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EMS Job Extension

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EMS Job Idea

Firstly, I know I am not EMS but was formerly apart of it and sometimes when I would have no calls to respond to I would witness a lot of people going to use a hospital to heal/fix a limp. Now my idea is that with enough EMS clocked (optional) on duty having an ability for a EMS or two to be able to wear 'doctors clothing' and with that they would be able to be stationed at Pillbox or Mt. Zonah where they will be attending to any sick or injured players who may stumble their way into the door. This alone could create a lot more RP but why not have it so the players that stumble into the door can go into the back room where the 6-8 beds are an have it so they can press 'E' or something to make their character lay down on the bed while EMS attends to their needs.

Secondly, if EMS are on duty and people decide that they don't want to go and see them to fix their limp or so on they will have to pay a bigger hospital bill than the 500 just like the mechanic sort of works? Also possibly advancing the pain system so you are not just hurt in general, you may have a broke arm, or sprained ankle and they would be fixed in different ways.

These are just some of my ideas, and yes there may be some flaws in this but I'm sure they could be worked around within time.


Edited by George Cahill
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I love this, I think it would add a lot more to the hospitals than just walking to the circle and standing there a second. It would also teach people to value their lives as much because their treatments would last longer than a few seconds and would cost more. Obviously this is dependent upon the extra EMT’s being available during a slow shift

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Personally, think we should stop sending people off for treatment and just have EMS take folks up to a bed and do it themselves. It's lazy roleplay imo to teleport someone to a bed downstairs in the same hospital they're already at when there is active EMS around to actually go through the steps of getting you fixed up. 

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EMS Job as first responder is to treat patients on scene and get them to a stable state so that they can then transport them to the hospital. For me personally its immersion breaking as an EMS to go in and try and do medical procedures in an operating room setting. Now with that being said I'm not going to tell others what they should or shouldn't have fun doing and if EMS want to do doctor things in the hospital then I'm all for it ( as long as it doesn't interfere with their job as EMS ).


To touch on what Kota said, I think at the very least, EMS should perhaps stay behind after sending someone off for treatment to make sure they're okay. Not just leave immediately. 

For me I put a guy in the hospital he is now under doctor care my job as an EMS is done. It's kinda weird to do these really cool scenes where maybe a guy has a traumatic brain injury or something, you closed things off on your end wish him the best and then give him to ER. Then all of a sudden 30 secs later he pops out fully healed acting like Jesus worked a miracle. For me it just breaks my immersion. Once I close things I know that I did everything I could do for him as a first responder and it's up to hospital staff if he makes it.

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33 minutes ago, r3v0Lt55 said:

Then all of a sudden 30 secs later he pops out fully healed acting like Jesus worked a miracle. For me it just breaks my immersion. 

When you put it like that I can see why you would want to take off as yeah that after awhile would get annoying. 

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