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Time for an Aptitude Adjustment


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Shorthand for Serpico version: Additional DND-style aptitudes to build to access later game content. Dexterity (running speed), Constitution (endurance), Intelligence (access better jobs that require more smarting), Wisdom (used to gain access to Kiflom), and Charisma (used for certain jobs or job perks).  Okay, Serpico, you've got the gist now. Continue reading if you'd like.


The longer, more detailed version:

We already have Strength. It's used to measure our pocket depth and carrying weight. Fantastic.


But what about other aptitudes? We're still missing:

  • Dexterity, measuring agility
  • Constitution, measuring endurance
  • Intelligence, measuring reasoning and memory
  • Wisdom, measuring perception and insight
  • Charisma, measuring force of personality

Dexterity and Constitution: Not everyone should come into the server being the Usain Bolt of their generation right next to the Usain Bolt of their generation.  On the same token, if someone were to put all their effort into being the fastest runner in the world, they probably wont be doing any long distance traveling by foot. A cross country runner typically has moderate speed compared to some of the shorter distance races that you see, so these two aptitudes should at some point counteract each other.  These should never be able to both be filled at the same time. Increase this by running laps at the college's track.

Intelligence: We've got a beautiful college campus in the city that, thanks to Federal Government restrictions on drug sales in our schools, is no longer really used for much of anything. Let's get some college courses going. Let's make our citizens smarter. Let's give people the option to get a college degree.  Have the classes cost money per class, obviously, and have it be a graded test of knowledge. The smarter you get, the better off you'll be financially in the future.  This could be used as a tool for businesses. Most successful business owners are pretty fuckin' smart, so why shouldn't our successful business owners in the city be smart too?

Wisdom:  True enlightenment can only be achieved by finding one's true self. Doing yoga at the top of Chiliad or Gordo, meditating on Vespucci Beach or in the peaceful Raton Canyon, becoming one with nature in Paleto Forest and Palamino Highlands, feeling the watery waterness of water by floating gently in the Alamo Sea or the ocean north of Paleto Bay.  This should enable you to truly understand your body and how it works, and make pills and weed be 10 to 20% more effective in healing, as well as retain your hunger and thirst a little better. Should be counter productive to Strength.

Charisma: The most important characteristic to the salesman. Charisma is the ability to attract, charm, and influence the people around you. Charisma is often said to be a mysterious ineffable quality—you either have it or don't have it. Good news is, we all have it. Being around other players for extended periods of time leads to the development of your personality, which leads to a higher level of charisma. Charisma helps you get what you want. The higher the charisma, the easier it is to talk people into giving you what you want for less than they want in return. High charisma can net you up to a 10 percent discount on certain products at stores, cheaper fuel, and slightly higher resale values at places like Calico Jacks or the Gold/Peach merchant. (Capped at 5%)

We have this fantastic tool at our disposal and are squandering it on just inventory space.

Edited by BrandonM
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