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Unemployment check tweak.


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Alright just gonna get to the point here. I feel increasing the base unemployment check payout depending on how many people you're around would be a good tweak. As it would be a way to promote you not just soloing things on the server and getting out there and roleplaying with other players. I am not asking for a huge increase but maybe a small tweak of 25 bucks for each person that is around. The reasoning for this and where it could be useful. Is if you get a bonus for being around folks say you attend a party or event or a get together where roleplay is happening being slightly rewarded for that is good and a healthy way to promote other activities. I do think this shouldn't be a thing for legion... But one idea is maybe adding area's around the map where you get paid even more... Like the comedy club or strip club or Bahama mama's where parties and social events take place, Would be a good thing IMO. Another idea is just having base paycheck increase by the number of players around you at the time you get paid.  My thought process isn't perfect I know and I am curious what others might have to add to this to make it more streamlined and work better for badlands. Just all in all a small bonus for getting out there and being social would be a nice reward for those that want to just hang out and not grind jobs. This shouldn't be something to replace an income but something to make it worth the time vs grinding. Not a way to get rich just a nice bonus for being active and social. 

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47 minutes ago, Jack White said:

Feel like this would just cause people to sit and talk and be aids at legion more not a fan of the idea.

Talking with people is interaction which is RP... He stated that it wouldn't be a thing for legion and went into mention about the social areas where people could go to socialise and potentially get a bonus.

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That post was pretty ranty and I was tired when I wrote it but to explain better. 

1. Increase base payout by X amount when Y many of people are around you. 

2. Zone off areas that are used for parties and get-togethers such as the clubs and bars. That would give even more of a bonus to the "X amount when Y many people are around". 

3. Disable the increase at Legion Square to promote RP moving around the map. 

Edited by Kota Taylor
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It’s a possibility. But thinking about it more, I’m not sure it would change anything. Civilian paychecks amount to $2,400 an hour. Doubling that, or even removing it entirely wouldn’t make much of a difference in many people’s wallets. It’s also hard to get behind the idea of paying people more for simply existing in a certain area.

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So.. a reward for people that come on fivem for the social game? What about all those players that have loads of interactions according to their characters that do not involve massive hangouts, going to beach parties, getting drunk at tequilala? Not that 25$ would make any kind of difference imo, or work as an incentive for loners to start doing this.  
Also, I am soooo tired of people bashing Legion sq. the shitshowness that happens there happens EVERYWHERE else where the shitlords go to, it's a fact, it's not the area that's the problem, and judging people that hang out there (to meet new people, to recruit, to RP, yes, that happens there too...) it's insulting.

Edited by Flori
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Flori with all due respect, you being around the city as long as you have longer than I have in fact you should know by now that the statement you just made is not entirely true. Compare the amount of shitty behavior that goes on there vs anywhere else on the map... Fact is Legion Square is a hotbed for shitlords. Not saying all that hang out there are... But it breeds bad behavior as the go to hang out spot. And if the city got away from using that location as the be all end all and moved to have multiple spots vs just the one I think it would be better at least for the reputation of that spot... But at the end of the day I hate going there... You see people picking fights for no reason and breaking character every damn time... Something I can't say off the top of my head that happens regularly anywhere else in the city. Yes it may not be the spots fault that's where stuff always happens but it's still where it happens at most. 

Edited by Kota Taylor
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I'd have to agree with Flori on this one. Shitlords are Shitlords. Wherever they go, they bring their shitlordiness with them.
Personally, I don't think the paychecks should increase. If anything I feel they should decrease, or just no paycheck at all.
I took a two month break not to long ago, and NEW people already have top end Super Cars. Yes I understand majority of them probably grinded Wine like everyone else, however this just goes to show that we don't need more money for doing nothing but congregate with people and start shenanigans.. Instead it should entice them into doing Jobs together, or better yet not congregate in one spot. Legion is the way it is, because we've aloud it to become that way as a community.. Change has to start from within the community, not a government paycheck to decide where people stand.. Just my thoughts though.

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Yeah I know that happens, nobody can deny it, but remember city hall? same thing, the location can change, but it's the people that do it that are the real problem. Im chilling at legion meeting new people and shit starts happening, I first tend to run for my life, but maaaaaaaaany times I also call police, try to moderate or try to not give room for that bs. It's up to us to report these players or show them this is not the way. But anyways sorry to rant about it here totally off-topic.

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