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  6. I'd love this but people collude with one another and cheaters gonna cheat.
  7. Can we have a poker table that is player v player instead of player v house
  8. I'm just tryna get some more purple clothing and i be driving the banshee while racing just a suggestion but more purple clothes in general would be cool
  9. To Post a Complaint, please pick the Start New Topic button. Use the following template: IC reports: For IA reports to be handled in character, they should be written from your character's perspective. Please refrain from using knowledge that your character would not have when writing your report. All photos must have been taken by you; any videos must be from scenes that your character was involved in. OOC reports: If your complaint is partially or entirely about OOC issues, please include that information and label it as OOC. *Other reports: Other violations, such as breaking server rules or RP issues, should be handled via player reports. DYNASTY 8 CUSTOMER COMPLAINT FORM Complainant information Full name: Address: Phone number: Email (discord): Customer ID Number (F6 player ID number): Incident information Realtor(s): Incident location or address: Time of the incident (convert to EST): Witness name & phone number: Narrative - please describe the incident in detail: Evidence - any video or images you have to support your complaint: Desired outcome: Complainant signature:
  10. Ari

    trying to join

    Make sure you are a member of our Discord (there's a button on the upper-right of the page to join Check the #welcome section as it's got basic connection info If you are still having issues connecting, reach out in the #help section
  11. how do i join the server
  12. to those that do not know my in game character in bad lands this is gamerman871 here at some point i will be making a come back real name london age 33 my plan and goal to work in LSPD this time to see if allow to freely patrol with others at that time Tiller was the head of the cops MY or my not look at Working with EMS again or see about making a compeny with in the game that fits the skills of mybe my game play
  13. New Process for Gang Applications Trial Phase At this point, a Crew has filed a Gang Application and has been approved by Staff to be in the "Trial Phase." The Trial Phase will last about 5 weeks, time can be extended if the Crew didn't make a great impact, or they will be told to reapply next cycle. During this phase, the Crew will now have the ability for the following: Claim Turf Declare War against a rival gang Staff will monitor the Crews that are in the Trial Phase extensively. If it is deemed that the Crew Lacks a gang identity, Lacks roleplay, or has had a significant number of Staff actions taken against them, the Crew will be denied.
  14. Thank you for your reply! I was a bit worried if I am allowed to ask it on Discord, which is why I reached out here instead as I saw there's a specific channel for arts&stuff. I'll go ahead and try out IC and Discord.
  15. @SimpleXX Hey, make sure you post something on Discord too. There's a lot more creative minds there. That's the best OOC approach. However, there are IC approaches. There's companies in the server that are roleplaying whom will be willing to help.
  16. Hello people of BLRP, I want to ask help in working with an individual in hope of helping us creating the perfect flier for our company. I unfortunately lack the art of creativity to make one that could stand out and attract attention. We are very committed to creating a security company.
  17. Welcome to the community! Hope you'll stay long and have a great time!
  18. Yo Yo, i made a second character named Kalos! he wants to be the coolest Fish And Wildlife Official you've ever met!!

  19. SWAT for us is certification and yes they do regular patrol, until activated.
  20. Hey there y’all! My name in game is Joey, but most people call me Chronic. First time in the city and I have already had some great experiences. I am looking forward to meeting more friendlies around town and increasing the level of enthusiasm in anybody I meet!
  21. Wanting to join up with SWAT unit, do you still have to do the daily tasks as a PD officer? Patrolling, felony stops etc. As, just being a regular officer isn't what I'm good at (unless someone's partner). I've always had the need to be part of special forces, something that the regulars can't do or handle on their own.
  22. You can’t forget a common one: Email: usually referring to discord ”Hey send me your email for your application” or “check your email for updates” (when working in a business etc)
  23. @TommyPepperoni please refile here, picking ban appeals in the dept dropdown menu https://badlandsrp.com/support/create
  24. I got banned for racism for no reason in the middle of rp, i think it was a mistake. 167252 YamboG
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