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Banking App - Business Account Tweak


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LOVE the new banking app!

In short, as a crim who runs a group and has a business account, it would be sick to have a feature where you can give people access to the business account without them being able to take money out, and them add other people to the account. 

All it takes is one argument or one salty dude who doesn't like something that's happened, to withdraw all the money and be gone or leave the server. Would be sick to be able to choose what roles people have on that account. E.g you can give someone the ability to take money out and add other people, and some the ability to just put money in but not out.

I know you can already send money to the specific business account without taking out, but once again would be cool for them to be able to see the money in there too.

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+1 I think it would be good for gang members to see the balance but not be able to take money from it unless they're higher ranks within the gang. I especially in a gang would want to see my hard work pay off and know that they aren't spending crazy amounts / sneaking money out of the accounts for personal use, and be able to match gun deals to money coming out. That's kind of just because I'd be paranoid though lol

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I'm not in a gang, so I think not giving access to the account makes more sense. A gang Leader would keep track of ALL the money, or gang "treasure" whatever you want to call it. I think it makes more sense for gang leaders to not disclose every cent as that's apart of being a gang leader. I think it creates potential RP on gang leaders to either spend it right for the gang, or slip a little extra for themselves, get caught and...well get got...lol 

Just spit balling, I'm honestly a +1 one either way just to support the request. 

Edited by vDrop
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