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Separating PD/EMS (kinda)


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Assuming we get more than 3 character slots (5 or 6) how do you guys feel about separating PD/EMS?
(Straw poll) https://www.strawpoll.me/19325115

What exactly would that entale?
People would have to make a new character to actively pursue a career on another faction; say you want to become a Paramedic but also a FTS for example, you would have to make 2 separate characters to be both.
The reason for this from a characters perspective; there's simply not enough time in a single day to sustain two whole careers (obviously this is a video game, therefore it does not demand as much time, meaning some people are able to be both, however this is purely from a characters perspective)

Now, some characters may have a knack for both law enforcement and medical, you CAN do both by pursuing the career you are most passionate about BUT also be able to apply for voluntary positions on the opposing faction


EMT, Fire Fighter (assuming that became its own role)
CFR, Tactical Medic (If SWAT ever became a thing)

Would receive pay*

To clarify, you would be able to do both
Just anything beyond a voluntary position would require making another character for

It would help clear up any confusion, properly distinguishing LEOs, emergency services workers and criminals
Would open many doors such as allowing cops to be cops (always considered direct witnesses or even make off-duty arrests)

I personally much prefer playing a criminal over law enforcement; so why propose these changes?
Ive found that it helps tremendously with immersion, you have to be a lot more low-key, more careful with what you say, do or who you associate with
If you do not want to be caught, your crimes must be well thought out, planned, giving them purpose
No more approaching strangers at Elgin mechanic, asking people to be your hostage or announcing that you have weed sale, cause you never know who could be watching..

Feedback much appreciated

Edited by Caralanco
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  On 1/31/2020 at 7:33 AM, Kevin Ross said:

Im not here for realism or serious RP.



I feel like expecting someone to have separate characters to pursue PD and EMS is completely reasonable. The server is moving in a more RP focused direction and with that I believe there should be a reasonable amount of realism put into it. If you're not looking for an elevated amount of realism you might aswell play GTA online.

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i don't see why we wouldn't be pushing for realism, the suggestion wasn't something that would be a negative impact on anyone. you are still able to rank in factions, just on another character (which IC makes sense). OOC you are still free to earn ranks in either faction.

this suggestion isn't something that would class the server a "serious RP" one IMO, just one that wouldn't take away from immersion instead

also, @Caralanco, i love the voluntary roles idea! sounds like a good way to use your characters skills in one department to aid another without much commitments

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I think if you force people to only  pick 1 faction on their "main character" that it would have have a negative affect on the numbers of both PD and EMS. Not everyone is as comfortable as some at roleplaying other characters so these people would most likely stay in the faction they like better and leave the other one. Both factions are super vital to the health and wellness of the daily play on the server and any changes that would affect their numbers in a negative way brings me doubt in moving forward with that change. As a person who is in both PD/EMS I can tell you that if this changed happened I would have to leave 1 faction, as my comfort level on my other characters (which i have a few) isn't on par with Jerome and therefore the interactions wouldn't be nearly as good. 

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  On 2/24/2020 at 6:04 PM, r3v0Lt55 said:

I think if you force people to only  pick 1 faction on their "main character" that it would have have a negative affect on the numbers of both PD and EMS. Not everyone is as comfortable as some at roleplaying other characters so these people would most likely stay in the faction they like better and leave the other one. Both factions are super vital to the health and wellness of the daily play on the server and any changes that would affect their numbers in a negative way brings me doubt in moving forward with that change. As a person who is in both PD/EMS I can tell you that if this changed happened I would have to leave 1 faction, as my comfort level on my other characters (which i have a few) isn't on par with Jerome and therefore the interactions wouldn't be nearly as good. 


Very well said, and we are on the same page for all of it. I think its healthier for the server as a whole to keep it how it is. Though, the change to having a crime-free cop was a great change.

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  On 2/26/2020 at 8:10 PM, gmoney said:

If your not here for realism or RP why are you here lol ?


Im here for roleplay, Not realism.

If your sole job is only one job, Which here it isn't thankfully. I like my ability to join friends to do other activities and do things with my characters life, And not just "This is the character i use for PD and nothing else". Theres far less immersion in a lifeless character than one with a life, relations and other things than just his job.

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I think you should be allowed to do whatever you want (Civ /PD/EMS) on any character you want.  It's a bit silly to say you need a different character for each job role.  I understand the criticism that PD/EMS get a better paycheck than a civ, but PD/EMS also cannot do anything to make money other than their duty when clocked in.  Right now, there is a little bit of a disparity between civ pay and PD/EMS pay, but that will be adjusted with balancing civ jobs (I assume).  Also, anyone is welcome to apply to EMS or PD, it's not like it's some exclusive club that only certain people can join.  If you force people to use other characters to do specific job roles I think you'll find that there are way less PD or EMS on.  Think about it this way, I log in as my PD or EMS character just raking in cash that I really have no need to spend.  Why would I buy a new car or house or anything on my PD/EMS character if I cant use them because I need to be clocked into work on my PD/EMS character?  Why would I log onto my PD/EMS character and not clock into work?  I can't do anything other than drive around and do legal jobs at that point, and if I'm just going to drive around and do legal jobs why wouldn't I do that on my civ character?  I agree with Kevin, I'm 100% here for the RP, but it is at some point still a game, and I don't think we need to start suggesting RP is now absolute realism.

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  On 2/26/2020 at 10:20 PM, Kevin Ross said:

Im here for roleplay, Not realism.

If your sole job is only one job, Which here it isn't thankfully. I like my ability to join friends to do other activities and do things with my characters life, And not just "This is the character i use for PD and nothing else". Theres far less immersion in a lifeless character than one with a life, relations and other things than just his job.


GTA V roleplay is realism RP lol


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