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Get Rid Of The Numbers Over Heads.


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5 hours ago, Serpico said:

They numbers are there to identify players for reporting. If you feel someone if using the number above a player, submit a player report.

It's very hard to prove someone is using the number though, and without evidence it can just come across as salt when it really isn't. =\ I do get why it's in place for reporting but I personally agree that people abuse it. And there really is just nothing we can do about it.

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I did a test two days ago and completely changed my character face hair color put skull makeup on etc and kept getting called winter.

I'm not sure if that's re portable but to me that's meta gaming and maybe a stricter rule regarding that.

Only thing is you can't change ID unless they made it so you have to pay separately to change phone number and license.

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1 hour ago, errorlink said:

I did a test two days ago and completely changed my character face hair color put skull makeup on etc and kept getting called winter.

I'm not sure if that's re portable but to me that's meta gaming and maybe a stricter rule regarding that.

Only thing is you can't change ID unless they made it so you have to pay separately to change phone number and license.

That's a shame, I hate everyone whom using the numbers to identify people. I hang out with Knox ALL the time, I have no idea what his number is. Ruins the experience. Unfortunately I have to agree with others, due to being public, and being able to report people, its necessary unfortunately. =/ 

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I keep the numbers on all the - however, from a gameplay standpoint  I really ignore them and pretend they aren't there.  I couldn't tell you one persons number.  And if I'm on cop and someone is hiding around a corner or a bush where I know I would not see that person, I don't use that information to gain an advantage.  Knowing me and how my luck works, if I didn't have it up I would forget to put it up for a split second to get a player report - or I would just get involved in something where the speed of the scene didn't allow me the extra time to pull them up.

It's just one of those things that it's unfortunate that people abuse that information.  But I would almost guarantee you, that most people do not - and within the PD, the same thing.

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The only way of getting rid of numbers on our head would be with a key that displays them for a brief moment and records each time is pressed and who is around, and the distance to the subject that pressed it. Could be useful for reports and anyone exploiting it could be tracked since it will be logged and if that player is using the key but not making reports, sure it's for meta.

A current limit of numbers over head is that they don't show at a certain distance, so anyone doing RDM from the distance is not so simple to report. With a key that logs those around would be as simple as press it and it will be registered. Actually each time a player does could save that info, so if the player makes a report it's there stored.

Like @Chase McCane (Fludiddy), I don't use the IDs myself, but they are handy for reports or even understanding things later on when watching a video of what happened. The issue too is that some players might abuse the change appearance way too much, without really playing more than one character. But once again, it's just a few bad seeds and the rest aren't abusing it.

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