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Queue Priority

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I'm aware this is a very overtalked about, and frustrating topic going around the server currently, but I'm here to suggest something that may or may not be possible, but could possibly help queue times flow a little better.

So the suggestion is that queue priority only gives you second place in the queue at the most. This way, it'll always give the person in 1/X a chance to get in, instead of getting pushed back by people who have queue priority. I've had times where I'll reach 1/X and get pushed back to 5/X. It's frustrating to me, and I'm sure others to be able to make it to the number 1 spot just to get pushed back to where you waited so long to proceed from. I am all for lspd/lsfd having priority, but at the very least, it'd be amazing to see people who make it to 1/X keep their spot they've been waiting for.

Now, I don't know if this is possible or not, but someone who knows a bit more than me about this could confirm it or not.

Thanks for reading, all feedback appreciated!

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16 minutes ago, Thorgs said:

@Artyom Kulikov There is a topic on this already! why not search rather than making multiple threads about the same issue? Or look about 5 or 6 topic below yours and you will see one

Fully aware of the topics on this already, I read through them before making this. None suggested anything similar to mine, most were moans and complaints.

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22 minutes ago, Artyom Kulikov said:

I've had times where I'll reach 1/X and get pushed back to 5/X. It's frustrating to me, and I'm sure others to be able to make it to the number 1 spot just to get pushed back to where you waited so long to proceed from.

Well ok then since yours is special than the other one did you even consider maybe the 3 or 4 that pushed you back were ones in the game that crashed out and when reconnecting they went in front of you? but in your theory, they should go behind you since your at the 1 spot and have to wait even longer since they were already in-game before you but FiveM bugged out on them which allows them priority over the person that's in the 1st spot.

And you still could have posted on that thread so what they were complaining not like anyone wouldn't have read what you posted cause even tho you are making a suggestion you are complaining to a degree as well 

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21 minutes ago, Thorgs said:

Well ok then since yours is special than the other one did you even consider maybe the 3 or 4 that pushed you back were ones in the game that crashed out and when reconnecting they went in front of you? but in your theory, they should go behind you since your at the 1 spot and have to wait even longer since they were already in-game before you but FiveM bugged out on them which allows them priority over the person that's in the 1st spot.

Considered it, yes. But just like them, it's just bad luck in the end as it is for someone who has been waiting to play for hours just to constantly keep getting pushed back in the queue. I've dced quite a bit of times and still got pushed back in the queue regardless of my priority of a dc, hence where something like this would actually help prioritize those who get the #1 spot whether it be from dc, or just waiting in the queue for a long period of time.

21 minutes ago, Thorgs said:

And you still could have posted on that thread so what they were complaining not like anyone wouldn't have read what you posted cause even tho you are making a suggestion you are complaining to a degree as well 

You're right, I for sure could've posted on it as well, but I wasn't looking to contribute my opinion on a post that will be seen as complaints and moaning rather than someone like myself just looking to throw out ideas that could help lower the complaining an moaning. I've personally not spoken much about the matter because people look at everything said about the queue time as complaints.

Edited by Artyom Kulikov
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27 minutes ago, Thorgs said:

Well ok then since yours is special than the other one did you even consider maybe the 3 or 4 that pushed you back were ones in the game that crashed out and when reconnecting they went in front of you? but in your theory, they should go behind you since your at the 1 spot and have to wait even longer since they were already in-game before you but FiveM bugged out on them which allows them priority over the person that's in the 1st spot.

The queue system in place now is just fine. The reason for people who DC getting first in queue is to get that back in the server as quick as possible because they did not leave or could be in the middle of scenario and need to return asap. For example, I was once outrunning the police and my FiveM crashed. Should I have had to wait 5th or 9th in line to get back in after being forced out because of something out of my control? Absolutely not. Queue priority for white listed characters is in place to help get possible EMS/PD into the city so there isn't a large offset ratio of civs:EMS/PD. Server 3 was introduced with no priority queue so anyone joining would be placed accordingly with the only exception being those who DC. 

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