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Thoughts on adding a priority queue to Whitelisted members


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Personally I like the fact that the Staff Team, makes the server not a pay to get in faster or a whitelist and your in faster type of server. It promotes that everyone is equal, no matter what. And that is why I love it, we are all the same at the end of the day.

I personally see no issue with how it is currently, and believe the current system in place where if you crash it gives you priority que for a little so you can rejoin and continue rp'ing. I see the point brought up about those who put in time and effort towards the community, but the question is what would those standards be?

Would these standards be something like EX: helping with community relations and bringing everyone together and making it a more enjoyable experience for all players or something else?

I'm curious to others response, so I'm open to see what others state then I will make a choice but for now I will remain open on this topic.

Edited by Nikki Delores
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11 hours ago, Razec said:

Howdy folks!


What's the general consensus regarding whitelisted members and where they stand within the community? Was a priority queue ever considered to those who put in time and effort towards the community? 



Not sure how I feel about whitelisted people getting prio, but I've always agreed with servers giving RP prio. What I mean by that is giving someone priority for their outstanding rp that they provide to the server, other than that I'm not sure how I feel about prio 

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From a personal perspective and not speaking behalf of staff when I say this, I think the queue system right now is fine. I think adding priority to whitelisted players would make it so newer players are waiting in long queues at peak times and even long time players who aren't whitelisted will be sat in queues which is not fair at all. Having everyone on the same playing field is honestly the best way to be in my opinion.




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Adding priority is the same as saying "You aren't as good as the non-whitelisted people" which is a very toxic mindset to drive and definitely not a way the server wants to present itself, hell not even donating should give any sort of priorities imo, and I am not sure if is does. 

As Tay said having everyone on the same playing field is definitely the way to go about it. Levels the playfield and doesn't give any sort of advantages to others.

Strong -1 from me.

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4 hours ago, Noble said:

Adding priority is the same as saying "You aren't as good as the non-whitelisted people" which is a very toxic mindset to drive and definitely not a way the server wants to present itself, hell not even donating should give any sort of priorities imo, and I am not sure if is does. 

As Tay said having everyone on the same playing field is definitely the way to go about it. Levels the playfield and doesn't give any sort of advantages to others.

Strong -1 from me.

I don't believe it's a mindset that stems from what you just said as in whitelisted people are better than non-whitelisted. But I do see everyone's point, thank you! 

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I do think that if whitelist gets priority it'll attribute this kind of superiority complex that will make people see whitelisted players as better, when newer people who haven't yet been whitelisted can provide just as great RP. At the same time, it would push more regular players to put in their app which honestly can benefit the player when they start thinking more deeply into the history of their character and who they are. But my final thought is that whitelist should be a safety measure, not a way to segregate or to give additional perks.

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19 hours ago, Kathryn Davies said:

I do think that if whitelist gets priority it'll attribute this kind of superiority complex that will make people see whitelisted players as better, when newer people who haven't yet been whitelisted can provide just as great RP. At the same time, it would push more regular players to put in their app which honestly can benefit the player when they start thinking more deeply into the history of their character and who they are. But my final thought is that whitelist should be a safety measure, not a way to segregate or to give additional perks.

I do feel it would be a great way to stimulate a more serious approach in regards to where you want to take your RP. Whilst it does look like a segregating measure (and it is, as everyone else here agrees), it also has the capability of helping the community exercise a sense of commitment. When you stop to fill in an application, feeding yourself of on the multiple RP related questions and scenarios brought by the template, you end up putting more thought into how you perceive your actions within the city. When you acknowledge the OOC side of things, by looking at the growth factor provided by suggestions and feedbacks, it helps you understand how everyone is constantly trying to work together, in order to better the environment for everyone involved. And that all factors in to the way you portray your characters in game.


Edited by Razec
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4 hours ago, Razec said:

I do feel it would be a great way to stimulate a more serious approach in regards to where you want to take your RP. Whilst it does look like a segregating measure (and it is, as everyone else here agrees), it also has the capability of helping the community exercise a sense of commitment. When you stop to fill in an application, feeding yourself of on the multiple RP related questions and scenarios brought by the template, you end up putting more thought into how you perceive your actions within the city. When you acknowledge the OOC side of things, by looking at the growth factor provided by suggestions and feedbacks, it helps you understand how everyone is constantly trying to work together, in order to better the environment for everyone involved. And that all factors in to the way you portray your characters in game.


Completely agree with you there! Unfortunately there is such a stigma with the whole whitelisting thing, especially with more widely known about servers (won't mention by name but I'm sure you can guess) where being whitelisted is a bragging right and we definitely don't want it to come across that way here by what people are saying. But I definitely encourage anyone who hasn't filled in an app yet to do so as it can really help you direct where your character is going story wise and who they really are.

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