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Jamie White Who or What Am I?


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So a few of you in the city know who i am or have atleast met me in person, lets me share to you the people of LS the hiistory of my life so far.


So where do i begin? right at the start.


The day i was born was an interesting day as it has been said i did not cry but just sat there and observed the world around me taking in all i could see.

years after my birth i started showing signs of a thirst but no one not even my self knew what that thirst was for. in the years leading up till i was 17 i had a generically normal life a few weird signs here and there, growing up with anxiety and depression sadly like most of my generation is, but i had an obsession, what was that obsession you ask well it is simple, most children who are told scary stories never believe them or even go searching for them, but not me i believed every single one of them and yes i went searching.

at the age of 18 i joined the military it was a good way to see the world but also a good way to defend the ones i loved, or so i thought. on the eve of my 21st birthday i got a call and to this day i wll remember that call to every detail. i was in my bunk cleaning my weapons prepairing to be re assigned to fort zancudo in LS When a voice told me my parents had been killed, but not by any weapon, they had what seem to be bite marks on their neck and all their blood gone, i knew i had to leave the military but i refused to do it without just cause.

3 weeks after the call i was on a patrol with my squad in a remote village which we believe terrorists were camped in, we were given the order to destroy the village with an airstrike which we did, but when the fires stopped burning all i could see was dead childrens corpses, our squad leader had got it wrong but more importantly he was drunk and out of it, we went back to camp where he tried to lay all blame on me, so i beat him to the ground,  i was sentanced to 1 year in military prision for insubordination and assault on a superior.

The day i was released i herd whispers and rumors of people going missing in eastern europe, my travels took me to a remote castle on the border of romania where the count of people who had vanished over the years had increased to 500, i was out one night in the woods hunting when i herd a faint noise, it was ever so quiet, which is why it took me by suprise when i felt what can only be described as 2 needles into the neck, except those needles were teeth, had this been what i was searching for, it cant be a vampire, i had been bitten was this finally the day that i was going to be with my family? No it wasn't.

The vampire stopped draining my blood and entered the shadows, he just stood there stairing at me, was he tormenting me, was he prolonging my death in his own sick and twisted way?, thats when i herd it, "You will one day be like me, but that day will only come when you are truely ready to be, you will find someone like me, imortal, you will want to protect them with your life, and then you will become like me, this is your curse to never know why you have a hunger that you can not get rid of, just know this one thing you will never harm the one who finally makes you imortal, and anyone who tries to harm them will feel your true power and thirst for vengence".

since that day i have been searching for The one who i am to protect, and that search brought me here to Los Santos, and it has finally happened i found the one who has brought my imortality out and who knew it would be a female demon.

I am here in this city craving blood, but only the blood of her enemies shall be blessed upon my teeth to satisfy the thrist.


[Update] 11/01/2019

My life in the city has been strange so far, i have met some amazing people, been making my way through my transition to full vampire and even had to watch a few good friends die.

but i have been having this re occcuring dream thats been botheriing me, its like a memory burried so deep down that i never really noticed it until now, as most of you know i believed that my parents were murdered thats why i went searching for who or what killed them, but it turns out that, that search was pointless because they were not even my real parents.

i recently found a woman by the name of amy, who knew me and my whole history, so we got to talking and eventually i got the courage to ask her how she knew so much about me, that is when she showed me 3 things, a photo of her and a young child, a birth certificate and a signed adoption paper with her signature and the people who i thought were my parents.

could it be that all this time i was adopted out, and for some reasson burried the memory so deep because of the pain it caused me, yes thats it im starting to remember everything now.



I am Jamie White I was Adopted And I am a Vampire. 


Edited by WTFjamie
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My life in the city has been strange so far, i have met some amazing people, been making my way through my transition to full vampire and even had to watch a few good friends die.

but i have been having this re occcuring dream thats been botheriing me, its like a memory burried so deep down that i never really noticed it until now, as most of you know i believed that my parents were murdered thats why i went searching for who or what killed them, but it turns out that, that search was pointless because they were not even my real parents.

i recently found a woman by the name of amy, who knew me and my whole history, so we got to talking and eventually i got the courage to ask her how she knew so much about me, that is when she showed me 3 things, a photo of her and a young child, a birth certificate and a signed adoption paper with her signature and the people who i thought were my parents.

could it be that all this time i was adopted out, and for some reasson burried the memory so deep because of the pain it caused me, yes thats it im starting to remember everything now.


I am Jamie White I was Adopted And I am a Vampire. 

Edited by WTFjamie
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