the patch notes we will be making adjustments. This is a pure over reaction and at no point did we state this was an attempt to address "fail rp and vdm". the fact is default GTA V handling doesn't fit in with our end goal. Feedback is good as long as it is done in a more constructive manner. 

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