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Updating the Drug Game


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I feel, as both a member of PD and an active criminal, that the current Drug metal is very stale. The most profitable is Coke by a long shot. Meth is too much risk and not enough reward since its last update. Weed is still decent... as the charges are a lot lower for it. Heres my suggestion:


Weed is in a good place. I think the prices are good for whats earned, versus the charges and such. Perhaps a small boost to whats earned, maybe another fifty to hundred dollars per.

Meth. I think the old prices you received were good from the civilians, HOWEVER, instead of giving that much cash, they should give MORE dirty money. With this being hard drugs, it should be more dirty money. I would say the 1k per meth was a really good price, HOWEVER, the dirty money earned should be more like 40-45$ dirty money. It's earning more money, but also adding more risk and reward for such. We don't see a lot of cleaning of dirty money, where most people just drop it, as its so insignificant in the scale of drug prices.

Coke. The prices should get about another 1-2k per, HOWEVER, the dirty money should be closer to 60-65% dirty money. Again, it adds more people wanted to get into drugs and still high profitability, however with higher risk. As Coke is "in game terms" heavier then Meth, It would be more dirty money return than cash. I know these numbers are not exact, and more information would need collecting, but the concept adds more dirty money, and less cash back for heavy drug sales, but also adding more TOTAL profit for Meth, and a slight boost for Coke. The punishments, as well as time, invested I think should be reevaluated into the cost of the drug world. Before last Update, Meth was huge, and few did Weed as well as Coke. Now, more Weed, and A LOT of Coke, but very very few Meth. Perhaps we can find a way to balance the three based on price, integrating more dirty money, as well as risk vs reward. Ofc we don't want to flood the economy either.

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Most people are going to do what's most profitable - period.

Meth was never 1k each. And it's currently the most profitable it's ever been (and has been for some time)

You're suggesting nearly tripling/quadrupling the reward for cocaine..? How would that achieve anything other than destroying the economy?

If anything, the reward for cocaine would be reduced to bring it more inline with the other drugs.

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So, the concept here isn't to increase the actual cash value here, quite the opposite. We would be lowering the actual cash value, but adding in more dirty money. Money Laundering seems to be more of a side issue. Forgive my numbers, they are not an actual representative of my narrative. I was using them as a point of reference. My overall idea here was to lower the amount of cash gain from Meth and Coke and increase the amount of dirty money gain. All of this in proportion to each respective drug in according to the time involved, as well as the complicated procedure of crafting, adding in the known punishments and "fear" of the crime. Perhaps I'm way off point. and I am missing something in total. This was just an open observation and hearsay from those few I play with on a daily. I think all this has been taken into consideration before, but I was not aware. I just figured to add more to do with the dirty money, and money laundering. Pushing more interactions with other civilians, as well as Law Enforcement. Drugs are a great addition to the economy as well as the City, I would hate to ever see them removed.

Edited by Dorian_Fendrel
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