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Wine Price


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I personally think the old price of wine was fine how it was, 2400 for every good wine you got. If you were doing wine for an hour that would equal about 240k which is 60k for four people. Some people run the wine factory with 6+  which is pretty reasonable imo considering how much you spent on the business and also the new changes made to the wine factory aswell as how much supplies you can order. I do know that you guys changed the price for safety like you said and want more time to monitor it but as of now its 30k for 6 people an hour. (Makes all drugs better than wine and a lot of the other jobs are pretty much the same).

- The price of wine has been decreased. Honestly there's nothing fun to say about this one, we just need to make sure it's not going to break the economy. This change is likely unnecessary, but is being done for safety. We'll continue monitoring and adjust the price as necessary. 

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As I said in that note, we'll be monitoring it. There were some pretty extreme claims made regarding income, and while the logs don't necessarily support them, we want to make sure people aren't making so much money that it's going to break the economy. Since wine in particular costs so much more than any other item in the game, we're extremely cautious with how it's going to effect the economy.

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I think the price before was fine. Since the reason for a business to create RP, maybe even jobs, and pass money down the business from CEO to employees to contractors (outside help). To have a chain of roleplay and money passing to make the larger funds not such a scary looking number.

Yesterday I felt like a real business. Hire people to gather for the business, paid them decent, have employees who can all work together and make a decent wage.
Now I'd never pay someone to gather for me. Think had 6+ people with job offers but now couldn't afford it with current prices. That doesn't even include the employees that need to make money.

Now scuba diving is the best money again in city. Unless you just do this bare minimum people and no contractors.

Sad since had a lot of fun roleplaying a business. But people are not going to work for you if you can't beat the prices of things around them.

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Some feedback. Someone who also did wine with people before and after price adjustment. Before changes price was tad too high but there was interesting consequences happening because of that. Those who did wine had now capital to hire people to work for them, picking grapes or transporting goods for example. It felt like business and people who were not business employees were involved in business and thus a roleplay boomed. After changes, I calculated that profit you get from one hour of wine making was only mediocre job if you have four people. If you take more than for people, current price of wine is not worth to do. Also because price is so low, you do not have capital to hire folks to work for you thus removed roleplay interactions with people outside of "wine" group.

If we could get to try somekind of happy medium between pre bottle price changes and post bottle price changes, that would be interesting to see the results. Though I think grape weight and all that extra that came with post changes, should remain as it is now.

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Before changes:

120 Yeast+Grapes  = 1h of work = 120 Bottles of Wine     2500$ / Bottle (-10 000$ yeast)  = 290 000$  /4 People = 72 500$  /6 People = 48 333$

After changes:

120 Yeast+Grapes  = 1h = 120 Bottles of Wine     1800$ / Bottle (-10 000$ yeast)  = 206 000$  /4 People = 51 500$  /6 People = 34 333$


After changes, it feels more like you need 5 people to get all "good" wines. Otherwise its bit too rushy and you cannot keep an eye on people who arrive to "check around". We did in crews of 4 5 and 6 and pre patch it was worth to have any crew size as long as it was 4 or 4+. Post changes feels like if you go 4+ its not worth it but you kinda have to take 4+ because new extra thingy that you need to repair.

PS: Before changes we could afford to hire external workforce. Grape pickers, people who transported grapes ect. Because even if we paid them good we still made profit for ourselves too. Thus making more interactions with people who are outside of business. After changes, for us to hire external workforce atm and make profit is absolutley no go.


Edited by Victor
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6 minutes ago, Victor said:

Before changes:

120 Yeast+Grapes  = 1h of work = 120 Bottles of Wine     2500$ / Bottle (-10 000$ yeast)  = 290 000$  /4 People = 72 500$  /6 People = 48 333$

After changes:

120 Yeast+Grapes  = 1h = 120 Bottles of Wine     1800$ / Bottle (-10 000$ yeast)  = 206 000$  /4 People = 51 500$  /6 People = 34 333$


After changes, it feels more like you need 5 people to get all "good" wines. Otherwise its bit too rushy and you cannot keep an eye on people who arrive to "check around". We did in crews of 4 5 and 6 and pre patch it was worth to have any crew size as long as it was 4 or 4+. Post changes feels like if you go 4+ its not worth it but you kinda have to take 4+ because new extra thingy that you need to repair.


Are you also paying the people who pick grapes with that money, or are you just counting the 4-6 people that would help with the actual brewing? Its not even 35k per person per hour if you factor in the time you take picking it yourself or what you're paying a supplier. 

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120 grapes I count if we pick ourselves and not hire people. But we can pick grapes when we have no crew in the city large enough to do the brewing or someone else is brewing at the time and we wait for turn.

But you can clearly see that before changes capital was good enough to hire people to pick grapes and we could pay them good for their work. After changes, not so much.

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1 hour ago, ValkyrieBlu said:

Are you also paying the people who pick grapes with that money, or are you just counting the 4-6 people that would help with the actual brewing? Its not even 35k per person per hour if you factor in the time you take picking it yourself or what you're paying a supplier. 

Also gotta calculate money to put back in the business bank!

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58 minutes ago, Victor said:

120 grapes I count if we pick ourselves and not hire people. But we can pick grapes when we have no crew in the city large enough to do the brewing or someone else is brewing at the time and we wait for turn.

But you can clearly see that before changes capital was good enough to hire people to pick grapes and we could pay them good for their work. After changes, not so much.

But that is still technically the business' work and therefore should be counted in the time. I'm not sure how many grapes 4 people can pick in one hour, but lets just say its 1 hour to harvest 120 grapes for the 1 hour of work at the brewery. Then you're only making $25,750 per hour of work.

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Yeah, I agree. That is why before changes price of wine was good enough for you not need to go pick grapes yourself, you could hire people to do that for you thats what we did. It felt like real business at that time. Now it feels more like other professions where you do all on your own (or 4 people in brewery) otherwise you gain almost no money if you hire people to transport your goods ect ect.

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Pre Patch:  120 bottles, 1 hours work.  $288,000. -10k for the 100 (still need 20 more yeast so another -2k really)  That is $276,000.   Now 15% for business funds $41,000. So roughly $40,000 per person with my 6 man business crew. I had 5-6 people working for my business at any time to get good wine and keep roleplay high.
I was paying 30k for 100 grapes to harvesters (or just 300 per grape since not everyone got 100 for me). Had 6 harvesters working for me throughout the day on Saturday.

So at one point 10+ people were working for my business at any point in time. And we all had great roleplay, fun things, and a great time.


Pre Patch:  120 bottles, 1 hours work.  $206,000. -10k for the 100 (still need 20 more yeast so another -2k really)  That is $194,100.   Now 15% for business funds $30,900. So roughly $27,200 per person with my 6 man business crew. Almost every other legal job is better per hour per person or the business funds has to be cut. Which makes supplies more annoying for the CEO.
I was unwilling to hire on contractors, harvesters, or runners for any reason now. They are too expensive. I can't hire people when they can make $60k an hour scuba diving, or $30k gold for just as easy. But without the RP of the business, and deals, and meetings... Which makes me sad.

Now I am looking at 3-4 people at max working. No harvesters. And really you need 5 for perfect wine brew still.

Edited by BlackMagic0
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