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In game - menu

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@Serpico we love you, and I think the new menu looks cooler. But... here goes another request.

It's been a while since the menu covers up the text chat, most of the time doesn't matter, but at times there is spam and you need to wait to see the menu properly. Because, at least me, can't see the inventory number properly when the two texts overlay.

I imagine that dealing with the menu in code is quite annoying and hard with different screen resolutions but I hope this feature makes the pain you will have to go through worth it. The request is to make the menu size shorter and move it down. I think the limitation for it might be the police menu and the admin menu. About the admin menu, I don't know the options so I got no suggestions. But for the PD menu can be shorten and even make more easy to use by putting those things that should only be used in controlled situations or that are less frequently used in a sub-menu. (As example I called it + Administrative actions)


I don't know how much room does it have in other resolutions. I just did that based on my screen. As you see in the bottom leaves room for more actions, the dark area is sized for 12 actions. 

About the PD menu
The current PD menu in my screen the last action (Impound vehicle) at the moment hangs half way out of the dark area, since there are quite a lot of actions. Other PD members could suggests a different split of the menu, but I think at the current time, the menu should be divided since having so many makes it slower to browse and can lead to miss-clicks.

The reason for the split I made is that the actions left on the main police menu are the ones more used out on the field, when you are at risk of some action dropping on you. And things should be done more or less quick. On the sub-menu there are those actions that should be done only if situation is more under control.  I'm aware Impound vehicle doesn't fit this rule I used to divide the menus, but impound at the time is quite often used to clean the city from cars anywhere, so I think it should be on the main menu. Also with menu divided Jail and Prison are far apart so people will never confuse those anymore.

If any other officers have a better suggestion how to split menus, go ahead. Remember that top and bottom actions should be those used quiet often since they are quicker to access.

NOTE: The menu adjusted is moved down and also shorter (less tall), leaving room for 12 actions exactly.


Edited by Tomas García
Added note at the bottom
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