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EMS - Rehab Center


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I totally agree with this post. 

No-one forced the player to do drugs, I repeat, NO-ONE FORCED THEM TO TAKE DRUGS, they did it for a perk. (Cause if they did it for the RP, they would be thrilled to go to Rehab) 

If they can just go to a medic to get the de-buffs instantly removed, after they get the perks, then it's kinda OP. 

There needs to be some sort of time/effort put in by the addict involved in the process of getting clean. 

So my thoughts are this, 

Re-accruing Drug addict (already treated once) seeks help from medic, Medic talks to person, evaluates them, Determines that the regular anti-drug pills aren't strong enough, and recommends "rehab".

The medic can now transport the addict to the hospital, and then the EMS can "send" them to rehab. (It would be cool if it TP'd them to the clinic mentioned above).

!!! - Now to add to this point, it would not be like prison, you can leave at any time. But if you leave before you are treated, (lets say 5 min of yoga or whatever) you are still addicted.


Players use to treat "getting downed" like a game, just wait for medic and your back to whatever shenanigans you were up to.

Now with the chance of having to be transported, or Forced out of the RP scene you were in, just like cops taking you to jail. Players think twice about valuing their life. 

This purposed added RP consequence to drug addiction, by having to voluntarily get clean, with hard work and dedication will make them think twice about using drugs again, (just for a perk).

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Right now only your “current” addiction (aka what can be treated by ems) is tracked, so there’s a couple ways I think this could work.

1. You continue to take drugs while addicted, become so addicted that EMS can’t treat you with their meds. You go to rehab to tick down your addiction over time (the more addicted you are, the longer you’ll be there)


2. We start tracking “total” addiction aka the amount of drugs you’ve taken your entire life. EMS treatments would be less effective for people that have used a lot of drugs over the course of their life, so even a “minor” addiction would be difficult to treat. Addiction would tick down over time like above.

Typing it all out, I think #1 would be the better option but these are the ideas I had.

That said I don’t think the addiction center would be “staffed”. If it was, it would probably be a civ job.

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Can we make it that only EMS can send them there? So they have to call EMS one way or the other? This new treatment has been really fun for EMS, just wondering, if people can check themselves in then they might stop calling EMS. So it could be like a government facility, not just a private rehab clinic.
if by all means making it open is better for RP/community then it is what it is, just a thought.

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3 hours ago, Flori said:

Can we make it that only EMS can send them there? 

I would hope if this does happen that EMS can do it as I feel it's not a LSPD matter that someone is addicted to drugs and officers could be busy with other matters and the addict would be forced to wait until one was free to go and help. With that also being said don't discount an addict trying to harm EMS or worse for forcing them to rehab if they don't want to go regardless if by doing so they don't receive further treatment if that what EMS decides to do after the fact. It's just my opinion that no one should be forced but they did choose to get addicted so guess if you want cured that might be your only option. 

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I think it should be EMS that sends them there. They need to be evaluated first, after all, to see if medication the EMS has will help or if they really need a different form of treatment. This is an RP opportunity for all involved. Civs just walking there themselves would diminish a lot of why I think this is a good RP opportunity :( It could be interesting that after someone has gone to rehab, that a civ job could be to "volunteer" at the rehab center to help. Maybe if there is a volunteer worker they can help the addicts decrease their time spent at rehab? And the volunteer gets some kind of compensation for each interaction they help with? I'm not sure how it would work exactly.

Should still be a visit option so EMS can check up on their patients and family/friends can stop by.


Edited by Serena
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I may have forgotten, but I meant we use the rehab center that is in the city, the one that @Juan Laing showed in his screenshots. 

I wish everything were simple enough to just say we can RP out these location uses and mechanics, but having it be an acknowledged part of the city is what gets people's attention and allows more immersion for players who participate. For me, I find it much more satisfying when we actually can interact with the mechanics and all, it feels much more real. Pretending it is only gets so far...

If we apply the same logic of just RP'ing things out only, we can apply this mentality to anything within the city. But don't we all feel more satisfied and fulfilled by having actual interaction with objects and places?

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I think the idea of rehab is a good idea.  Consequences for your actions.  You take the drugs for an advantage as Merr said, so in the end you may need to spend some time on Rehab.  I also agree with Thorgs, we'll certainly encounter a combination of laws being broken and addiction.  People will want to run faster or have more health to fight the cops.  In these cases they should have to answer to society for their crimes by being processed by PD.  They should they have to answer to their bodies/physical addiction.  While we could have addiction treatment while in jail (and I often RP that), I'd rather that be a function of EMS as Lily asked.  So either they would have to seek treatment when released from prison or PD could request EMS to assist after we have processed them (for non jail time offenders).

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