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Licensing for non-civilian weapons


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With the recent influx of "security firms" on the server, there's got to be a bit more incentive for people to use them.  A Desert Eagle is a scarier deterrent for would-be attackers than the standard 9mm pistol, and the mini-SMG means the threat would have to be completely insane to try anything. 

My proposal for obtaining licensing:

1) License applies to the business. Licenses cannot be obtained for individuals.

2) Businesses must be registered with the government, including an up to date HR file with employee names and social security numbers (ID numbers). Business directory must be available for police to look at, and must be provided to them by the employee upon contact. I.E., if a cop pulls over an employee of the security firm, the employee must hand over ID and weapon license info to the officer, showing that he is a current employee of a registered security firm.

3) For each employee, the license costs a certain amount. This prevents someone from hiring on a bunch of random people and them just having access to larger weapons. Make it expensive, like $50k or $100k per employee. This means an organization with 5 employees would have to invest $250k-$500k to ensure their employees are able to use the weapons.

4) Assign responsibility. If a government regulated weapon is used in the commission of a crime, the organization as a whole is charged with the weapons offense. That means the owner goes to jail for the same amount of time as the employee. First offense is jail time, second offense is the loss of licensing for the company.


The added benefits of security firms is that they further the role play in certain scenarios, they stimulate the economy, and they give people additional activities to do.  Does it occasionally result in more violence? Yes. Does it allow an opportunity for a security firm to diffuse situations before police have to travel from Mission Row to Palleto Bay? Absolutely. I think the benefit of the security firms being able to act in legal gray areas gives them an incentive to be used in protection or escorting scenarios. But, there needs to be an incentive to use them. Thus, I think they should be able to legally carry more powerful weapons, as long as they're licensed and use them for role play only situations.

Edit: The only reason that I bring this up is that these weapons are able to be purchased at the gun store near Sandy Shores. If they're just outright illegal with no way to carry legally, shouldn't they only be available at the blackmarket?

Thanks for your consideration on this topic.

Edited by BrandonM
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I think the taser should be added to that list, that way the security has a non-lethal option. Plus it will stop someone from pulling out a gun right as you get i a car. You can "tase" a would be crook/assassin then get in car and leave while they are pissing themselves on the ground... 

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I think the idea is definitely cool and could be incorporated into the business aspect. The biggest thing I like is that it is a primarily RP oriented job that wouldn't require much game mechanics to support it. I have to think whether it'd be better to allow certain people to have a license that allows them to carry something classified as illegal or just introduce a new weapon specifically for the security industry. The latter option requires a little effort on the coding side to put in restrictions (player can't purchase without having a business).

Then there are things on the police side that need evaluated to limit potential gray areas. Ill get with a few people and see what we can come up with, really like this idea!

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