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Welcome Center


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I will try to keep this short and simple.

I have been thinking of a way to try to help newcomers outside of the ooc channel and this is what I thought:

- Do you think it's possible/worth it to set up a Welcome Area (somewhere close to city hall but not actually AT city hall), that is marked in the map? Ideally there could be a circle there with a menu that shows FAQs, simple very basic stuff that most of the people ask help for:
* How do i speak?
* How do I change my appearance?
* How do I get a job?
* How do I get a car?
* Referral to website with all the how-to guides... etcetera.
(I know these are silly questions but ooc channel is flooded with them, specially now that people are able to join again)

I wouldnt mind even camping there from time to time to help in person. 

I guess it would be easier to refer people to the welcome center marked in the map when they ask for help in ooc for gameplay stuff. I know some of these questions take short answers in OOC, but this might help keeping the ooc channel clear for more complicated requests. It might also be a place where you could go help newcomers without disrupting the immersion for other citizens.

Just a thought.

Thanks for reading!

Edited by Flori
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I do that at city hall too! But many times players just run away without even replying. Maybe if they take the time to check the map and bother to go to the welcome center they are there to actually get help and will (hopefully) welcome it =)

Edited by Flori
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I really like this idea! I also wouldn't mind camping out there from time to time. Also, camping at city hall to help new players would be VERY dangerous considering the amount of RDMers, VDMers, and people that like have huge murdering massacres at city hall.

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