Popular Post Timr Posted January 19, 2018 Popular Post Report Share Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) San Andreas Civilian Rights Definitions "ADA" - Assistant District Attorney "approved screening device" "ASD" - Any BlowYou™ brand breathalyzer device "arrest[ed]" - To be taken into custody by an LEO "blood alcohol content" "BAC" - The content of alcohol in an individual's blood, measured in grams per deciliter (g/dL) "brandishing" - Wave, flourish, or display an object (especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement "CDL" - Commercial Driver's License "class 1 firearm" - Any firearm not otherwise defined as a class 2 firearm, class 3 firearm "class 2 firearm" Any firearm whose caliber is equal to or greater than .50 AE Any firearm whose magazine holds or is adapted to hold greater than or equal to 15 rounds Any shotgun whose barrel has been modified (sawn-off) Any firearm whose serial number has been removed or altered "class 3 firearm" Any firearm capable of fully automatic fire Musket Any firearm equipped with a device or contrivance designed or intended to muffle or stop the sound or report of a firearm "coastal waters" - Any part of the ocean surrounding the State of San Andreas that exists within 1000 meters from the shore "controlled substances" Cocaine, Coca Paste, Meth, Ephedrine (in quantities greater than 25 units), Heroin, MDMA, LSD, PCP, Mescaline (Divine) Prescription opiates for which the possessor does not have a valid prescription Court Official: ADA, DA, or Judge "CR" - Abbreviated version of Civilian Rights "DA" - District Attorney "direct witness" - Any on duty LEO or properly uniformed LSFD Security Personnel who gives their account of an incident, which may be used to generate Probable Cause. "destructive device" - Any weapon, device, or object capable or being thrown, triggered, or used to cause explosions or fire "DOJ" - Department of Justice "drug paraphernalia" - Cannabis seeds (in a large amount), Coca Leaves, Mobile Meth Lab Kits, Opium, Acetic Anhydride, Ergot, Lysergic Acid, Formaldehyde, Ether, Hydrochloride "DSZ" - Downtown Security Zone. The downtown core of the City of Los Santos, policed primarily by the Los Santos Downtown Security Force "dwelling" - A house, apartment, or any place of residence of any individual "election Commission" - An independent agency responsible for administering and enforcing laws that cover elections and campaigns "emergency vehicle" A motor vehicle driven by an on-duty member of a fire department A motor vehicle driven by an on-duty LEO "eye witness" - A civilian or non-security LSFD personnel who gives their account of an incident, which may be used during an investigation, but does not generate Probable Cause. "gang" - any ongoing organization, association, or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal acts, or the purposeful violation of any of the civilian rights or laws of San Andreas, and having a common name or common identifying sign, colors or symbols. "GSR" - Gunshot residue "government official" - The current or acting Governor of San Andreas, Mayor of Los Santos, or Commissioner of Blaine County, or any court official. "government property" - Anywhere within the outer fence of Fort Zancudo Military Base, any non-public area of any Hospital, Prison, Police Station, Sheriff's office, or financial institution (Fleeca Bank, Blaine County Savings Bank, Central Bank) "highway" - Any roadway designated as a highway or freeway in its name "illegal equipment" - Hacking Phone, Item Disablement Kit, Lockpicks, Safe Cracking Kit, Weapon Disablement Kit, Hacking Laptop "illegal weapon attachment" - A device or contrivance designed or intended to muffle or stop the sound or report of a firearm "illegal weapons" - Cavalry Dagger, Broken Bottle, Switchblade, Battleaxe, Shank, Taser, any class 2 or class 3 firearm "individual" - A singular person existing or residing anywhere within the State of San Andreas or its coastal waters "intoxicated" - Drunk or under the influence of drugs "LEA" - A law enforcement agency recognized by the State of San Andreas, as follows San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP) Blaine County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) Department of Corrections (DOC) The National Office of Security Enforcement (NOOSE) Los Santos Downtown Security Force (LSDSF) "LEO" - A law enforcement officer belonging to an LEA "less than lethal force" - Force applied to an individual by mechanism of beanbag shotgun, taser, strikes with a fist, or strikes with a baton designed to incapacitate "lethal force" - Force applied from a weapon or mechanism designed to cause serious bodily injury or death "LSFD" - Los Santos Fire Department "month" - One minute of real world time "motor vehicle" - Any vehicle designed to be self-propelled "mph" - Miles per hour "off-road Vehicle" - Any Vehicle listed in Dealership Catalogue as being in the style of "off-road" or Bobcat XL, Bison, Rumpo Custom, Manchez Scout2, or the Contender "open carry" - The practice of openly carrying a firearm on one's person in public "police" - All LEAs and LEOs "police station" - The structures known as Vinewood Police Department, Sandy Shores Sheriff Office, Paleto Bay Sheriff Office, Davis Police Station, La Mesa Police Station, and Beaver Bush Ranger Station "police vehicle" - Any vehicle belonging to any LEA or LEO "private business" - Any business owned or leased by any individual in the State of San Andreas "private security" - A private business that is legally authorized by the Department of Justice to perform security operations. "protected animal" - A species that is protected by law and is prohibited to be harmed or destroyed by any means wild or domestic species: cats, dogs, coyotes, and mountain lions marine species: sharks, turtles, dolphins, and whales "unsanctioned gambling" - Gambling that is not authorized, licensed or taxed by the state of San Andreas. "vehicle" - A device in, on, or by which a person or thing is or may be transported or drawn on any highway, road, street, lane, or right of way designed or intended use by individuals for the passage of vehicles General Miranda Rights do not exist in the State of San Andreas, and therefore are not required to be read to an individual when arrested by an LEO LEAs do not, and will not, pay or exchange money for the safe return of hostages A full list of all offenses that any individual may be charged with is available here. When new charges are added or existing charges are amended, no announcement will be made. It is expected all individuals will know their rights and ensure they adhere to the law at all times No individual may be found brandishing a weapon in a public place. Individuals are permitted to carry weapons for self defense, but that weapon must be stowed unless actively being used for self defense The maximum speed on highways is 75mph The maximum speed on any road other than a highway is 50mph Open carry is permitted in the State of San Andreas, except: In the case of a hunting rifle or shotgun, no individual may open carry a hunting rifle or shotgun in either the City of Los Santos or Los Santos County The three main regions of the State of San Andreas can be found on this map On-duty tow truck drivers may tow any vehicle found illegally parked. Tow truck drivers do not need to attempt to locate the owner of a vehicle prior to towing it. On-duty tow truck drivers with amber lights activated are exempt from illegal parking laws The maximum BAC permitted to operate a vehicle on a public road or highway is 0.08 g/dL Penalties The following are the maximum monetary penalties that can be imposed on an individual Ticket fines: $25,000 Restitution by an LEO: $50,000 (Repealed 2023-07-09) In the case of an election charge: the prescribed restitution in the charge, with the approval of an Lt+ or court official Restitution by an ADA or DA: $100,000 In the case of an election charge: the prescribed restitution in the charge At the discretion of a Judge of the State of San Andreas: $1,000,000 The following are the maximum times an individual may be held in Bolingbroke State Penitentiary By an LEO: 60 months except per §3.2.2 When individual breaches parole, 210 months. Refer to CR §3.7.4 By a Lieutenant or above in any LEA: 120 months When individual is charged with a crime whose prescribed time is greater than 60 months, the prescribed time in the charge By an ADA or DA: 120 months When individual breaches parole, 210 months. Refer to CR §3.7.4 (Repealed 2023-05-26) When individual is charged with a crime whose prescribed time is greater than 120 months, the prescribed time in the charge At the discretion of a Judge of the State of San Andreas: Life in prison An individual may be held (remanded) in Bolingbroke State Penitentiary awaiting trial if all the following conditions are met The individual is arrested by an on-duty LEO and charged with at least one violent felony The LEO contacts a Judge and is able to prove to the Judge that the individual, if release on their own recognizance, would likely not appear for an assigned court date, or that the citizen poses a high risk to violently reoffend A court date for the individual is set no greater than 2 weeks (14 days) from the date they are remanded into custody (Repealed 2023-02-11) Individuals may only be charged with multiple counts of a single offense when that individual committed the offenses in separate incidents. If an individual is being charged with the same crime within 2 hours, an LEO or Court Official may double the ticket price/restitution/prison sentence for that specific crime. Parole Parole is an additional penalty associated to all felonies which is served upon release from prison Only exception is stated in 7.5 Parole is non-negotiable and the imposed parole time cannot be altered by any parties Breach of parole is constituted by committing any of the following Any felony Any violent non-felony Parole Checks: Any person on parole is required to submit themselves to a parole check when requested by any LEO otherwise be charged with a Parole Violation as well as Evasion in addition to any other applicable charges. Being in possession of any firearm while on parole The penalty for breaching parole is being imprisoned for the original parole time, up to 150 months, plus time penalty from any new charges, up to 210 months Example: Someone on parole for 100 months commits murder (60 month penalty). Their jail sentence would be a minimum of 100 months, maximum 160. The 60 months could be reduced by an LEO/ADA/DA, the parole period could not be reduced. Breaking out of prison or a prison transport is an automatic breach of parole. Upon arrest, an individual is subject to the entirety of the previous sentence along with any new charges and parole Individuals are still considered to be on parole even if parole time has reached zero. Individuals must attend the front desk of Bolingbroke State Penitentiary to end their parole period Any person on parole is not permitted to be in possession of a firearm - such possession would be a breach Commercial Drivers are subject to double fines or time when in operation of their semi truck. Probable Cause An LEO has the right to detain an individual for purposes of a firearms license check if the individual is observed brandishing a firearm An LEO has the right to detain an individual for purposes of a hunting license or fishing license check if the individual is observed hunting or fishing (Amended 2024-08-03) An LEO has the right to detain an individual for purposes of questioning if the individual is found in an area in which drug selling activity has been reported An LEO has the right to detain and search an individual, any vehicle belonging to that individual found in the general vicinity, any vehicle that individual is or was in possession of in the general vicinity, or a vehicle to which that individual possesses keys when a direct witness (an on-duty LEO, or properly uniformed LSFD Security Personnel) witnesses any of the following An individual committing a misdemeanor or felony crime An individual actively selling drugs An individual attaching a speed bomb to a vehicle An individual driving off road in any vehicle within the City of Los Santos An individual driving off road in any vehicle not designed to be operated in such place An individual is found at the same coordinates provided by an illegal informant regarding the manufacture of drugs An individual is growing a marijuana plant and does not work for a licensed marijuana dispensary An individual is gathering items from an area that is known for or found to be dispensing illegal items An individual tests positive for GSR and is in the area of a 911 call reporting gun shots or is in the area of a violent crime in which a firearm was used An individual has been used as a hostage in a hostile or negotiation scenario An individual is observed to be intoxicated in a public place An individual is observed hunting outside the hunting grounds (the green area defined on this map) An individual is observed openly carrying a hunting rifle within the hunting grounds (the green area defined on this map) An individual is observed engaging in hand to hand transactions in the area of a suspicious activity call An individual is observed inside a location or area known for the manufacturing of controlled substances A police canine unit "indicates" on a vehicle or person for the presence of drugs, explosives, weapons, or any other thing that canine is qualified to indicate for An individual is observed exiting a plane whose flight originated in a foreign country, for the purposes of border security An individual is observed wearing a mask or face covering, the individual is observable from a public or government space, and the individual is not within a dwelling. An individual who is on parole The trailer of a commercial vehicle on a lawful stop An individual is observed in possession of a fishing rod on a boat or in close proximity to any body of water in the State of San Andreas A member of the Election Commission who witnesses an individual commit an election crime can provide probable cause to detain and search an individual, any vehicle belonging to that individual found in the general vicinity, any vehicle that individual is or was in possession of in the general vicinity, or a vehicle to which that individual possesses keys An LEO has the right to detain and search an individual, any vehicle belonging to that individual found in the general vicinity, any vehicle that individual is or was in possession of in the general vicinity, or a vehicle to which that individual possesses keys if, during the investigative process, an LEO establishes reasonable suspicion of involvement in any activity listed in CR §4.4 An LEO may conduct an intensive search of any private business or dwelling and any vehicles located at that place if any of the following conditions are met Police possess a search warrant for that place and the search warrant is signed by a judge Police are otherwise legally inside that place and observe any controlled substances, illegal equipment, illegal weapons, or drug paraphernalia in plain view Police are actively pursuing an individual who they have probable cause to arrest for misdemeanor or felony crimes, the individual is actively evading police, and the individual enters into or barricades themself inside a place which they own, co-own, or of which they are an employee Police possess written, signed, and dated informed consent from the owner or authorized representative of the place, explicitly stating that they give consent to police to conduct an intensive search of that place. The template below is recommended to be used by law enforcement when obtaining written consent. I, <individual's name here>, being of sound mind, am consenting that law enforcement enter into the property located at <address here> and conduct an intensive search of all buildings and vehicles contained therein. An LEO may enter a private business or dwelling without the permission of the owner or their designate if any of the following conditions are met Any condition under CR §4.6 is met An LEO is in fear of imminent bodily harm or death of any individual within that private business or dwelling With a warrant signed by a judge, an LEO may detain a person in order to collect fingerprints or a DNA sample from a suspect Crimes against locals (NPCs) are treated the same as crimes against any other individual Any large sized van or camper found heavily smoking is subject to search Police Powers Any points in this section only apply to on-duty LEOs When issuing orders or commands to an individual, one of the following criteria must be met. If no criteria are met, the individual does not need to comply with orders or commands The LEO is wearing a uniform displaying the words "POLICE", "SHERIFF", "MARSHAL", "TROOPER", or "AGENT" The LEO verbally announces themself using the words "Police", "Sheriff", "Marshal", "Trooper", "Agent", or by using the full or initialized name of the department which employs the LEO An individual is required to provide their full legal name to an LEO when the LEO has met any condition under CR §4.4, §4.5, or §4.6. Failure by the individual to provide their correct name will be considered Obstruction of Justice LEOs are exempt from any laws relating to illegal firearms, weapons, or items, so long as the LEO is acting reasonably in the execution of their duties LEOs are obligated to remove any illegal weapons/items located on an individual's person that are discovered through the course of an investigation, any legal items which were used in or obtained through the commission of a crime, and any illegal weapons/items located stashed, stored, or otherwise contained in any public or hidden area A suspect may be placed on a 24 hour hold for further investigation with the approval of a Lieutenant+ of any LEA, or an ADA, DA, or a Judge. The suspect may be held at Bolingbroke Penitentiary. At the end of the 24 hours, the suspect must be charged or released. *1/25/2025 LEOs may lock down a property for which they are obtaining or have obtained a search warrant for up to 9 days after the issuance of the warrant, or while the search warrant is imminently being issued Breath Sample An LEO may require an individual to provide a sample of their breath to be analyzed in an ASD to determine their BAC if The LEO has reasonable grounds to believe that individual is operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol The LEO has established a DUI checkpoint, through which the individual operates a motor vehicle If requiring an individual to provide a breath sample, the LEO must inform the individual of the reason for demand An individual who refuses to provide a breath sample to an LEO with basis for demand as per CR §5.8.1 will be considered to be DUI and subject to a DUI charge and all associated penalties LEOs belonging to the Los Santos Downtown Security Force (LSDSF) retain jurisdiction only within the downtown security zone of the City of Los Santos, as indicated in the map in CR §14.3. LSDSF may pursue criminals whose crimes originate within but then exit the DSZ. Police Use of Force Police may use less than lethal force in any of the following circumstances An individual repeatedly refuses to comply with a lawful order An individual is threatening the safety of another individual in the immediate area An individual is fleeing and eluding an LEO Police may use lethal force in any of the following circumstances When an individual with a weapon poses a direct and immediate threat to any individual When an individual is known to be armed and has recently caused grievous bodily harm to one or more individuals, regardless of whether the offending individual is still brandishing their weapon, and where an LEO has probable cause to believe that the offending individual still poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to any individual. For the purposes of this section, "recent" is based on the event or string of events leading to the current attempt of police to incarcerate or stop the offending individual. An individual's past felony convictions do not apply Police Processing LEO's must contact a lawyer for any individual charged with murder, terrorism, torture, or any crime committed by or against a Government Official, except when any of the following conditions are met: It is 15 minutes or less until the next storm The individual refuses legal representation. Note: this will not provide a "lack of defense" argument if the individual chooses to appeal their charges LEO's will not be permitted to deny a suspect legal representation, upon suspect's request, under any of the following conditions: Suspect is facing any jail time, including jail time as a result of refusing to pay a fine for any crime. Suspect is being transferred to a police department for further questioning or to be interrogated, whether charges have been issued or not. LEOs must read out or present to be read all crimes an individual is being charged with prior to issuing a fine or prison time LEOs must provide an individual an opportunity to respond to their charges LEOs must provide an individual an opportunity to pay a ticket UNLESS the individual is charged with an offense which carries mandatory jail time If the individual refuses to pay the ticket, the LEO must send the individual to prison for the corresponding jail time LEO's may negotiate prison time/fine reduction with individuals in exchange for a Guilty Plea. The discount is at the discretion of the LEO and the LEO is not required to provide any discounts. LEO's may also negotiate prison time/fine reduction, at their discretion, for Not Guilty pleas. Upon electing to or being required to serve a prison term at Bolingbroke State Penitentiary, the following items will be confiscated from individuals and placed into evidence: All weapons (legal or illegal) All illegal items Any item used in or gained from the commission of a crime Individuals will be permitted to keep life sustaining items (food, medical supplies, etc.) and non-offensive items (key chains, papers, etc.). Any item deemed improper for possession in the prison setting (metal objects, tools, alcohol, cell phones, etc.) will be placed in a police locker and available for pickup at the front desk of Bolingbroke once the individual has completed their sentence. (Repealed 2023-12-15) Emergency Vehicle Exemptions Emergency vehicles may disregard traffic laws relating to traffic control devices and speed limits when responding to an emergency with lights and sirens activated Police vehicles may disregard traffic laws without lights and sirens activated when conducting surveillance or in situations when LEOs must approach an area without making themselves known, or when a grave threat to public safety exists. Such disregard must be exercised with caution, taking into account surrounding traffic, road conditions, and pedestrian density Emergency vehicles may disregard illegal parking laws if the vehicle's emergency lights are activated Emergency vehicles may disregard illegal parking laws at red curbs surrounding Pillbox Hospital at any time Department of Justice Legal Representation Rights LEOs may prevent lawyers from attending a police station to represent an individual if hostile activities are ongoing around the police station Lawyer may negotiate with LEOs on behalf of an individual Lawyers who do not arrive at police stations within 10 minutes of being called may be called off due to the wish to avoid excess delay in processing individuals Lawyers entering police stations must provide proof of DOJ employment and consent to being searched Time spent by lawyers traveling to a police station to represent an individual does not count as "time served" for the individual represented Court Evidence Individuals have the right to provide evidence in a trial before a Judge of the DOJ (Repealed 2024-06-21) (Repealed 2024-06-21) (Repealed 2024-06-21) (Repealed 2024-06-21) Individuals have the right to file petitions for court proceedings with the DOJ under several sections, as located here Arraignment Hearing To be used after criminal charges have been filed and processed against an individual by an LEO and the individual has plead Not Guilty An individual must coordinate with an attorney and file for arraignment no more than 14 days from the date of the incident or will automatically be found Guilty Court of Appeals To be used after a verdict has been rendered in court by any Judge who is not the Chief of Justice, or if a guilty plea is believed to have been entered under duress An individual must file an appeal no more than 14 days from the date of the verdict or plea Civil Proceedings Civil lawsuits against individuals or entities An individual must file a civil lawsuit no more than 7 days from the date of the incident The maximum damages against an individual is $200,000 The maximum damages against a business or state organization is $400,000 There are no maximum damages in regards to contract disputes Petition for Return of Seized Property - Return of property seized by LEOs (Individuals may file their own petition without the assistance of a lawyer) Register for Wills, Adoption, Marriage, Divorce, and Copyright An individual's will must be submitted to the register prior to their death, otherwise the document will not be honored by the State of San Andreas In the event an individual dies and does not have a will registered, the totality of the individual's assets, including any owned dwellings, private businesses, and vehicles will be liquidated and donated to charity If the deceased individual co-owned a dwelling, title to that dwelling passes to the surviving co-owner An individual or business may file for copyright protection under the categories of literary, musical, dramatic, graphic, and sound recording works. A cease and desist letter not abided by is required before pursuing further legal action. A public registry of copyright works is posted below in 9.4.5 of the Civilian Rights. Approved copyrights (business name - copyrighted item - date of copyright) (Repealed 2024-03-11) Pearls - Logo/Business - 9/28/2022 Tequi-la-la - Proprietary drink recipes - 9/17/2022 Arcana - Blunt Stargazer- Strand of marijuana Highnote- Joint Tequi La La- Peyote Ad Flyer Tequi La La- Drink Menu Tequi La La- Open Ad Tequi La La- Crates 2 Go Reaper Flyer Omerta Advertising - Business Name - 4/16/2023 Burgershot - "Shotbox" - 1/18/2023 Poppy Bosko - DJ Popsikl - 1/27/2024 Poppy Bosko and Bella Chase - The Vault - 1/27/2024 Obadiah "Weed Jesus" Jellsworth - Custom Strains of Marijuana and associated artwork - 1/27/2024 Yankton Stank - both the singular Bud & Joint/Blunt Tinsel Trainwreck - both the singular Bud & Joint/Blunt Santa's Stash OG - both the singular Bud & Joint/Blunt Rocky Road Tow - Tony Ashby RGB: 233,240,213 on the vehicles: Tow Truck, Benefactor Imperial, and Hot Ring Sabre Wolfen Weed Vape Pen with company logo Cave Moss, Full moon, Night Howler (product name and proprietary recipe) Kush Korner - Jaquavious Darnell Business name/Logo Associated products as listed in application. Mountain Man Moonshine - Randy Rollins Business name / Logo Associated products as listed in application AJ Stoners Vehicle Rentals - AJ Stoner Business name/Logo Mikes Sporting Goods Swine/Boar Bait Cervid/Deer Bait Leporid/Rabbit bait Rodent/Rat Bait Flare Cartridge Flare Gun Scoped Rifle Mikes' Nut Bags MSG Cup Deer and Boar Mount MSG Tailgate Chair MSG Coolers MK2 Skins (Woodland, Patriotic, Brushstroke) Shark Repellent Gold Pan Weazle News Weazel News Audio and Video Content MJ's Visuals Business Logo O'Brian Armor 1. The name of the company: O’Brian Armor 2. The phrase: Double Stitch Guarantee 3. The company logo: [Logo as submitted] Bread and Spread 1. The name of the company: Bread and Spread 2. The company logo: [Logo as submitted] License Seizing An individual's Driving License or Commercial Driving License may be seized by an LEO if the individual is charged with any of the following offenses Felony Evasion Hit and Run Vehicular Manslaughter DUI Any violent felony against an LEO or Government Official An individual's Firearm License will be seized automatically after an individual is charged with more than five non-speeding felonies When accompanied by a DOJ Certificate and official identification of employment, Private Security employees may possess a firearm in the execution of duties related to their employment, regardless of firearm license status, provided that the firearm has been jointly registered to the employee and the same Private Security business An individual's Hunting License may be seized by an LEO if the individual is charged with any of the following offenses Poaching Hunting with an Unauthorized Weapon (Repealed 2023-05-30) Vehicle Impounding A standard impound may be issued when any of the following conditions are met The vehicle is found abandoned or illegally parked The driver is unable to continue operating the vehicle (i.e. driving w/o license, etc) The driver is convicted of Felony Speeding and an LEO chooses to impound the vehicle A 3 hour impound may be issued when The vehicle is used by an individual committing a non-vehicle crime (i.e. staged for fleeing at a robbery and was not able to flee, etc.) The driver is convicted of Felony Speeding and the officer chooses to impound the vehicle A 1 day impound may be issued when any of the following conditions are met The driver is convicted of Felony Evasion The driver is convicted of Vehicular Manslaughter, Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon, Att. Murder, or Murder AND the vehicle was used in commission of the crime The driver is convicted of Street Racing The driver is convicted of Misuse of a License Plate where the plate is affixed to a vehicle to which it does not belong. The driver is convicted of DUI A 3 day impound may be issued when any of the following conditions are met The driver is convicted of Felony Evasion AND has had a 1 day impound issued within the last 72 hours The driver is convicted of a violent felony against an LEO or Government Official AND the vehicle was used in commission of the crime The vehicle is abandoned in the middle of a pursuit when the occupant(s) flee and enter another vehicle in which they flee AND the vehicle is confirmed to be owned by one of the individuals fleeing police. This also applies to any subsequent vehicles used in the pursuit A vehicle is subject for seizure when any of the following conditions are met and must be approved by an LEO who holds the rank of Sergeant or above, or an ADA, DA, or Judge The vehicle is used repetitively in felony crimes in a short period of time The vehicle is used with complete disregard for the driver's own safety (driving it into water or jumping it off a mountain, building or high bridge) The vehicle is used for Drug Trafficking The vehicle is used for Weapons Trafficking The vehicle is a super car and is used to distribute drugs The vehicle is used for Conspiracy to manufacture Drugs A commercial trailer is subject for seizure if any of the following conditions are met The driver of a commercial vehicle is unable to produce a valid CDL license The driver of a commercial vehicle cannot produce a valid waybill document Once seized, a vehicle seizure may be contested for up to 2 months. After 2 months, the DOJ will automatically take possession of that vehicle and it's registration. Eminent Domain The State of San Andreas reserves the right to revoke ownership of a residential property for state use, compensating at a reasonable market value. Taxation All individuals exchanging money for goods in the State of San Andreas are subject to tax rates as prescribed in §13.3 In lieu of tax officers or state officials enforcing this section, private businesses are expected to withhold tax for every sale Tax Rates General tax rate: 8% After market vehicle transfer tax rate: 12% Maps Regions of Southern San Andreas Legal Hunting Grounds Downtown Security Zone (DSZ) Edited 5 hours ago by YUNGBLESSR Addition to Approved Copyrights 16 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted September 19, 2023 Report Share Posted September 19, 2023 Update: public registry of copyright works in 9.4.5 of the Civilian Rights Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timr Posted November 16, 2023 Author Report Share Posted November 16, 2023 Updated 10.2: An individual's Firearm License will be seized automatically after an individual is charged with more than five non-speeding felonies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted December 10, 2023 Report Share Posted December 10, 2023 (edited) Update: Section 1.11 Added Mescaline (Divine) as a controlled substance Added definition of "Off-road Vehicles" Section 11.5 Added: 6. Vehicles used for Conspiracy to manufacture drugs Edited December 11, 2023 by Bella Chase Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted December 12, 2023 Report Share Posted December 12, 2023 Added 1.47 - Definition for "unsanctioned gambling" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timr Posted December 16, 2023 Author Report Share Posted December 16, 2023 Effective 2023-12-16 1400 Eastern 3.7.6 Individuals are still considered to be on parole even if parole time has reached zero. Individuals must attend the front desk of Bolingbroke State Penitentiary to end their parole period Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted January 3, 2024 Report Share Posted January 3, 2024 1.24 "government official" - The current or acting Governor of San Andreas, Mayor of Los Santos, or Commissioner of Blaine County, or any court official. 11.7 Once seized, a vehicle seizure may be contested for up to 2 months. After 2 months, the DOJ will automatically take possession of that vehicle and it's registration. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted January 19, 2024 Report Share Posted January 19, 2024 4.4.18 An individual is observed wearing a mask or face covering, the individual is observable from a public or government space, and the individual is not within a dwelling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted January 30, 2024 Report Share Posted January 30, 2024 (edited) Added: 6. Poppy Bosko - DJ Popsikl - 1/27/2024 7. Poppy Bosko and Bella Chase - The Vault - 1/27/2024 8. Obadiah "Weed Jesus" Jellsworth - Custom Strains of Marijuana and associated artwork - 1/27/2024 Yankton Stank - both the singular Bud & Joint/Blunt Tinsel Trainwreck - both the singular Bud & Joint/Blunt Santa's Stash OG - both the singular Bud & Joint/Blunt Edited January 30, 2024 by Bella Chase Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted February 3, 2024 Report Share Posted February 3, 2024 added 9. Rocky Road Tow - Tony Ashby RGB: 233,240,213 on the vehicles: Tow Truck, Benefactor Imperial, and Hot Ring Sabre Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted February 4, 2024 Report Share Posted February 4, 2024 ADDED TO PAROLE: Parole Checks: Any person on parole is required to submit themselves to a parole check when requested by any LEO otherwise be charged with a Parole Violation as well as Evasion in addition to any other applicable charges. Being in possession of any fire arm while on parole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nervecoil Posted February 12, 2024 Report Share Posted February 12, 2024 (edited) Change Log 02/12/2024 Definitions Added: 1.16: "direct witness" - Any on duty LEO or properly uniformed LSFD Security Personnel who gives their account of an incident, which may be used to generate Probable Cause. 1.23: "eye witness" - A civilian or non-security LSFD personnel who gives their account of an incident, which may be used during an investigation, but does not generate Probable Cause. Edited February 12, 2024 by Nervecoil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted February 12, 2024 Report Share Posted February 12, 2024 (edited) 7.1 LEOs must contact a lawyer for any individual charged with at least one felony crime, except when any of the following conditions are met Changed to: 7.1 LEO's must contact a lawyer for any individual charged with murder, terrorism, torture, or any crime committed by or against a Government Official, except when any of the following conditions are met: 7.2 LEOs may contact, but are not required to contact a lawyer for individuals charged with infraction or misdemeanor offenses Changed to: 2. LEO's will not be permitted to deny a suspect legal representation, upon suspect's request, under any of the following conditions: A Suspect is facing any jail time, including jail time as a result of refusing to pay a fine for any crime. Suspect is being transferred to a police department for further questioning or to be interrogated, whether charges have been issued or not. 7.6 LEOs may negotiate prison time/fine reduction with individuals. The discount is at the discretion of the LEO and the LEO is not required to provide any discounts Changed to 6. LEO's may negotiate prison time/fine reduction with individuals in exchange for a Guilty Plea. The discount is at the discretion of the LEO and the LEO is not required to provide any discounts. LEO's may also negotiate prison time/fine reduction, at their discretion, for Not Guilty pleas. ADDED: 9.3.1: Arraignment Hearing To be used after criminal charges have been filed and processed against an individual by an LEO and the individual has plead Not Guilty An individual must coordinate with an attorney and file for arraignment no more than 14 days from the date of the incident or will automatically be found Guilty 9.3.2 2. Court of Appeals To be used after criminal charges have been filed and processed against an individual by an LEO An individual must file an appeal no more than 7 days from the date of the incident Changed to 2. Court of Appeals To be used after a verdict has been rendered in court by any Judge who is not the Chief of Justice, or if a guilty plea is believed to have been entered under duress An individual must file an appeal no more than 14 days from the date of the verdict or plea Edited February 12, 2024 by Nervecoil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nervecoil Posted February 25, 2024 Report Share Posted February 25, 2024 Class 3 definition modified to Class 2 -> Any firearm whose barrel length is modified as not intended by the manufacturer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted March 11, 2024 Report Share Posted March 11, 2024 1.11.2 Prescription opiates for which the person possessing them does not have a valid prescription Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted March 22, 2024 Report Share Posted March 22, 2024 Update 1.8.4 Any firearm whos serial number has been removed or altered Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted April 2, 2024 Report Share Posted April 2, 2024 Wolfen Weed and Vape Pen with company logo, Cave Moss, Full moon, Night Howler Added to approved copyright 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bella Chase Posted April 18, 2024 Report Share Posted April 18, 2024 (edited) Change Log 3.7.7 Any person on parole is not permitted to be in possession of a firearm - such possession would be a breach. 3.8 Commercial Drivers are subject to double fines or time when in operation of their semi truck. 4.11 Any large sized van or camper found heavily smoking is subject to search. Edited April 18, 2024 by Bella Chase Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timr Posted June 22, 2024 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2024 Removed 9.2.2 - 9.2.5 and moved them to Server Rules (Still in effect) All submitted evidence must be obtained in the city and comply with server rules Photo evidence must be taken through the use of in city devices (camera, cell phone, Weazel News camera, binoculars, helicopter camera zoom etc). Exceptions will be made for photos that are not able to be obtained through the use of props (viewing radar, inventory, forensic evidence, documents etc.) Body cam evidence is not permitted, either video or photo. Only aspects of photos that would reasonably be within view of the camera will be considered (Ex. photo views obtained in third person would not permit use of anything on the other side of a 10 foot wall) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nervecoil Posted August 3, 2024 Report Share Posted August 3, 2024 (edited) Change Log 08/03/2024 Definition Added: 1.48: "protected animal" - A species that is protected by law and is prohibited to be harmed or destroyed by any means wild or domestic species: cats, dogs, coyotes, and mountain lions marine species: sharks, turtles, dolphins, and whales Amendments to Probable Cause: 4.2 An LEO has the right to detain an individual for purposes of a hunting license or fishing license check if the individual is observed hunting or fishing (Amended 2024-08-03) 4.4.21 An individual is observed in possession of a fishing rod on a boat or in close proximity to any body of water in the State of San Andreas Edited August 3, 2024 by Nervecoil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mia Posted December 28, 2024 Report Share Posted December 28, 2024 Updated definition to Class 2 firearm from shotgun to shotgun whose barrel has been modified (sawn-off). Open carry of shotgun not permitted in Los Santos County. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mia Posted January 26 Report Share Posted January 26 * Updated 5.6 Police Powers 24 Hour Hold Authorization to include Lieutenants+ of all LEA's (Knox's Law) pursuant to The State of San Andreas vs London McHelen in which the convicted was released on time served due to improper authorization pushed by an Assistant Chief of the SAHP. Per Justice Torricelli "This case will now stand as precedent, establishing that any future violations of Civilian Rights under C.R. 5.6 or related legislation will result in the complete dismissal of the case, and criminal charges may be filed against the wrongdoers responsible for the violation". Revoked: A suspect may be placed on a 24 hour hold for further investigation with the approval of a Lieutenant+ of the LSPD or BCSO, or an ADA, DA, or a Judge. The suspect may be held at Bolingbroke Penitentiary. At the end of the 24 hours, the suspect must be charged or released. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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