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Hostage/Mugging - Shooting from vehicle

Merr Khan

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So now that the bikes have been worked on (thank you). I can work on my petty crime character Teddy Reaper a Chopper riding biker who likes to follow and rob suspicious vehicles, ( driving over 100 mph in city, or hanging out at a know drug/good seller, or hitting them when they go into a bank). In total now i have attempted to mug 14 players. If i get the same person in 1 day i leave them alone. 9 have paid x amount ($100-500 they decide how much they think will make me happy and leave). 4 have tried to run, 1 got away and 3 got shot. The real problem is the last encounter. He followed all instructions while i had my gun pointed at him. Told him to keep his hands up for 20 sec till i'm long gone. But when i got on my bike he pulled a gun and shot me. This last example is the one i wanted to talk about. IRL the guy wouldn't have pulled a gun because i would still have had my pistol pointed at him while getting on bike and driving away, I would have shot him from my bike with the auto pistol as soon as he put his hands down.. I believe he knew you can't shoot from vehicle so he waited till i was on it. I believe he abused that mechanic and broke RP just to shoot.

My question here is can we work on being able to shoot from some vehicles, maybe only auto weapons that why its Illegal to shoot from a vehicle? Or make it a rule that just cause somebody got in a vehicle doesn't mean they put there gun away, you still have to RP like its out and on you. If you are taken as a hostage or being mugged. 

Just something i noticed while being a mugger, and only 1 out of 14 did it. Maybe not enough to make a change, but and idea none the less. 

I look forward to any and all feedback for this topic. :)

clip of last encounter, you can see how he is watching till i get on bike then puts down hands and shoots right as i'm leaving. would have been a easy spray kill with the auto pistol if i could have aim/shot from bike. 


Edited by Richard Power
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1 hour ago, Richard Power said:

I believe he knew you can't shoot from vehicle so he waited till i was on it. I believe he abused that mechanic and broke RP just to shoot.

Well first of we cant assume that! his player ID is pretty high so hes pretty new. Secondly for RP purpose why didnt you tell him to get on the ground before you drove off cause personally just say you could shoot from your bike dont mean you could have shot him cause if you stick me up IRL and i get a chance to pull a gun im shooting at your ass too! now getting back to you being able to shoot your aim is gonna be shit cause your trying to drive away not easy to keep an eye on him and an eye on the road not to mention you was swerving so again your aim would be crap also why not tell him to get on his bike and drive off( gun pointed at him)? many different scenarios could have happened there for you to leave safely the one you had at that robbery cost you your life.  and to your point you would have a gun pointed at him while driving away im pretty sure most bikes clutch on left handle bar gas on right handle bar how are you moving? you got to use both hands on a bike a car would be different. lets just say you got in first gear your not gonna go that fast right off and again you was swerving which im sure was to avoid his gun fire with 1 hand you could have possibly pulled one direction to far and wrecked your bike. Just my opinion

Edited by Thorgs
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   I can't fault that player at all and believe the responsibility lies more in your lap for the outcome of this. I think 1 out of 14 is perfectly fine for someone to fight back especially when you give them a chance to. In your scenario you could have made him get on his bike and face away from you, you could have made him drive off, have him go into the gold seller area at gunpoint and face the wall.

   Shooting from vehicles was a complete poop shoot and caused some messy game-play. I personally don't mind if it stays gone but I am not closed to the discussion of bringing it back in a different capacity. 

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