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Feedback from a 'nobody'


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*Disclaimer* (Long Rant)

First off, let me just say that by 'Nobody' I mean a fairly new FiveM player that enjoys the Civilian aspects of RP servers.


As all RPers do, they have scenarios in their head of how they want their character to progress/evolve within and along side the world. I have been server hopping, and noticing a continuing trend within the FiveM player base.

Almost every server is just a glorified LSPDFR / LEO centered roleplay community. I've spent at least a few weeks in different servers and everything revolves around LEOs and the server rules. No if, ands, or buts about it. It's quite a problem in my opinion. The LEOs are also normally in a position of higher power within the server and have no governing factor to their actions. Just last night I had an LEO on a different server break character and SOPs just because the 'regulars' and him are friends within the community. I didn't get a say in my jail time, or in the case/incident. Just BAM hauled to jail.

I know this is long, but it will all lead to good things.

I became frustrated that almost every server I join leaves civilians with no story, other than to just get caught speeding, running lights, and getting fined for glitches within the mechanics. (Accidentally hitting locals/NPCs, etc)

THEN, I found Badlands. Persistent character progression, saved outfit/model choice, great money payouts for CIVILIAN jobs, etc, etc.

During my stays in BADLANDS, I was able to role-play a Bike messenger, which was fuckin' awesome. (Excuse my enthusiasm) I grinded that out, had a fun few interactions with other civilians and of course EMS. Everything that is going on in Badlands is such a step up in the right direction for Role-play and FiveM in general.

My only complaint....I almost never see others. I ride around, stop at the Legion square, Police Stations, and other areas that would see high traffic, and haven't seen anyone. This may be my lack of time after doing my job to make a little cash, but it's been a problem for me to actually RP, outside of groans and "i was hit by a NPC/Local, help me".

Despite getting attacked by "terrorists/hackers" I will continue to spend time in the Badlands Community. It has the best Civilian mechanics of any server and needs to be the standard for RP servers.


TL;DR Badlands is dope, coming from a FiveM noob who is tired of the LEO focused RP servers, and snobbery of other communities when it comes to rules and admins.


If you've read everything, please feel free to reply and discuss. I'm curious if anyone shares my opinion.


Thanks. ~Phvntom


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Hello!! im 100% with you.

In my experience as a civilian, its been quite the challenge to meet people open to interesting RP situations, or looking to develop their stories while interacting with other members of the community. But I know they are out there, somewhere! Ive been in this server for a few weeks now, and I love it, so I am not giving up and i continue to roam the streets searching for fun and other like minded players, I hope we get to meet in-game!

Edited by Flori
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1 hour ago, phvntom said:

Almost every server is just a glorified LSPDFR / LEO centered roleplay community. I've spent at least a few weeks in different servers and everything revolves around LEOs and the server rules. No if, ands, or buts about it. It's quite a problem in my opinion. The LEOs are also normally in a position of higher power within the server and have no governing factor to their actions. Just last night I had an LEO on a different server break character and SOPs just because the 'regulars' and him are friends within the community. I didn't get a say in my jail time, or in the case/incident. Just BAM hauled to jail.

Ok understand things are still new and Police are being hired we dont have are SOP out just yet but there coming this is not a hard RP server now dont get me wrong once were fully staffed expect traffic stops i cant speak for other cops but i like the RP on a traffic stop it gets a good re-pour with each other and sometimes it could be a ticket and sometimes not it always depends on the individual stop or infraction you will always get to RP your side of the story and the better the story always lessons the fine and or jail time in my book each scenario is different i really think you be amazed that we have some good decent cops on here its a transition period for most of us we came from an arma altis life server.

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It does seem like I am 'cop bashing' as a whole, but it's more of an observation from other servers, as I think I was stopped once in Badlands. (I've played so many servers it's been relatively hard for me to remember what happens where.) I don't want this thread to be misinterpreted as a 'LEOs are LAME' thread. It's more just feedback about how great Badlands has been, in terms of NON LEO role play/mechanics.

I'm all for playing LEOs. It seems to be the main focus of ALL servers, but when the scale is 3:1 on cop content to civilian/criminal content, it's not really attractive.

Badlands has been my second best, FiveM RP experience to date. And it's climbing higher as my favorite server is dying/becoming too strict/lacking content. 

Once an SOP is in place and you're able to select great candidates for LE work, I can see Badlands creating an even greater world for Civilian and Criminals to create story arcs. (As well as LEOs)

Hope this sheds a new light on my initial thought.

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Well let me hit the biggest problem I have with your post here. You joining up to this community and calling yourself a nobody. You're a part of this awesome badlandsrp experience now! I totally understand where you are coming from with your post and we hope to help force people to run into each other with our jobs and activities. Once we get the dust settled with FXserver we plan to change and add a lot of stuff in each patch. Also in the future FiveM has stated that server population will be increased (they are aiming for 60 players initially) so that will really help encourage more interaction. 

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Like Sneaky said, the emptiness of the world is unfortunately a side-effect of the population cap.

As FiveM as a whole continues to grow, that cap will likely increase, and the world will become more populated.

We definitely pride ourselves on being a more accessible server. We don't want to be a clone of the 30 other "Cop or Die" servers, like you said. Our officers are whitelisted, and they do like to RP, but we've received a lot of really awesome feedback about them so far. Considering we haven't even given them much official documentation or rules, they're doing a fantastic job.

I'm glad you're having a great time so far. Welcome to Badlands :) 

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