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Selling items


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So i have been on for a little while now and i have noticed that it can be annoying to sell items that are of large quantities, It takes 4 Seconds to sell 1 item. If i had 100 meth, and my van filled with 360 meth = 460 items to sell that's 1840 seconds (30.6 mins) to sell all of the items, to me this seems way to long to sell items and just becomes annoying... Just a suggestion tho.

Edited by Shon
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1 hour ago, Shon said:

So i have been on for a little while now and i have noticed that it can be annoying to sell items that are of large quantities, It takes 4 Seconds to sell 1 item. If i had 100 meth, and my van filled with 360 meth = 460 items to sell that's 1840 seconds (30.6 mins) to sell all of the items, to me this seems way to long to sell items and just becomes annoying... Just a suggestion tho.

Well vans cant hold 360 meth a mule can but i get what your saying then with meth that is your ONLY High risk part of it your confined to that area to sell!! It seems like you want a get rich quick part of it or maybe if you want it that easy with the illegal items Cops should just camp it and wait for you to show? There has to be a balance to it and a risk for certain illegal things its no different for gold or weed or peaches maybe if you want the fast money do deliveries or mechanic jobs 

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On 9/23/2017 at 2:19 PM, Shon said:

(30.6 mins) to sell all of the items, to me this seems way to long to sell items and just becomes annoying... Just a suggestion tho.

In reality you wouldn't be running a box truck of meth or weed by yourself, you would have to be part of a crew. With loaders/un-loaders, protection/look-out, drivers....ex. It wouldn't take as long but your % of the profits would be less. FYI this is the way i do it in game, 2-4 people for weed runs, 3-6 for meth cook/run. Less chance of losing everything to cops and robbers. 

The way it is setup now is the best way to prevent a single person from power gaming their way to the $1mil club. Although there is nothing stopping a player from doing the  18hr+ grind, but IMO players who just want to grind should go play online. 

I think there should be a limit to how much you can sell per cycle on any 1 item like meth or weed. Say a limit of 380/units per cycle per person on each.....

Also i think to stop people from meta/power gaming meth/weed, before they even change their starting clothes, they should have to be a member of the city for X amount of IRL days or Hrs played. Maybe after completing X hrs of a legal jobs. Would force them to learn in game how to do it, instead of coming in day 1 and "/ooc: how to meth/weed $$$$?". I don't know any dealer who would buy a truck load of drugs off some random stranger with no record and new to area.

------Although i think that would mean white listing the drug selling location, tying up mod resources interviewing people on why they want to sell drugs. prob not going to happen.


Edited by Richard Power
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I don't think it has to be as harsh as @Richard Power says. If players want to grind is the way they play it, as long as the game has dynamics like this one of making it a long process which sure turns grinding into a work.  I'm all up for RP but I don't think it should be force, instead it should be encouraged and non-rp situation discouraged. But, Richard, you touched a good point there. I don't think people should be grinding or simply living in the town for many days with the default character. Too many twins in town and things go way worst if they are doing crimes because you can't even pin crimes by matching descriptions.

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