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Twitter Notifications

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Love the work of moving twitter to an app on its own, but when it comes to staying up to date with what is going on the city I would like the notification that pops up on the top left hand corner to be longer or the option to edit how long the notification shows for. At this moment to show all tweets it only stays up for 2 seconds

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8 hours ago, Ozzie Ozbourne said:

It's a notification.... pull up the twitter application once you see the tweets.

That's fine if you would like it only to be set for 2 seconds I was just asking for more options for example if you were able to make it a custom length (fine tune to your liking), or options such as 2, 5 or 10 seconds. 

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An option to make the notifications last 2/5 seconds would be a cool addition, 2 seconds kinda reminds you to check Twitter to see what’s going on. 5 seconds I feel would give you chance to see if it’s actually worth opening twitter or not. 

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