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Feedback: Admins please read

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Basically, first and foremost I would like to congratulate the admins and developers for the amount of awesome features that the server holds. It reminds me very much of a public "Family" server (that SherrifEli and other YouTubers play) 

However, I joined the server with two other friends yesterday, and it has become apparent that there aren't many people on the server that abide by both the rules, and the roleplay. I have been acquainted with around 6 people and not one of them has been in character. They all talk completely out of character by talking about the "server" and the "game" and breaking NLR and VDM'ing. Although I am very aware that this is not client side, it's community sided. I have also not seen a single admin/staff member on the server whatsoever. 

I would report these people, as that's what I usually do. But due to the mass volume of players, there aren't enough hours in the day to do this and still enjoy what your server has to offer. 

As well as this, there is a blatant lack of EMS (Cops and Paramedics) which I think vitally needs to change. They are the foundations of what structures a good roleplay community. Having this asset lacked will steer many players away. 


Obviously, since the update, there have been many crashes, identify errors, and instances. However, this isn't my concern as I know this will improve over time. What won't however, is the lack of attention to the role play community. 


Please consider fixing or at least addressing these issues, and you might just have the best server on the platform. 



Kind regards, Alex

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I think yesterday was not the best day to join the server, lots of crazy stuff going on and hard to explain in an RP situation. It was fun to try tho lol :P

I hope you give badlands a chance because it is one of the most stable servers i have tried, and there are lots of people there worth meeting to have some fun :) 

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Everything that you have brought up is something we are working on. We can't just hand out staff ranks and police white-listing like candy to fulfill the need because that's how you get abusive/subpar and low quality personnel. Being an open server means that everyone is free to join which unfortunately also means that people will join to be butt heads. We were forced by fiveM to adapt to their BETA stage FXServer which has caused some challenges in stability. We are working hard to get those problems addressed so we can get back to our regular patch schedule and on boarding of more emergency services.

This is not intended to be a hardcore RP server. We made this with the idea that anyone of varying role play levels can join and have a good time. We want everyone to be able to experience how fun RP can be! As veteran RPers put forth effort and show good examples of RP the rest of the community will grow and build their RP as well. Over time the bugs and will be knocked out and stability will be restored. We will have more bodies for emergency services and also staff. The constant between now and that point and even further beyond: You, the player. Every individual who plays on here builds the community and creates those funny, scary, stressful at times and even heart warming experiences. 

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