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Vehicle Handling Feedback & Suggestions


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MODEL: Hotring Sabre

CATEGORY: Sport Cars

PRICE TAG: 85,000

FEEDBACK: Really sad to see that a NASCAR race car fully upgraded goes so slow. This should be upgraded to at least match other sport cars.

An Itali GTO for example doesn't go fast, but it's braking and acceleration is very good, the hotring sabre has none of that going for it. This car should be moved ideally in the super car category, and should be going at least 150-160 fully upgraded as it is a race car. Since that will likely not be possible, a little speed touch up would be great and a slight touch on increased handling.

Edited by MichaelJones
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MODEL: Outlaw



FEEDBACK: Good overall handling, but poor offroad speed and acceleration. In comparison to his direct competitor, the Vagrant (at a 49k price tag), is a little too slow. Maybe it being sturdier makes it for the speed or acceleration, but since vehicles are mostly used for utility purposes and not for style, it might need to be pushed a little further. The current stock offroad speed (on dirt roads) maxes out at 50-55 mph. Whilst the Vagrant, it's cheaper version, goes about 80-85 mph (tested with Turbo Boost). 


Edited by Razec
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MODEL: Grotti GT500

CATEGORY: Sports Classics

PRICE TAG: $74,500

FEEDBACK: Good overall handling and speed on regular roads, but far too much power offroad. On dirt roads it goes upwards of 90+ mph, it also handles like it doesn't even feel the surface diference. 

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PRICE TAG: $155,000

FEEDBACK: Too good for the price point. It's speed and acceleration need to decreased, especially when compared to expensive Super Cars. On a test run on the Sandy Shores Airfield, side to side with the Corvette ZR1, it outranks the supercar in acceleration, but it does lose on max speed. I feel like this needs a nerf for overall balance. 

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MODEL: Stallion


PRICE TAG: $44,000

FEEDBACK: Too much money for low performance. The breaks on the car are horrible, feels like you're driving a big bathtub. Whilst I do feel the vehicle needs to be kept where it is, I would suggest a drop in it's price tag. It's a good car for good drivers, just like the Sabre Turbo. If the vehicle could be dropped to a Sabre Turbo'esque standard, I feel it would be more balanced. Maybe something along the lines of 20-30k. 

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MODEL: Toyota MKIV Supra

CATEGORY: Sports Cars

PRICE TAG: $160,000 +++ 

FEEDBACK: The supra is a limited edition car so it's more expensive than sticker. I've spoke to several owners and all of them have mentioned that the car used to be quicker and less oversteer. I understand that the sliding is probably to make it more fun, and it is, but the speed department is lacking a lot. With the new seizure updates, no one is going to be using this for getaways because it's so expensive and the speed should be hitting 160 on a flat, no bumps road at least. Would also love it to be better in handling as @DJ Ramirezmentioned.

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MODEL: Brawler


PRICE TAG: $300,000

FEEDBACK: For the price tag of the Brawler I expected much more. I do like the look of it but in my brief testing,
 my RTX is much faster and has better off road ability. I think the RTX is in a good spot and would like to see the
 brawler excel at speed on or off road to warrant the 80K price difference.  
Edited by Doug Funny
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MODEL: Obey 9F


PRICE TAG: 125k after upgrades

FEEDBACK: This is a sporty looking car that you can find all around the city. The breaks are okay, acceleration is pretty bad and the top speed fully upgraded is only around 111 mph. Customizations are basically nonexistent as well so this car basically has nothing going for it. If it was given a additional 40 mph to the top speed it probably still couldn't compete in any races. This car definitely needs some love!
Edited by Kolten44
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MODEL: Trophy Truck


PRICE TAG: $400,000

FEEDBACK: This car, being one of the priciest offroad cars out there is overall pretty good. 
It's got great suspension and I love the torque it produces when driving up a mountain, 
however when compared to the Desert Raid (420K) it is much slower on-road, Trophy truck = 125, Desert raid = 180+ 
Seeing as these are very similar cars in both price and looks I would love to see something be changed about that gap. 
They also both seem to have issues with braking, the cars are incredibly light and should be able to brake in no-time, 
except it feels like you are basically just letting go off the gas instead of slamming on the brakes.
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MODEL: Streiter



FEEDBACK: This car is based on the Mercedes Benz E class all terrain-4x4. Even with the performance package the car fails to pull while offroading due to less power although it handles great both on/off road.It maxes out at somewhere around ~90 on road but does nowhere close (maxes at around ~60-70) off road and fails to climb any mountains at all.
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MODEL: Chevrolet Corvette ZR1


PRICE TAG: $1,252,000

FEEDBACK: So I just recently bought this car and I have been absolutely in love with the way it handles and drives in the city
However; the car is very powerful and you will feel that in the corners, but for some reason that top-end is really lacking, on straights it will get up to 150,
from there on it will struggle to get any more speed out of it at all. I feel like the car, especially at this price really lacks that top end. It should at the very least be able to hit 160 with ease and be able to crawl its way up from there to about 170-ish.

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10 hours ago, Daniel Trigger - Tygo said:

MODEL: Chevrolet Corvette ZR1


PRICE TAG: $1,252,000

FEEDBACK: So I just recently bought this car and I have been absolutely in love with the way it handles and drives in the city
However; the car is very powerful and you will feel that in the corners, but for some reason that top-end is really lacking, on straights it will get up to 150,
from there on it will struggle to get any more speed out of it at all. I feel like the car, especially at this price really lacks that top end. It should at the very least be able to hit 160 with ease and be able to crawl its way up from there to about 170-ish.

I can personally vouch that the top end of this car is a bit underwhelming, and consumers...really wont be that happy unless its purely for cosmetic purposes...but there are simply better options, that even look better. And will out perform this car for a lot less.. it just staggers on (if) you get into last gear. Its really unexpected for something with such a price tag, and such appeal. I also agree that its top end being 170 or even 172 or 173 with certain bumps would be completely fair.

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MODEL: Luxor


PRICE TAG: $2,250,000

FEEDBACK: Very hard to accomodate 10 people in the vehicle, since the /seat command only gets you up to seat 6. Also, when locking/unlocking the vehicle with passengers inside, the plane might teleport (this only happened in one occasion, but sure was weird). 

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MODEL: Drafter F8


PRICE TAG: $175k

FEEDBACK: After having the vehicle for a week (fully upgraded) I think the factors of acceleration, turning, and braking are good. But for its speed, it is somewhat annoying when cars such as the elegy RH8 which has a price tag of $112.5k can go 20kph faster on flat land. All I'm asking is that you at least you increase the top speed by 10kph or possibly... more. Thanks
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CATEGORY: Sport cars


FEEDBACK: Handling is amazing. Breaks are really good. However cars in the same price range go higher then 120MPH. Maybe increase the speed a tiny bit if possible? Or make it to where you can put upgrades on it? (idk if this is possible obviously) Thanks either way!
Edited by Kevin Ancelotti
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MODEL: Massacro Racecar



FEEDBACK: This car is feels like its missing something. I would really like to take it to some races but it just cant keep up in its current state. The handling is unique and I enjoy driving this car because of that but I really feel the top end is too low. Being passed on the freeway by things like the elegy retro that have better handling, acceleration and are cheaper just really doesn't feel right. I don't believe I have ever seen it hit 150 mph on a downhill with bumps. 
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MODEL: Drafter 8f



FEEDBACK: This car has great handling but is absolutely destroying every track record by a decent margin. It can pass most sports cars on a straight and accelerate through corners better than the rest. The top speed is just a little too high at 141 on a flat and around 160's on bumpy roads. It is hard to set up fair races because this car is in a class of its own but everyone owns one and wants to race theirs so it makes it hard to ban.
Edited by Kolten44
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MODEL: Chevrolet Corvette ZR1


PRICE: $1.252.00

FEEDBACK: Some other people spoke about how the top speed is lacking but lets talk about the acceleration and handling. The car handles terrible, it spins in every corner, doesnt matter how slow or fast your going, and it accelerates slower than all of the super cars. I tested it against regular sport cars like Itali GTO and Flash GT and both of them are better, the only thing the ZR1 is better at is top speed but you would expect that from a ZR1 super car. There is literally no comparison between this car and any other super car. In my opinion it needs a buff since there is only 18 of them going around, it should be a good car. 


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MODEL: Spectre Custom


PRICE TAG: 130,000 w/ upgrades

FEEDBACK: This car has pretty good speed/acceleration but I think the main reason its not driven a lot is because its so wide and it struggles to grip the road. The width of the car forces you to go around all traffic on the shoulders and lose a bunch of speed because you cannot shoot the gap between cars. The steering is so stiff at speed that you cant just dance around cars, you have to take proper racing lines and pray for good locals.
Edited by Kolten44
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