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Mayor as temporary stand-in judge

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I have come to a point in one of my characters story were taking things to court is the only logical conclusion. This obviously would bring about a fun RP experience for the community. There are lawyers  galore willing to engage in such a fun situation, but the judge problem forms a bottleneck.

I am aware that the topic of judges has been discussed before, but since a system to determine who gets to be a judge has not (yet) been established (and probably won't be in the very near future) I got to thinking:
since lawsuits are pretty scarce occurrences, wouldn't the Mayor be a great character to act as the (temporary) Judge of the city? He is supposed to be neutral, is trustworthy not to take bribes and to stay away from other illegal activities. Unlike the Chief of Police, his other duties are rather limited so he has more time on his hands.

Were it to eventually result in a too high workload for the Mayor, then we could deal with it there and then.  But until that time we could use the Mayor as a stand-in judge.

How do you guys feel about this quick temporary solution? In my opinion it beats not having any judges at all for the time being.

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Sanchez soiled the mayor role for everybody by stepping over the rules he created. Assuming the future mayors are going to follow in his shadow, we can't trust the mayor to be head of the court either. In my opinion, the court should be reserved for civil cases, and being a judge should be just as much as a volunteer role as a lawyer. If we get too many corrupt judges, which if how the courts been faring as of late, won't be too many, we can delegate judges and a CJ. As it stands, though, the mayor isn't exactly in the best light to be a judge.

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6 hours ago, Storrent said:

Sanchez soiled the mayor role for everybody by stepping over the rules he created. Assuming the future mayors are going to follow in his shadow, we can't trust the mayor to be head of the court either. In my opinion, the court should be reserved for civil cases, and being a judge should be just as much as a volunteer role as a lawyer. If we get too many corrupt judges, which if how the courts been faring as of late, won't be too many, we can delegate judges and a CJ. As it stands, though, the mayor isn't exactly in the best light to be a judge.

This, among other things, is the exact reason that I've decided to leave the server.

You realize you're bitching about MY RP that I chose to include the server on, correct? It was my RP to do with what I please, not yours. If you don't like my RP, don't be a part of it. It's not for you to critique or decide if I'm doing correctly.  The rules that were associated with the role that I created on my own free will with my own ideas and my team that supported me were under the condition that the perks associated with the job that were proposed to the staff were also applied. Those were not applied, so the rules that I created, when I created the idea of this role and implemented it, were malleable.  Maybe if you focused on creating your own roleplays instead of trying to interject your opinions onto other people's, you wouldn't be worried about what rules of the RP that I created were being followed in my RP that I created.  I'm glad that my RP efforts are so far reaching that they affect you more than a month after they were implemented, but really, you should try focusing on developing your own characters instead of mine.

To the OP, it's going to be up to you and whoever you roleplay with to make the courthouses work. Most community suggestions regarding RP regulations are not going to be implemented by the staff due to this being a light RP server. The courtroom is a shiny prop in the chatroom of Badlands for you to use how you want, but, again, most RP related requests are either going to be ignored completely or immediately disregarded based on the fact that it's not a gameplay mechanic.

Edited by BrandonM
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