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Taco truck turned meth lab


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First off I'd like to state I'm just interested in everyone's opinion. Being able to have the option to not only cook tacos out of the taco truck, but also the option to set it up as a meth lab as well. Either cook one or the other. NOT at the same time. I'd like to bring up one point regardless if you may or may not do it. The RV only has one real reason for its use. I find it kind of meta when you see a player out in an RV, and your first impression is "they are obviously cooking meth". I also understand the concern if the taco truck served this purpose there would be no risk associated with it; But I honestly don't believe that, and here is why.
1. The cost of the taco truck is pretty expensive. (100k) That's a lot of money you put at risk for it to potentially be seized.

2. When cooking meth, if you take the hide in plan sight approach, there should be decreased business. The smell of cooking meth would repulse "clean" locals. This would force the player to be in a heavy populated area if they wanted more business. Otherwise you risk having an Officer roll up while in Sandy Shores. You tell your story, they buy it, then decide to keep an eye on you. They'll notice you've had little to no business, even due to the few locals around.

3. It forces cops to pay a little closer attention. For example: You bust a meth dealer multiple times, so you want to find his source. A couple days later you find them in a taco truck, so you want to take a quick swab for meth residue. It comes back positive and gives them the right to search the truck. If nothing is found then you could give them a small fine. (If they are the owner) Since their vehicle is being used to manufacture a controlled substance.

4. It keeps players on their toes when lending out taco trucks. As well as loaners using it as a meth lab. You should have to get it "sanitized" before being able to use it to cook tacos. This would obviously be linked to a cash transaction, and there would need to be an illegal place on the map to do this. Effectively washing all positive readings of meth residue.

5. When using illegal informants I understand this is not a guaranteed hit. You still get a ping of a meth lab location. You roll up as an Officer and see there's no business activity, but 5 taco trucks. There would be an urgency to swab all the trucks. As opposed to "Oh there's a lab hit in Sandy. Oh hey! look there it is..." It's too easy. Even when seeing an RV fleeing the scene while heading up there.

All in all I'm anxious to hear what everyone's thoughts are. Whether if it's a good or bad idea. I'd just like to hear both sides!

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19 minutes ago, Earl Torres said:

Cool idea. But isn't this what the "Feedback and Suggestions" of the forum is for?

Doesn't sound like he's suggesting it... He's asking the community if they like it or don't and why which is general discussion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Personally I think it would be pretty neat. Even cooler is it leaves the RV open to other uses. Just don't know how hard it would be to implement. If there's a coder out there this would be a great topic to talk about!

Edited by johnny--mac
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I would be against this.  Eventually just being in a taco truck would give PC for police to search. I wouldn't want law following people to be constantly being hit up by cops.  It's already getting bad enough the "afk police" come by to harass us because a few people afk it.

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18 hours ago, tehmuggz said:

I would be against this.  Eventually just being in a taco truck would give PC for police to search. I wouldn't want law following people to be constantly being hit up by cops.  It's already getting bad enough the "afk police" come by to harass us because a few people afk it.

I could see that being an issue which is why i mentioned a few ways of catching the taco truck that is a meth lab. Such as they would have a noticeable decrees in business them have to go places to "clean" the truck and meth test that would take the officer as much time to conduct a GSR test, so you wouldn't have to stop doing anything while they test and it would be a matter of seconds. As far as afking in the truck that's on the community, I personally have not ever been approached to see if I was actively there so maybe that could be something you could bring up as an issue? Like I said I think I have outlined you're concern above, but maybe you also might have some ideas to add to that potential problem. 

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On 5/29/2019 at 2:44 PM, MRxCAMPTASTIC said:

5. When using illegal informants I understand this is not a guaranteed hit. You still get a ping of a meth lab location. You roll up as an Officer and see there's no business activity, but 5 taco trucks. There would be an urgency to swab all the trucks. As opposed to "Oh there's a lab hit in Sandy. Oh hey! look there it is..." It's too easy. Even when seeing an RV fleeing the scene while heading up there.

This isn't really accurate tbh. Police can't just search an RV because they see it driving from where they got the location. The police have to "find you at the same coordinates in which the illegal informer notified them of drugs being manufactured". At that point you can chose to evade or comply or try to RP your way out of it like a lot of people have done. If police are searching meth vans just because of what vehicle it is and not where it is then you should be filing IA's on those officers. I feel like this is a cool idea but there would probably be a lot of complications.


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11 hours ago, Benjamin Wells said:

This isn't really accurate tbh. Police can't just search an RV because they see it driving from where they got the location. The police have to "find you at the same coordinates in which the illegal informer notified them of drugs being manufactured". At that point you can chose to evade or comply or try to RP your way out of it like a lot of people have done. If police are searching meth vans just because of what vehicle it is and not where it is then you should be filing IA's on those officers. I feel like this is a cool idea but there would probably be a lot of complications.


This is true, but lets be honest most people do not respect the RP. I have tried many times to get out of that situation and am never successful when trying to RP my way outta it. I also failed to be a little more specific of catching the RV leaving. I don't mean like driving up there and a mile out on a one way road you as a cop are like "oh hey there it is" but more like you can see where the mark is and it's pulling away. Being in the immediate area is PC as I have been informed many times that is why with the taco truck you get a little better cover as a "front". I do completely agree there could be a lot of issues with it.    

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I know the Dev's (or at least Serpico) have talked about adding in some places that would work as fronts as well. I see this being really fun and entertaining especially as a front like you said, but again I could see there being a lot of problems with it. Overall I think it would be fun, just not sure of the practicality in game.

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5 hours ago, Benjamin Wells said:

I know the Dev's (or at least Serpico) have talked about adding in some places that would work as fronts as well. I see this being really fun and entertaining especially as a front like you said, but again I could see there being a lot of problems with it. Overall I think it would be fun, just not sure of the practicality in game.

Yea I know the major issue will be players being bugged by police more often seem to be the common thing. I know I wouldn't mind the extra pestering once in awhile given how mind numbing it is selling tacos some days, but I know a lot of people would rather just chill and collect money undisturbed. Plus form a coding stand point I am way outta my league so this could be next to impossible to do. 

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