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Jim Carrey

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Although they could assist in raids I don't think they should take them over as that takes a lot of things to do from PD side of things, and our job already feels to repetitive as it is.

As for a military job on it's self, I dont think anyone should be able to apply, as I still think it should only be available to trusted members of the conmunity, considering the fire power and what nots. 

I had a few ideas myself that I was gonna present to the admins, but considering this topic now exists I shall just say it here.


The military would have convoys at unanounced times and unanounced routes. Criminals would have the possibility to intercept these convoys and get an attempt at raiding it in exchange for whatever the military convoy was transporting. Hitting the convoy and getting access to the cargo would require special equipment that's high tech enough to break into a military container. Vehicles such as tanks and other vehicles may not be stolen (these would have bionic locks so only military personal can enter/drive them)

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On 6/24/2022 at 12:07 PM, Lion_Luke said:

Although they could assist in raids I don't think they should take them over as that takes a lot of things to do from PD side of things, and our job already feels to repetitive as it is.

As for a military job on it's self, I dont think anyone should be able to apply, as I still think it should only be available to trusted members of the conmunity, considering the fire power and what nots. 

I had a few ideas myself that I was gonna present to the admins, but considering this topic now exists I shall just say it here.


The military would have convoys at unanounced times and unanounced routes. Criminals would have the possibility to intercept these convoys and get an attempt at raiding it in exchange for whatever the military convoy was transporting. Hitting the convoy and getting access to the cargo would require special equipment that's high tech enough to break into a military container. Vehicles such as tanks and other vehicles may not be stolen (these would have bionic locks so only military personal can enter/drive them)

I support this idea, however I don't think this alone would be enough to warrant a job role in the military.

They'd have to add more tasks and duties to it to make it a viable job. And of course recruitment and training should be really strict.

As I see it now, I think it would be better if the admins do these convoy runs every now and then and criminals can get their hands on these dates, times and locations through RP.

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On 6/23/2022 at 8:26 PM, Jim Carrey said:

I see that there is a lot of military clothing, is there already a job for the military or will there ever be? We have the military base up north and the Navy boat out in the water. Where a lot of fun rp could be discovered this these locations.

Would be a cool idea but as gang member perspective, it may be over kill . It’s already hard enough with the power the police (weapons etc) has and just imaging the military scares me lol . 

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I'm fully in support of a military presence to be kept on the island, only to be called upon in times of very serious incidents where there are many casualties and lives have, or appear to have been lost.

This is another great reason to learn radio call abbreviations, perform drills, and escort convoys to safety at Zancudo. Also extra delivery point for trusted postmen and trucking.

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Can confirm the military in city DOES already exist, they just aren't a regularly active faction. What I can say is that you don't wanna hang out at Zancudo for too long or for the wrong reasons. I have had several amazing scenarios involving the military in specific RP motivated moments and think that's as much as it should be. Some may remember the Zancudo protest from last year. They do exist but only in special circumstances and shouldn't be a regular faction imo

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I think it's more fitting for the admin group to fill the military role, as "the government." I can see the attraction in becoming some sort of army reserve, getting access to those higher caliber weapons, but there would need to be some really dedicated military RP to actually staff a base.

I'm sure there's a few that could do it and it would be awesome to see, but it would need to be a whole new faction for sure.

Edited by Yama
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Me when I see someone driving around Zancudo for 10 minutes



But Military sometimes comes in after large scale raids to 'clear areas' to stop people lurking around after the fact, you've probably seen it before. Mostly just shooting the air to scare people off but god forbid someone shoots back lol, don't think there should be a direct faction as players would be restricted and their roles would be minimal, no point in that imo

Edited by tay
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I spent alot of time throughout my 16 yr career sitting and waiting for something to happen... was paid about $25k for the first year to learn Euchre because of training backlogs.

36 hr (in Garrison/Station) work week ended up being broken down something like this;
8 hrs of physical training/sports
4 hrs of maintaining equipment (trucks, weapons)
4 hrs of soldier skills training (weapons handling, radio skills, giving receiving orders, driver's training, safety training, etc. etc. etc.)
5 hrs of sitting in "Orders Groups"
10ish hrs of working (support work i.e. maintaining vehicles/kit/radios/ in the case of combat arms, more combat arms training/preparing for next training)
5ish hrs of extended coffee/smoking breaks where ppl "shoot the shit" (talk/tell stories/play another Euchre game)

Exercise/training events may take 1/3rd to 1/4 of the calendar year.
Deployments were dependent on operation tempo/armed forces tasks.

I don't have enough experience RPing to know have any suggestions on how to integrate/etc. but wanted to share my OOG experience for those who may be thinking about implementing such a thing.

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  • 1 month later...

I know I am a bit late to the discussion but here are the issues I have with the military aspect of RP. 1) How will the military be able to conduct like exercises or events ( This would be a more Goverment, community member event planning idea) 2) I hate to admit it but some people will abuse the absolute out of this if they are given the power of the military with a heavy assault rifle. 3) Military vehicles tend to be overpowering, (See point 1). These are just my personal opinions based of my experience both as someone currently serving and seeing people Roleplaying military in all aspects from ARMA to Minecraft to Rust and finally DnD and GTA. It really needs a massive debate and risk management plan. 

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