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Another Crazy Idea - CCTV Access for Banks


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With the implementation of the cellphone at banks for officers to call and criminals to pick up I would like to see an option for officers to access a panel with a special laptop at the location of the bank to tap into the CCTV cameras hanging inside of the banks.

The cameras would work like the cameras in the coke lab used to work back in 1.0, be able to switch between multiple cameras that can be moved from left to right and zoomed in on to be able to get a view on what's going on inside of the bank without having to unrealistically walk into the bank.
This would also give us another chance at seeing proof of life for the hostage, but also get an idea on how many suspects there are inside and what kind of weaponry. 

I wouldn't mind spending $10,000 on a special CCTV Hacking Laptop for the police.

Additionally, but that would require more in dept dev work, crims would be able to shoot or disable the cameras to stop the police from seeing a certain angle.

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I mean atleast some iteration of the cocaine labs had multiple selectable and even movable cameras, so I don’t see why this couldn’t work. Would be cool if there was some sort of skill based mini game for us to be able to hook in, and maybe someway for crims to attempt to counter or stop it from happening. 

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Doesn't make much sense for police officers to be hacking in security cameras.  As well some banks have enough going on as it is for crims to be taking away from vocal rp situations by doing a different form of minigame to prevent police from getting info they're going to get anyway when suspects eventually leave the bank.

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Random thought, but if PD got to hack in, what if a counter hack could be done to show back a different image? be kinda like a high score in the mini game right? the crim hacker does said game, scores say a 270, and a fake image goes up, PD hacks in scores a 230, all they see is that image, or if they score a 271 or they are able to see through the hack


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No need for a hack on either end. CCTV feed to the police station cameras and designate an officer to either be dispatch or have one officer/unit designated on cams.

Limit cam access to Big banks and maybe 24/7s.

Coming from other places that have had it and it work, it’d just be laying out how it’d be admissible in court and all that. 

I’m on the fence, neither here nor there for me personally on either end of the coin.

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Alright let me cover some stuff that have been said here.

Hacking: Obviously calling it a hack was an oopsie on my side, cops shouldn't have to hack anything.


Advantage: I get what you are coming from, but this is not really true. the CCTV would only give access to video (can't be recorded either, only live footage) no sound. The CCTV would also only do what we can already see now how with the bigger banks we would either look though a glass door or walk inside to greet the suspects at the clerk's window in the pacific standard bank.

With the recent addition of the phones to banks, this would just add another point of realism and immersion to bank robberies. 

However as discussed in a LEO channel in the Discord we came to the conclusion that this is useless for Fleeca banks, so CCTV would only be used for Pacific Standard, Bobcat and Blaine County Savings.


Counter: Criminals would be able to counter police using the cameras, like I said they would either be able to use a wire cutter to cut power to the camera to disable it, or shoot it. Shooting it would show the feed as a technical error screen to the police, cutting it would show as just a black screen.

The only information coming from the CCTV useful for officers would be hostage (count), proof of life, suspect (count), and firepower.

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+1 for pacs, BCSB, and Bobcat. 
I don’t think there should be any sort of mini game from a PD side, we should just be able to tap in. (also some nice immersion if we get the bcso MoC on scene)

honestly i don’t think this is much of an advantage, even if the cameras were indestructible. It just adds to the immersion of robberies from an LEO side. 

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