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Changes To The Hunting System

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So I've been doing hunting as a way to make some money. Whilst I have been hunting defenceless animals and murder kitties, I've had a thought. What if the hunting system was more like the fishing, as in you can hunt all over the map, apart from roadways and residential areas as that would be illegal. You need a hunting knife to skin and butcher the animal, and you get hide and meat of varying quality. The seller could be the Chicken Factory in Paleto for the meat. The hide could be sold to Lester's textile factory.


The prices for the products could be different for each animal. Give or take 40% for quality.

  1. Rabbit - $50
  2. Coyotes - $150
  3. Hawk - $200
  4. Dear - $250
  5. Cougar - $750
  6. Boar - $1000

Boars are rare as shit because their spawn rate is massively affected by the weather so that's why they are worth more.


The illegal aspect of hunting could be in hunting with out a license, over hunting, and hunting other animals than the ones above. The other animal carcasses could be sold down at the dock for dirty money.

Cost range of illegal Carcass could be as such:

  1. Pig - $200
  2. Cow - $400
  3. Shark - $1000
  4. Dolphin - $2000
  5. Orcas - $3000
  6. Whale - $6000 

The reason Whales and Orcas are worth a lot is that they are rare as fuck and of course the amount of meat they supply. They would also need to be put in / on a tug boat to be transferred to the docks. Whales and Orcas could also need multiple people to hunt them and transport the carcass.

The amounts would definitely need to be changed because I want it to be balanced and not OP and not worth your time.

There would either need to be a hunting job at the job centre so you can get the rifle. Or you would need the license to sell to the factory and textile building.


Side Note: I was thinking that the tug boat could be used in deep sea fishing but again that would require a license and multiple people and you could accidentally catch dolphins in the net. You could either let them go or keep them for the illegal aspect.

Edited by P4ndaFTW
added a suggestion for differing cost for quality,
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Thanks dude, The system as it is right now is fine but it feels too restrictive. Its boring being in one spot for the mission, it feels like im just grinding money and if i wanted to do that i would play the actual GTAV online. this way it gives me and other the chance to drive all around the map and hunt things as well as using boats for things other than diving. It also gives the cops a new reason to use a wildlife patrol car and a reason to go into the wilderness. its also chance for new RP that hasnt been done before.

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I would like to see fish and hunted meats able to be sold to taco trucks for premium meat tacos.

These taco's sell for more of course cause they're artisanal and shit.

Also since getting the ingredients would require more time, using another job (hinting, fishing, or bartering) vs just being able to use a static collection point. 

(To add to this I would love to see commercial fishing "nets" with the tug boat). 

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