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To All Concerning The Saints, The Whites, and The AoD...


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A brief history of our group, characters, and "gangs" that have spawned as a result.

First off, I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this and would like to thank you ahead of time. This is meant to clear up any questions, confusion, or meta game drama that has occurred over the past month or so. This is also only my perspective and may be missing some details.

The Saints were formed back in June 2018 by the Strokinoff brothers, Dimitri and Niko. Vladimir (myself) got his green card a few weeks later in July. Always sporting purple, The Saints formed nothing but friendships and allies in the city, even running a security service for a while. The group floated between 4 and 10 active members with a couple of the originals coming and going and new ones being picked up, but was always headed by Dimitri Strokinoff.

Fast forward to December, when character slots were released... A few of us instantly jumped at the chance to have different characters, different lives. Vladimir "took a trip back to Russia", Brick Richards entered the city, and The Angels of Death were formed in hopes of some rival RP with anyone claiming The Lost. AoD was formed with a few Saints and non-Saints, but all of them are NEW and DIFFERENT characters made for the MC. I ran AoD for a month or two while Dimitri kept up The Saints, but there is no in game relationship between the groups at the moment.

Due to real life being a busy and hectic place sometimes, both Dimitri and I have been taking a leave of absence since early/mid January and have been away from the city for a little while now. There were still active members of both The Saints and AoD floating around but neither group wanted to "make waves" sporting colors without proper leadership, and thus, The White Family was formed.
From what I've gathered and understand, a couple active members recruited some friends and started sporting white while engaging in "hostile" or "gang" RP. Where I assume most of the confusion is stemming from is I don't believe they created NEW characters for this NEW "gang" and instead just changed from purple to white, while also keeping a purple secondary, which definitely doesn't help differentiate between the two groups.

Honestly, I don't know many details of what happened with The Whites while I was away, but from what I've heard they are taking a "forced vacation" from the city and haven't been around.

The main points I just want to clarify were that The Saints and The Angels of Death are two SEPARATE groups with SEPARATE members, and the actions of The Whites were sanctioned by NEITHER.

Just hoping to reduce some of the blowback and negativity we've received since returning. I enjoy this city too much to let it be ruined by confusion, misinformation, and petty rumors.

Thanks again for your time. Any remaining issues can be brought up to me (Kiloriffic/Vladimir/Brick) or (Blackmagic/Dimitri/Jax) and we will do our best to sort them out.

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This is endorsed by me.  Dimitri Strokinoff.  The founder of the Saints, AoD, and the entire gaming community I have made under Sad Robot Gaming. All of the people within AoD and Saints are under that umbrella.  This does NOT include the White family.

I know some of you have been welcomed into my community and have worked with me many times over the months as friends of Sad Robot Gaming.

So please come to me with any concern and I'll try to relieve them.

And honestly a lot of this misinformation has been spread OOC or worst.

Edited by BlackMagic0
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25 minutes ago, Isabella Sanchez said:

Thank you for the clarification and back story. I hope you understand the confusion from some of the members of the community as well, since names weren't changed just their colors.

This is the reason I have been reaching out to people and he wrote this.  So trust me.  We understand.

We've been away dealing with rl issues and are just now coming back to all of this.

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Ok my other character was part of the white family but due to his and only his text messages not working I don't know anything about them and pretty much aside from 2 RP's with them was pretty much just wearing white. Can't do much without the text ability. I started a new character and am not a part of any of the gangs so I don't know anything other than a comment by Kiloriffic, stating from what he's heard they are taking a "FORCED VACATION". I have to ask so I don't get tangled up in something against server rules, what does that mean?

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4 hours ago, Warthog said:

Ok my other character was part of the white family but due to his and only his text messages not working I don't know anything about them and pretty much aside from 2 RP's with them was pretty much just wearing white. Can't do much without the text ability. I started a new character and am not a part of any of the gangs so I don't know anything other than a comment by Kiloriffic, stating from what he's heard they are taking a "FORCED VACATION". I have to ask so I don't get tangled up in something against server rules, what does that mean?

Exactly what you think it means.

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