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Character Saves


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A lot of the EMTs and Police have been talking about how sometimes, based on when they change from emergency to civilian at the emergency selector, they will get stuck in the duty uniform. That means they have to go back to a clothing store and completely remake their outfit, and if they are in the firefighter uniform they have to completely remake their charactor.  My idea is simple. An option to save a preset configuration as a one button "outfit."  Save an outfit as it is to recall it later with one click in a seperate menu or something.


Just a thought.

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18 minutes ago, Muroko said:

In my experience this only happens if i am on duty while there is a server restart or i crash. Not sure about the crash but if i go into server restart while on duty , i definitely come back in my uniform.

I think this happens to mee only when the server restart. When I crash I go unemployed and back to off-duty clothes. 

Do you guys remember to save your outfit with "F" at the clothing store? Idk if that helps with this but it might.

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Tomas García said:

@yNzx_ don't know what you mean with save with F but will try it in a bit at the clothing store.

Did you already try it? When you change your clothes and when you finish your outfit, then just press F before leaving the store (or the red circle) and it says "Outfit saved". At least after doing that I don't get stuck in uniforms anymore!

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