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Hello, So I have a few questions which I tried to find on already forums but I couldn't find anything other than, the basics about robbery/failRp/Lying about current cash/ etc. 

My question is, if you're robbing someone, or doing some criminal activity, and you come up on a Character, and try to RP rob them / Create some scene, and they just fail to respond or act "AFK"  ( Now this scene lets say, I only rob people selling weed ) They act afk, or don't even respond. What are my actions for this. Do I just walk away. Shoot them for failing RP, Call the cops ( Although I could get caught? ) 

Now Second Question, In regards to Robbing someone, theres no way to actually see how much of whatever they have. "Give me all" doesn't seem to work and Demanding a certain pay out also seems to not work.  So what would be some suggestions?

Even Though this thread seems similar its more about how can situations be handled? 
I've also had some GREAT RP moments doing so. 

Jason Mccull.

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Hello there Iceman!

About the first question, I think an official answer will be the best. Since if you tell them hands up and they don't comply then you have a reason to shoot, yet there is not much point on just kill for the sake of it. So I'm also interested about what's the official suggestion about dealing with afk or pretending to be afk players.  Which it's quite an interesting topic now that the server is been full more often.

The second, has been asked before, sticking it right under these lines. Yet to wrap it quick. In Character someone can lie about the cash, like you could to a robber in RL. It's quite lame and breaks character to lay about not knowing how to give the money and such, yet some players could be new and don't know how. If the player you are robbing is a good player, you can emote or say that you are patting him down trying to find more cash, and if they play along you might get some more. The RP quality is always based on the players involved, so don't feel down if sometimes the RP isn't perfect, there are quite some good and fun players around.

Hope that helped you out!

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Hello Tomas, Thank you for your reply. That's the thing there is really no reason to shoot someone Unless needed just because they fail at RP or they're new. 
The server is full, quite a bit, which comes to jobs being empty quite a bit, and you can only run so many deliveries or Satelite Repairs * Wind turbs*
Which result in more players wanting to do bad things.

Second: Yes i have seen that discussion aswell. Which makes sense, When I rp the scenario I always Grab the phone first, and go on from that. Which is super fun and kind of a rush. I kinda feel bad afterwards ;)

Thank you for your Reply! 

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The best answer is always to RP it out the best you can. If someone is intentionally not giving you anything and disregarding their life, I would say it's reportable, but if they're making a decent effort in RP, just go with it.

We'll eventually be adding mechanics to allow proper robberies.

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Just ask yourself: what do i gain from shooting someone? The only real reason to shoot someone is either protecting your own or your friends life or like an RP assassination. People need to realize it's not their job to enforce server rules, specially not by shooting them for Fail RP. 

I would say if someone doesn't respond to your RP, just walk away. Either they are really AFK or just don't want to RP, which is sad but you will always find people who just came here to grind and get cars with little to no effort in RP.

For the second part, i would suggest "give me all" and a decent RP-er will give you some money and you will have to go with whatever amount they gave. Have to remember, the point is the RP and not to gain wealth.

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@Iceman I have done many robberies in my time. none more frustrating then the "pretend to not know how to put up hand or give cash", just to pro quick turn shoot you. Or dealing with the Real or fake AFK's. Now if i rob someone its purely for shits and giggles until the new rob mechanics are implemented. hopefully you will still be able to rob them if they are down and vice versa if they down you, they can come take your wallet instead. I hope its like pick pocketing were you have to stand near a person for x amount of seconds before their inventory opens up. and you can take what you want, especially if they are afk.  

I guess time will tell.    

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The issue with the arcade type shooting are noted and will be worked on - hopefully soon.  As speed said there is a plan to put some in game mechanics to balance things out.  Not sure what mechanics will be implemented in the end but I believe the intention is to allow some type of robbing but not have it used as a 'money maker' and more of an 'rp maker'.

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@Speed : Yes that's the thing, its more about RP so when someone act's dumb or afk, it kinda ruins that fun. Not many value their life as much as they should, which stinks.

@muroko: You are correct in all above statements. And yes Shooting for fail RP is never the answer, I normally just pull out the ol cellphone and call Police and leave the scene, as I am a criminal but the police will handle the rest :D

@merr Kahn This is totally correct, it's not for personal gain, or wealth. Although It's also part of the "Oh my god we just made X Amount"
But it's more of a Adrenaline rush because for I in real life i'm not gonna run up to some random dude selling drugs and rob him, while wearing a Santa mask or Something, so It's more of a Alternate Life experience as well. A small Adrenaline rush. Your points on how the system could work, would also be very nice. There should be a way of maybe Disarming them for a few minutes or seconds after/During the robbery so they cant quick draw kill you, with no reason besides "he Robbed me" Perhaps? I Know Speed will do a fantastic job when it comes down to implenting this.


@Tiller, That's the thing boss, It's more of a RP Enforcer, Scenario A: You got someone Selling weed, they're scared of cops showing up, and not really of some random thug, when they should be scared of a thug more than a cop. And same goes for gold, I know tons who afk just selling a full stack 100 Ignot, because A: Cops can't show up: B: They don't value their life and a medic can bring them up with 100% of their inventory still.  So eventually They will be scared and until then we can only hope people try to RP the scenario as well as they can. 

Thanks for all responses. 



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Again, we are starting to work on in game mechanics to allow for this and at the same time are tweaking some rules around RP.  I 100% agree that people doing AFK selling is a problem that needs to be addressed.  Personally, I'm not against them getting shot.  They are not complying so it's within the rules.  Would be even better if they do not request medic after x time that they die & are forced to respawn.  Maybe one day we'll be able to restrain them and re locate them.  I know I've stolen a few vehicles left unlocked from AFK players so they have the shame of walking home :D

Robbers also need to remember that fear is a 2 way street.  It's an adrenaline rush because there is risk involved and not all 'victims' will turn a blind eye.  The balance needs to be around Risk vs Reward.  Value you life does not mean you are at the mercy of someone, it means you should do what you think you must to save your life (you must take reasonable action to preserve it).  In some cases that is complying. In some cases you need to fight back.  This is where time is going to be spent to help find that balance through a game mechanic and hopefully avoid some of the subjectivity involved with this type of RP.  If the game mechanics allow for certain reactions and actions then it should make for an exciting interaction.  I wish I knew how to code so I could assist in the effort but I trust the devs will come up with something great as soon as possible.  In the mean time if you think somebody is not acting in a reasonable fashion please report it and we'll look into it.  The attitude of I'll just let you shoot me b/c I can wait hours for a medic to revive me to save my money is not what we want to support.

Edited by TiLLeR
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This literally happened to me two days ago.

My first time back on the server since my hiatus, within the first fifteen minutes. I was on showing a friend what RP is all about to explain why it's different from GTA:Online. I go to the weed farm to make some money, there's a guy there. I aim my weapon at him, he's obviously afk. I'm in plain site of him.  As soon as I see him start moving, I tell him to put his hands up because I dont want any problems. He immediately draws his weapon and headshots me without saying a word.  When I mentioned it ooc chat, I got barraged with "take it to the forum." Then the guy stands over me and continues shooting me for a full two minutes. Of course, since I dont have three minutes of footage available for this, this assclown is going to go along scott free, not valuing his life and not roleplaying, and my friend thinks it's the same thing as GTAO with activities.

Value of life cannot and will never be enforceable with the current rules on a public server, that's the truth.

Edited by BrandonM
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52 minutes ago, BrandonM said:

Of course, since I dont have three minutes of footage available for this, this ------- is going to go along scott free ...

I'm pretty sure if that is exactly what happened you don't need 3min to prove that he fail rp'd. And if you weren't recording, then I can't say a thing. You should always record - especially on public servers - just because this kind of situations. Most players are new to RP and don't know how to RP properly.

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12 hours ago, BrandonM said:

Of course, since I dont have three minutes of footage available for this, this assclown is going to go along scott free,

im curious as to why you wouldn't have 3 min of recording? unless you logged out at weed farm? but if you got in game and started recording then by the time you got your car and drove there you would think you had more than 3 min of recording.

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Guys you all have fair points, but don't drift so much off topic since it tends to kill the original threat when that happens. @BrandonM sometimes the 3 minutes aren't required depending on the situation. You still could have tried with the report.

@Iceman ,  @TiLLeR pointed out one of the biggest things the objective of robbing and almost anything done in this server should be generating RP not making money. I understand that you want a decent amount when you rob, and probably some players are 'cheap' and give you none or very few, yet you shouldn't expect to all to give you the whole amount they just did after a few hours of grinding or whatever they did. In a way the amount they give you is how they 'value' your RP when robbing. But not always people play completely fair, in GTARP or in any other game.

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On 11/13/2017 at 3:21 PM, BrandonM said:

Value of life cannot and will never be enforceable with the current rules on a public server, that's the truth.

This isn't even remotely true, but feel free to suggest a better system. Plenty of players with worse PCs than yourself are able to record and report just fine.

As an aside, have you considered that taking someone to the weed field and pointing a gun at another person probably isn't the best way to introduce a new player to RP? Even if it had worked out the way you wanted, is that the kind of behavior you want to be teaching new players?

That said...

On 11/13/2017 at 10:40 AM, TiLLeR said:

The issue with the arcade type shooting are noted and will be worked on - hopefully soon.  As speed said there is a plan to put some in game mechanics to balance things out.  Not sure what mechanics will be implemented in the end but I believe the intention is to allow some type of robbing but not have it used as a 'money maker' and more of an 'rp maker'.

This is all true, and will be happening very soon (this weekend?).

No more wild-west-style quick shooting...

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