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In with the RP out with the NPC

Sammy Valentino

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So, this server is pretty amazing;

there's something about it that attracts people to it, I think the main thing is the wide variety of things to do.

I think of course my first suggestion to developers is to add more rp features, for example the addition of the yacht.

But I think there are many more things that could boost rp, for example; drug affects, addiction, and moods. The unhappier your player the slower it moves and the weaker it is, the happier the faster it can harvest, the faster it runs, ect. Things that make your player unhappy could be for example being revived by medics, being hit/punched, ect. Making players happy, could be drugs, alchohol, resturant food which is unique ect.


The main suggestion part thing


Basiccaly, make everything NPC (apart from the LSC and general stores) Player ran


Of course, garage is something that has to stay NPC, but the ability to buy buildings and businesses. I know this is something in the works, and I'm not to sure on how it will work. However I think this is of higher priory then non exploited bugs. This is because it will bring fun into the community. For example the various car stores around the maps could be bought, the owners stock their stores with cars and can sell it at what ever price they deem fit. However every purchased property is still under jurisdiction of the mayor therefore cannot ruin the economy. I know for a fact on another community this was implemented and one of the owners of a car store started selling very expensive cars for very cheap essentially ruining the whole economy. however I'd rather have a ruined economy caused by players that is solvable, then grind peaches for 3 days just to buy a car that I wll get bored of in like 10 days.

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