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Tyrone's Third List of Suggestions


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To make things nice an easy I will state the idea, then my proposed way of going about it concept wise, and then why I am suggesting it.

  1. Lawyer Job
    • Would be a pure RP job such as the news. Using a suitable location where you can clock in and change into a possibly predetermined uniform.
      • Quite a few people like the idea of being a lawyer and by adding a job it helps differentiate those who just walk off the street and those who are seriously invested in the position.
      • Since it is a job it could now be in the phone where you can send a message similar to calling a taxi and it will alert all those in the lawyer profession to what is going on and can reduce twitter clutter.
  2. Beach Changing Rooms
    • Nearby or on Del Perro Pier make a changing room that only includes what could be considered "beachwear" that can be put on similar to a uniform.
      • Would mostly only help RP for those who don't have apartments and wish to change into swimwear without losing their current outfit.
  3. Forced Weapon Storage
    • Weapons that are too large to be concealed should have to be stored in a vehicle when not in use similar to the shotgun or SMG.
      • Would moreso be an RP mechanic given a bat and a knife do practically the same thing with one attack.
      • Seems unrealistic when someone can go through their pockets and pull out a bat, gold club and a crowbar from their prison pouch.
  4. Visual Pocket Indicators
    • If someone has their pockets full past a certain point have it be a visual effect that we can see that, possibly with a backpack or something similar.
      • At max strength someone can carry 60kg or approx. 132lbs which is entirely possible, but who has pockets that can fit that much weight?
      • in reality carrying that much of anything could potentially be dangerous in terms of someone willing to rob you for it, so by adding a visual indicator it extends that to more RP possibilities.
  5. Cost of living
    • Depending on the extravagance of someones lifestyle such as owning multiple supercars or a high end apartment make it so they have to pay upkeep on these things or they lose access to them for a period of time, maybe enough time for them to pay what they owe.
      • With the cost of extravagance in the city being what seems a little high people only suffer the downside which is grinding and once they get what they want they don't have the real need to do anything job wise.
      • By having to pay upkeep on things it stops people from just hoarding money all the time and makes them have to consciously do jobs instead of just lounge around when they reach their endgame.
      • With upkeep costs added certain things can be lowered in price to open up economic options to a lot more players, not just the ones looking to grind for a big house or fancy car.
  6. Bank Loans
    • Allow players to take out a cash advance at the bank up to certain amounts based on their current net worth and they have a certain amount of time to pay it back with interest, if not they could potentially be hunted down by hostile NPCs similar to when you ditch an MC gang in GTA:O.
      • This allows player to get a head start in the city either being old or new while still maintaining a risk factor and even provides a goal.
      • This also encourages players to go out and do jobs to pay off the debt they have accumulated and provides a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  7. New Main Hospital
    • Make St. Fiacre Hospital the main hospital for EMS.
      • Using this location gives us a few facilities, the main ones being a hospital and a fire station.
      • The location isn't too far from the current central and I feel with a larger facility there is room to grow.
      • With a little bit of mapmaking I could see the potential of having an interior added that could give it a more homelike feel for EMS similar to Mission row for PD.
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1. Something that's been discussed but will likely not happen. Short of it being a whitelisted job, which we're unlikely to add another of simply because it's a pain to manage, there's just not much benefit that would come from it (mechanically)

2. Not going to happen, just because of the way the clothing store is coded. It would take a significant amount of work for minimal benefit, and there are regular clothing stores near the beach anyways.

3. Also not likely to happen. We've never been a fan of weapon storage of any kind. If you recall, large weapons were displayed on your backs at one point, but the system is unreliable and people didn't like it.

4. I would like to do something like this in the future.

5. Would also like to do something like this, but this one would definitely be an "unpopular" change

6. Not happening. 

19 minutes ago, Almios said:

provides a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Calm down EA.

7. I guess you don't recall, but this was the main hospital for a short time. Everyone hated it. So this wont be happening.

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17 hours ago, Almios said:

Visual Pocket Indicators

  • If someone has their pockets full past a certain point have it be a visual effect that we can see that, possibly with a backpack or something similar.
    • At max strength someone can carry 60kg or approx. 132lbs which is entirely possible, but who has pockets that can fit that much weight?
    • in reality carrying that much of anything could potentially be dangerous in terms of someone willing to rob you for it, so by adding a visual indicator it extends that to more RP possibilities.


I believe the duffel bag could be good for this. some other servers require a duffel bag when you are carrying about AR's and such. 

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