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My genuine feedback on the server & community (1 year in).


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I play as Darren Moore (the Redwood guy). This month makes 1 year that I've been with BLRP. Overall I have loved and enjoyed my time here. I've built one of the most well known businesses on the server, starting out by selling store bought cigs out of the back of my SUV. I've met every major group in the city, made a lot of friends, had a lot of RP, and have tried to make the most out of each day I play here.

I've recently started playing a "new" character, Earnest Shufflebottom. I technically created him first before Darren, but never played him and even he is being received very well so far. It's been 2 days on him and I've already had a blast just roaming the city talking to anyone that will listen as old man Shufflebottom.

I really do enjoy playing here a lot. I've been on Rage servers, FiveM servers, some big, some small, but BLRP I think has been the most fun for me. I've been afforded a lot of opportunities that I didn't have on other servers. The community for the most part is awesome as well. The real dedicated section of it anyway. Some of the Danny's man... oof.

I've talked to several staff members over the course of my being here, both ic business related and not. My overall experience with them has been great as well. There are some things that have not been so great and some people that have rubbed me the wrong way, but overall it's been positive. Same goes for other normal community members. I do believe staff doesn't get enough praise for all the things they do though, so I give you guys a big thank you personally!

I think my biggest gripe has to be some of the mentality I see with some people (not everyone). There is a lot of OOC and behind the scenes fighting I've noticed. It's to the point to where people can't even politely disagree on a feedback post on a new feature without someone taking it personally and trying to just berate you over it. I've not made enemies with anyone here. I've RPed with a large % of the server population. People know I'm not just some Danny that's going to try to talk shit and be a problem. Yet just something as simple as "hey, I don't really care for this and here is why." in return gets toxicity as if I'm trying to take their favorite toy away.

It's not just me. This happens to a lot of people. I have a lot of free time to just sit and read what goes on in various discords and the forums. It's really disheartening to see how much negativity there is. People complaining about staff, others in return shit talking those who are complaining about staff. It's a two way street.

While yes, there are some things that have happened that I REALLY don't agree with, I don't think every person from one camp or another is terrible and bad. I just wish people (including me) could contribute to discussions without people just trying to shit on each other constantly.

Like I mentioned before. I believe this server provides a lot of opportunities for people to do what they want, more so than other servers. I've also seen some small acts of favoritism and other things that I genuinely don't agree with, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a rampant issue with everything that goes on with the server. I also don't know everything that goes on, so things I and others my perceive as favoritism or "corruption" whatever, may be completely justified.

On the other side, I've seen people try to take advantage of the things the server and staff provides and do some unsavory things. Again, I don't think there is a large % of people that want to do that either. I think there are both good and bad people all around.

Especially in the cop vs crim debates. Some crims do rat shit, some cops have W mentality. There are going to be people like that on both sides. What I hear a lot of though is one side will do something so the other responds in kind which causes escalation on both ends and then they just end up hating each other. It's so bad that I can't even just go to MRPD and RP with the cops as a civ to ask questions, do little RP moments I had plans for or anything because there's only like 3 on duty and they are responding to calls every second they are logged in. On the other side of this, I've seen crims do anything in their power to try to get one over on the cops just because they feel like they have to. I don't think it's a one sided argument.

While on the cop vs crim thing, I think civ RP could really use a boost. It's not impossible to have fun and amazing RP experiences as a full civ with no crime. Look at me for example. It for sure is harder though. That's kind of it's own topic for a later post maybe.

I'm kind of getting to the point to where I just want to play and log in and not participate in discussions outside of ic such as here and discord. Again I want to make very clear, overall I'm very happy with everything, it's just this kind of thing happens so much that it's starting to become a thorn in my side. It's not every person, discussion, topic, etc, but it's enough to be a problem.

A lot of times I'm afraid to speak my mind in different settings because, if I complain about an issue, I feel like some staff members (and the people who defend them to the death) will view me as one of those "haters" and disregard me or even start to dislike me. Same goes for complimenting staff. I feel like if I do that then I'll get shit on for being in on whatever people think is going on with staff. It just isn't a productive environment for discussion. No I'm not trying to please everyone, but I at least want to feel comfortable enough to speak my mind.

I really think community outreach and relations between community members and staff could use some work. As well as crim & leo relations. That is my biggest thing about the community. Aside from that everything is awesome. The jobs are cool, activities are fun, over all community and staff interactions are great. I really do love it here. I do have my complaints and things I wish were different or better or whatever, but none of those things would cause me to want to leave unless they got really really bad. This is the one issue that would really make me consider leaving and not recommending the server. I'm not saying this as a "I'ma leave if you don't fix it." I'm saying it as a I can't be the only one and it has for a fact caused people I know to leave and others are on the fence. The most common thing I hear is "I just log in to Bad Lands because my friends are here." I hate hearing that. I really do.

I hope everyone keeps up the good work on their RP and the staff on developing and running the server. I know I get frustrated sometimes. I know I can be very critical of things, but that's because I just want things to be good. I don't want this turning into one server I played on that I loved very much and went to shit what felt like overnight. I hope something can be done or at least started to try to fix relations before it gets really bad, but I'm here for the ride.

I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest. Love the server, but the fighting and tribalism is starting to get to me. I want to personally thank all the great RPers and the staff for all the fun I've had here and I look forward to all the fun moments ahead!

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"While on the cop vs crim thing, I think civ RP could really use a boost. It's not impossible to have fun and amazing RP experiences as a full civ with no crime. Look at me for example. It for sure is harder though. That's kind of it's own topic for a later post maybe."

I couldn't agree more with just this one statement, and with a lot that you've voiced here. Being someone who has been here since nearly the beginning, I can tell you that the culture of GTA RP as a whole has just changed from being more genuinely roleplay oriented to be more gang/Cop Vs Crim oriented. I too don't play a dedicated "crim" character because I'd rather have story that leads my character(s) down that path. Making a character, running to an OOC friend group IC to try and get a headstart just isn't my style. It's actually kinda cheesy if you ask me. Overall I agree with a lot that you've said. Mustering up the courage to put your thoughts down in such a manner and posting it can be a stressful thing to do for fear of getting shit on. Good on you, bud. Keep up the good work. Hope this feedback finds more eyes and I hope more people really consider what you're saying vs just tossing it to the side.

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24 minutes ago, AtomicGinger said:

"While on the cop vs crim thing, I think civ RP could really use a boost. It's not impossible to have fun and amazing RP experiences as a full civ with no crime. Look at me for example. It for sure is harder though. That's kind of it's own topic for a later post maybe."

I couldn't agree more with just this one statement, and with a lot that you've voiced here. Being someone who has been here since nearly the beginning, I can tell you that the culture of GTA RP as a whole has just changed from being more genuinely roleplay oriented to be more gang/Cop Vs Crim oriented. I too don't play a dedicated "crim" character because I'd rather have story that leads my character(s) down that path. Making a character, running to an OOC friend group IC to try and get a headstart just isn't my style. It's actually kinda cheesy if you ask me. Overall I agree with a lot that you've said. Mustering up the courage to put your thoughts down in such a manner and posting it can be a stressful thing to do for fear of getting shit on. Good on you, bud. Keep up the good work. Hope this feedback finds more eyes and I hope more people really consider what you're saying vs just tossing it to the side.

Thank you, I appreciate it. I get that it's getting super rough for PD too, like a lot of calls go unanswered (from what I understand because people don't want to go on duty due to the stress) and then it pisses people off. One of my characters right now is having it out with PD over it, not because I'm actually mad, but the RP with a particular officer was FUCKING HILARIOUS and I want to see where that goes. It's really starting to affect all sides. I hope something can be done about it.

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On 11/17/2023 at 2:00 PM, Zethnos said:

I play as Darren Moore (the Redwood guy).

I miss joking around with you buddy (Jon Heron) but think I ruffled too many of those feathers to ever be allowed back.  I hope your off season is going well... my buddy got promoted off the field and in to signs while they're going through their second major redesign in two years.

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  • 1 month later...

What i have been learned myself in these past 2700hours of rp, you can be the one who leads the path.

No i dont say it's always easy task to fill up, but if you dont show the path or be example, who else would be?

You do good shit, people will follow the path... ofc there will be some dannys who doenst give a shit.

But after all, you can be example for other citizens to show, you dont need to be jerk or drive around like crazy.


After all my points my message is, show the people how you would treat the people, how you would drive in the city, they follow your path after all..

Why? Because they love and like what you do, they wanna the same experience what you are already given them.

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